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General Hospital Rumors: A Mistaken Night
When Valentin first arrived in Port Charles, he couldn’t remember that Anna (Finola Hughes) didn’t seem to remember him. When she eventually did recall them knowing each other well during her early WSB days, she was surprised that Valentin thought Anna took his virginity. That never happened. It was Alex (also Finola Hughes), and Valentin finally learned the truth.
Valentin also thought he saw Anna sleep with Faison (Anders Hove) and give birth to Peter (Wes Ramsey), but we know that was Alex now too. However, how can anyone be sure who the father is? Alex was never exactly…honest.
Valentin’s Forever Guilt
We all know how much Valentin values being a father. Imagine his horror if he learned that Peter is really his and he took the boy from a good family and handed him over to that monster, Faison.
Valentin has already spent years feeling guilty for that and trying to make things up to Peter. The guilt would overwhelm him if he knew it was his own child who he subjected to a childhood of torture at the hands of Cesar Faison.
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Did General Hospital Already Give Us A Clue?
When Maxie was first pregnant with Peter’s child (which has been an entire year now, but that’s a whole other story), Peter made sure to be tested to see if he had the gene for Huntington’s Disease and he didn’t. Meanwhile, it looks like his half-sister, Britt (Kelly Thiebaud) does.
Perhaps he doesn’t have that gene because Faison is not his father after all. Yes, just because your father has Huntington’s Disease, it doesn’t mean you will, but this is a soap opera and this can make an excellent plot point in the future.
Currently, Valentin has had it with Peter and he’s trying to bring the man down. if he succeeds, he will feel like Nina (Cynthia Watros). Turning against his own adult child without realizing that adult was your child, as Nina did to Nelle (Chloe Lanier. Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to see if this rumor is true.
AMP in the post
Please please end this story line. Soon they will say Peter is roberts son
That has to be where the writers are going with this. It all adds up, but quite honestly, I am bored with it all. All of these storylines are dragging on too long and I am losing interest.
I actually suggested this a while back, and it is the only way to keep Peter on the show…he would never harm Peter if he found out he was his son.
I lost interest months ago. I keep checking these sites hoping things have changed but same boring stuff since Before CHRISTMAS ‼️‼️Beyond RIDICULOUS
Don’t want him on the show! He’s worn out his welcome, can’t stand him.
I have thought that Peter could and should be Valentin's son. It would be good if Valentin and Anna were Peter's parents somehow. Then Peter needs to get on the road to redemption for Lou, Maxie, Anna, and Valentin.
I've been thinking Peter was Valentins son the entire time!
Peter is too far gone in his hatred for Anna and Valentin to ever become family with them. I would be skeptical about being around someone that is as untrustworthy as Faison!
What??? No, no, no, no. What is wrong with you people??? There is NO scenario where that character remains on the canvas. Peter has got to go.
Valentin is CRAZY about Anna. If he had slept with Alex, he would remember that experience and would have at least suspected Peter to maybe be his kid. Such a disappointing storyline. Nothing new or fresh anymore.
The way people lie on this soap Sonny might be Peter’s father or maybe Cyrus. These people go years without acknowledging their kids or being completely in the the dark when they’re right in front of them. Who can forget how Sonny almost killed Dante before Olivia finally opened her mouth. It didn’t take all that GH just let everybody know who their parents are. I mean you guys the writers know who yours are I think…
Really don't care about his parentage, just want him gone from canvas. I wouldn't even want Valentin to be Peter's father, as he is emerging as a much better person than when first portrayed.
Who knows where the story is going. It has been too long running and needs to end. Both Cyrus/Peter need to be gone from canvas.
Hell no. Just get rid of this character already. Shiloh anyone???
get new material…as it's boring, and and poorly written.. worst story lines in all of GH history
I personally do not think there is any way Peter can be redeemed no matter WHO his father is. I never liked him from the beginning and all of the evil deeds he is responsible for means he needs to leave town no matter the method!
Peter has not gone too far. He has been in a bad place but he can start to do better again. Anna and Valentin still care about him even though they have been upset. Anna, Valentin, and Peter can repair their relationships.
Shiloh was much worse than Peter. Shiloh drugged, brainwashed, and assaulted many woman. Peter has a dark side but he has done anything like that.
Yes, but The character would still be an a– h— and, there is no redeeming him no matter who is parents are. (remember Nell) Besides, Valentin is like Sonny. He only goes after those who mean to harm him or his loved ones. That is not how Peter operates. He his vicious and psychotic to the core and takes great pleasure in causing pain to others.
Just like I was sure he wasn't Anna's son, I know he's not Valentin's son either.