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General Hospital Spoilers – Fans Were Dismayed When Franco Baldwin Was Killed Off The Show
General Hospital fans were dismayed when Franco was killed off, and especially “Frizzies” which is a nickname for the fans who loved Franco and Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) together. The usually social media shy Roger Howarth quickly explained that he didn’t leave the show as an actor and would resume filming scenes for his new character, which he couldn’t give details on, in April. That means his new character will appear likely sometime during May sweeps.
However, there are always set-side leakers who manage to get some details out which are reported anonymously on chat boards and usually re-reported by soaps accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and sometimes other social media sites such as Reddit. One anonymous poster recently commented on Daytime Dish concerning Roger’s new character that he will be connected to Peter
August (Wes Ramsey)! We are considering this a rumor until Roger’s new character is announced or he shows up on air, but it’s fun to figure out how they could be connected. Roger’s new character is said to be a permanent character so he won’t be some random WSB agent assigned to arrest Peter. That will be a relief to Roger’s fans! Wes Ramsey has also spoken out that he isn’t leaving the show either, so Peter will also be around for a while – unless they give him a good twin! It’s possible – Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and Alexandra Devane Marick (Finola Hughes) were twins, so they do run in the family!
GH Spoilers – Could Peter August Have Another Brother Who Is Not A Twin, Or A Non-Identical Twin?
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One intriguing question about Roger’s new character, if he is indeed to be connected to Peter, is the possibility that Peter could have another brother but not an identical twin. As far as Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) knows, Peter was a single birth. But not a lot was known about Alex Marick’s past that far back, it was retro written for the General Hospital version, although most of her early story happened in All My Children. Roger’s character could be connected to Peter either on his mother’s side or his father’s, without him necessarily being a twin either identical or non-identical, he could share his mother with Peter but not his father. One thing that Alex’s introduction on All My Children did set up is that she impersonated Anna and in fact was brainwashed to believe she was Anna.
This would coordinate to the memory transfer stories also. Alex was brainwashed to find and assassinate Anna, but while married to Dimitri Marick (Michael Nader) actually found her and saved her life. The two sisters had been separated at birth and didn’t know about each other for much of their lives. Here is a possible twist that could really knock Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers), Anna and Valentin for a loop; what if while impersonating Anna, Alex had a child with Robert she never told him about and gave away? He would be not only Peter’s half-brother, he would be a Scorpio, putting him on the good guy list! Wouldn’t it be cool for Roger’s new character to be an unknown son of Robert and Alex who suddenly shows up in town?
Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
AMP in the post
I am looking forward to finding out who Roger is going to play. I hope that his character will be a good guy. I hope that he connects with Liz and her family. I hope that Roger's character will help Peter in some way. I have hoped that Peter will be redeemed somehow. I have thought that Peter might have a twin. I am glad that Roger did not leave GH. I hope that Wes will stay on GH too.
Tooo much of a mess…bring him back like he should be..and peter has to go……don’t complicate this show with more trash people. Let’s get some happiness here.
I think we are all tired of Wes…time for,peter to die..he has killed enough people. No one gets away with that look at person she stabbed and SHE goes to,prison. He killed many and still here?? That’s just wrong!!!
I am really hoping Franco is not dead and it was all fake to take Peter down.
I agree I cannot see how they can redeem Peter!
I would like to believe that Franco was not dead. However if the network had problems wit Roger playing Todd because of his past then they may have the same problem with Roger playing Franco because of his past. I am not happy that Franco is dead and I am truly not happy that Peter was involved in his death. Franco should have died from the brain tumor or had an accident. I am hoping that something from Franco might help Peter. The message that Drew sent Franco was not heard all the way. I had wanted Peter and Franco to be allies. I had also wanted Peter and Drew to have been allies. I could see Roger playing a recast of Drew. I kind of think it might be nice if Franco had a twin.
I do not know why they sent Alexis to jail over what happened with Dante. She needed to go to Shadybrook or Ferncliff instead. I hope that they will not keep Alexis in jail for long. I like Wes and want him to stay. I want them to turn things around with Peter in some fashion.
I believe that there are a number of ways to redeem Peter if the writers will do something to get Peter on the road to redemption. Peter could be a spy. He could be deep undercover for the WSB. He could be a DVX agent who wants out of the DVX. He could have a mental disorder of some sort like DID Dissociative Identity Disorder or have some of Faison's memories mapped in him. If not then Peter can start to make some sort of amends. He could do something to save someone important life. He could offer information about Faison and the criminal underworld. He could help to get Cyrus out of General Hospital as Chief of Staff. He could do something for Liz, the boys, Scott, Liesl, Sam, and Scout in some fashion. I believe that the writers can turn this situation around for Peter who is in a bad position. I want Peter to repair his relationships with Maxie, Anna, Valentin, and others. I want him to be able to be a father to Lou. I want something good to start to come from this situation with Peter.
Peter is not the problem. The situation with Peter is the problem. It can be made better if the writers will do something to make it better. I do not want anyone else to suffer because of this situation. I want things to get brighter on GH as well. I want the situation with Peter to get better in the end.
I hope it's Drew Cain who will take Peter down & reclaim his Media Company.
I don't care who he is playing as long as he is back!! Roger is so talented, he can play anything. But, if he is Robert's son, I would be over the moon!!!
No. We are not tired of Wes. It's Peter, we are tired of reel vs. Real.
I could deal with him being Robert's son, but not with Anna.