General Hospital Spoilers: Ava Records Cates’ Deadly Intentions, FBI Agent Goes Down!

General Hospital spoilers tease that FBI Agent John Cates (Adam Harrington) has been consumed by his hatred of Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Bernard).

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Even though Cates initially claimed to be in town to investigate the Pikeman Group, his real motive may have been Sonny’s downfall all along. While John may have once sworn to uphold the law, it’s become clear he’s willing to do just about anything to make sure Sonny goes to prison.

General Hospital Spoilers – Ava Jerome Has Made A Terrible Mistake

Ava Jerome (Maura West) recently admitted to both Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) and Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) that she has made a terrible mistake by allying herself with Cates.

Initially, Ava thought having an FBI Agent on her side could only help in her pursuit of sole custody of Avery Corinthos (Ava & Grace Scarola), the daughter Ava shares with Sonny.

As viewers know, Ava was recently in a confrontation with Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Kate Mansi) that led to tragedy when Kristina crashed through Ava’s window and fell several stories into the Metro Court pool.

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GH Spoilers – John Cates Has Forced Ava Jerome To Lie

Ava was initially arrested for the assault on Kristina, but John forced Ava to lie to police that it was Kristina who came to Ava’s room with the intent to kill her. That’s not what happened but Cates is so desperate to hurt Sonny, he’s forcing Ava to lie so that he can use Kristina’s case against him.

Cates arrested Kristina himself, but Judge Sullivan (Gita Reddy) wasn’t having it because John didn’t have any evidence to support his claim. She gave him 48 hours to get his evidence together or he would go to prison and lose his badge as well.

General Hospital Spoilers- Can Ava Jerome Save Herself?

Perhaps Ava can save herself by working with Sonny. She could secretly record Cates admitting that he’s forcing Ava to lie as part of his vendetta against Sonny.

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If they present that evidence to the courts, not only would Kristina be let off the hook, but Cates would end up in prison himself.

That may be Ava’s only way to save herself from Sonny given everything she’s done in recent week. But it remains to be seen if Sonny and Ava can come to a mutually beneficial agreement.

GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?

Why did Cates come to Port Charles in the first place? How far would Cates go to take down Sonny? Could Ava be the one to take Cates down? Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. 

Don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

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  • Steven Anderson

    I would love it if Ava came to her senses and took agent cates down once for all.

    • Judy In South Carolina

      Ditto Steven…………..all of this talk about the demise of Ava Jerome (and the incredible loss of the incomparable Maura West!) just is wrong. I know Ava has done some horrible things but she is one of the most interesting characters on GH. Not to mention that Cates needs to be G-O-N-E! No offense to Adam Harrington but this recast has got to rank right up there as one of THE worst in GH history!

      • Marci

        I don’t think the recast is the problem. No matter who was playing him, if the material was the same, and an awesome actor (like Adam Harrington) was playing it, and selling it, it would be the same. They’ve written him to be obsessed with his hatred of Sonny, and made him willing to sacrifice his badge and anything else it takes to accomplish his goal. A character who once had morals and scruples and likeable qualities, just has absolutely NONE, now. I tried to hold out hope for him and even defended him at first, cause Adam is so GORGEOUS, and such a great actor, but he’s so good at what he does, he really made me despise him, and that smug look on his beautiful face! Too bad, cause there are so many ways they could have used the character in several storylines. He could have had his vendetta against Sonny – many others have – without making it his sole purpose and going above, below and around the law to bring him down. There were several romantic possibilities, too. NOT Carly, but he and Ava could have worked, if she stayed out of trouble….or maybe Nina. What better way to tick Sonny off? And that would also bother Drew. Maybe it would make him go away forever! And Liz is free. Let’s not just revisit old stories and put her with Jason, Ric, or Lucky. Or, when Lulu comes back, Sam might end up free, or if Dante stays with her, Lulu will eventually need a new man. And I hate to say it cause I’m not a fan, but there’s always Lois. Or, if Willow wants an older, more exciting man than her boring, grumpy husband, there are way better choices than Drew! If they insist on messing with happy marriages, why not shake up boring Ned and Olivia and put her with John? Or, maybe he could have woke and loosened up, stiff, stone faced, Jordan (and even imoroved her acting), or come between Portia and Curtis. They could have even made him gay and given Brad and Felix someone else to fight over. Plus, where’s the son he talked about? There were just SO many possibilities, but instead they ruined him beyond redemption.

        • Gammalinda48

          Marci you are 100% right……. When Jagger first arrived in Port Charles I was saying Now There’s a Nice Looking Guy which we needed so bad!! Wondering what storyline he’d be involved in?? As usual another one wanting to take down Sonny, and an FBI Agent to boot damn I was hoping he would be a decent guy looking to make P.C. his new home!! I won’t repeat all that you said because you were right on!!
          I wish someone can explain exactly what happened between Sonny & Jagger, right from the very start!! I’ve been watching GH for over 50yrs., but for some reason I can’t remember the Whole Story?? I do remember some of it where Sonny took care of Jagger’s brother as he was dying why I am drawing a blank is really bothering me!! So if someone can start from the beginning giving me the whole story I’d Appreciate it….THANKS

          • Pam

            Jaggers future wife Karen worked as a stripper at Sonny’s club when they first came in the show. Jaggers brother, Stone, died of AIDS and gave HIV to Robin when they were dating. For some reason he blamed Sonny for his brothers death when, I believe, Stone really got it from a blood transfusion….



  • cdf

    I agree with every comment made about Jagger! Just go away! Maybe someone can put him me in a vat of
    Goo Gone or in his case
    Goon Gone!!!

  • Pam

    Keep Cates on the show, bring back Karen and add some drama to characters with depth. And for gosh sakes, KEEP Ava! She is the best actress on the show!