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General Hospital Spoilers – Could Dr. Liesl Obrecht Make A Comeback?
Okay, so Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) is rotting in a prison in the Hague. It doesn’t seem likely, but there is the theory that at some point in the not too distant future, Obrecht might have her name cleared of all charges. If that’s the case, then because Obrecht knows all the slimy details of how Nelle gave birth on the side of the road (Remember, Obrecht, delivered the baby!), how Nelle got Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) to go along with her nefarious scheme, and how Nelle’s been rocking Port Charles with her manipulative ways for a long, long time now.
Some believe that Dr. Obrecht might be the least likely suspect to destroy Nelle Benson considering her current circumstances. However, given the conditions above, doesn’t it make sense to think that since Obrecht has no love for Nelle and has done a lot of murdering and kidnapping herself, that she might have just the right skill set to get the job done?
GH Spoilers – Nina Reeves Goes Into A Psychotic Rage
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If Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) were to kill Nelle, this would be a shocker unlike any other. That’s because GH fans know that there is at least one theory out there that Nelle could be Nina’s daughter. However, some viewers might forget that Nina has already gone through the trauma and heartache of discovering that her erstwhile daughter, Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) wasn’t really her kid.
Now imagine that Nina’s at court to give Nelle a good character witness even though she doesn’t actually believe Nelle’s her daughter. However, while there she notices Nelle gloating, behaving badly, and then Nelle has the gall afterward to switch gears in mid-stream, get teary-eyed and approach Nina with her locket in hand.
Something inside Nina snaps … and later that night, when the coast is clear … there’s no more Nelle Benson.
General Hospital Spoilers – Julian Jerome Sends Nelle Benson Into The Bay
Now, some GH viewers might agree that after all of Nelle’s blackmailing, Julian Jerome (William deVry) might be the most likely person to murder her outside of Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) or Jason Morgan (Steve Burton).
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But, how would Julian do that? Some might imagine that after the child custody hearing, at some point in the dead of night … Julian takes a bit of chloroform, a rag, and covers Nelle’s nose. After Nelle’s unconscious, he finishes her off with a pillow. Putting Nelle’s body in a car, Julian drives out to a cliff overlooking the Port Charle’s bay.
Julian “fixes the brakes,” cuts the fuel line, sets it on fire, and then hurriedly puts the car into first gear. The car explodes as it tumbles over the cliff and into the Port Charles Bay.
Julian goes back to Wiley Cooper-Jones (Erik and Theo Olson). The end.
Or, you know … again … a myriad reason could be found to entice Nelle into leaving Port Charles. Alive.
Nelle – Nelle – Nelle – no ones knows what if anything will ever happen to Nelle or when. Nelle is an unbelievable character that has gotten her way over and over again without any repercussions. Even the worst villains whether male or female, have had to pay in some way for their misdeeds even if it didn’t mean prison or death. But where Nelle is concerned, one never knows what is going to occur until it does, so all viewers will just have to wait and see what occurs on the day it occurs, and then the saga may not be over as characters on GH come back from the dead and being long lost for many years.
If there is no body, She’s not dead. Giving that Chloe Lanier isn’t on contract, and it seems to not wanted be, I can see GH setting it up were Nelle fakes her death with I suppose Valentin, and Nina’s help and setting up countless people, including Michael, Chase, and Julian to take the fall for her fake death.
Well someone has to do the job. Just kill her already and I hope Julian does it with Sonny and Jason’s help. Nelle needs to go so please get rid of her already
Lets just hope they get rid of her soon!!
Lucky for Nelle, There’s going to be a major mob war, about to escalate were Jason, and Sonny aren’t going to have time to focus their efforts on here. As for Julian, Find a way to get that letter, Fast!
I think someone innocent will get blamed, the real killer will seem to be a surprise. Like her dad or even Shilo,