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General Hospital Spoilers – Charlotte Cassadine Wants Nina Reeves And Valentin To Be Together
The truth is, Jax is a threat to Charlotte’s happiness. At least, that may be how Charlotte sees the situation. Charlotte adores Nina. After all, Nina has become her new mommy after the death of Claudette Beaulieu (Bree Williamson), and after Nina and Valentin married. Of course, Charlotte worships the ground her father, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) walks on. Now, Nina is jeopardizing everything by bringing Jax into the picture!
Now, everyone knows that Nina and Valentin haven’t been together for a while. Charlotte knows that too, but it’s likely that she has been hoping for a reconciliation between the two for some time. (Come to think of it, Nina mopes and pines for her long lost kid … why doesn’t she focus all those energies on Charlotte alone?) Isn’t it likely that when confronted with the possibility that Nina may never again be with Valentin because of her interest in Jax that Charlotte may suddenly feel a sense of loss?
GH Spoilers – Charlotte Cassadine Is Jealous
Outside of the possibility that Jax could seal the deal and prevent Nina and Valentin from mending fences, Jax could also suck up all of Nina’s time. Charlotte may be used to monopolizing a certain amount of Nina’s time. Now, Charlotte is faced with someone moving in on what she may consider her “territory.” Nina may fancy distributing her time between Jax and Charlotte, but Charlotte certainly won’t like that new reality. GH viewers might even hear Charlotte tell Nina at some point that she doesn’t like Jax, or that she thinks Nina could do better.
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Alternatively, Charlotte may not be jealous of Jax. Instead, she might feel scared. Charlotte may not be afraid of Jax, but she might be afraid that if she allows herself to like him … well … mightn’t she be disrespecting Valentin?
General Hospital Spoilers – Nina Needs To Get A Handle On The Situation
Although at this point Nina and Jax are only having “fun” together and their relationship doesn’t seem to be moving rapidly into the long-term territory, that possibility still exists. Jax seems cool with Charlotte, but he’s not really having to shoulder any responsibility right now. If his relationship with Nina deepens, that might change and then he’ll have to deal with however Charlotte may actually view him.
Regardless, if Nina wants Jax in her life without issues, she’s going to need to let Charlotte know that she has feelings for Jax. That doesn’t mean Charlotte has to love him too, but it also doesn’t mean she can’t. Like any child of divorced parents who is moving on into new relationships needs to be told, the new romantic partner isn’t there to replace the original partner. Jax isn’t there to replace Valentin in Charlotte’s life. (Charlotte might not think that anyway, but Nina should make sure.)
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At the end of the day, Charlotte could certainly cause problems between Nina and Jax. The possibility of that can be lessened, however. As long as Nina recognizes that her actions could cause Charlotte emotionally to lash out, Nina can mitigate the entire situation by acting like a responsible parent who cares about Charlotte’s feelings.