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General Hospital Spoilers – Brooke Lynn Ashton Quartermaine Will Square Off With Julian Jerome
We know GH spoilers reported that Brooke Lynn Ashton (Amanda Setton) is set to square off with Julian on what is the holdup on his end of their bargain. He is supposed to scare off her shady producer Linc (Dan Buran). He is doing this because she knows about him and Brad.
You see, Brooke, figured it out it all when she stumbled into Charlie’s Pub on her entrance into Port Charles. Which was also the day Julian was having an altercation with Brad. Brooke heard it all. She did not pay it much mind though at the time. Now that she is settled in, she learned Brad is Julian’s son-in-law. Brooke remembered and put it all together that he had to of helped Brad in the baby switch.
Julian must have tried to off Brad then later too in response to him and Lucas getting to the car accident. So, she is using her findings to hold over Julian to get him to do her bidding in exchange for not revealing all. This all has to not bode well with Julian. In hindsight, his predicament traces all back to Brad.
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GH Spoilers – Nelle Benson Wants To Proove Brad Cooper Over Baby Switch
General Hospital spoilers also indicate it could be Nelle (Chloe Lanier). Nelle is really out to prove Brad was behind the whole baby switch thing to make out like she is the victim. She claims Brad clutched the baby after she had passed out from giving birth. She is absolutely really trying to sell her story. Could the warning come from Nelle? We moreover know that Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) will be handling Brad and Lucas’s divorce thanks to Michael’s request. Could it be Lucas himself issuing the warning? We can’t rule out that it could be Michael or even Alexis herself.
Who will it be? What will the warning be about? Will it signify the end for Brad and is time in PC? The drama is getting deeper! You can wait to watch what happens on March 9th or stay glued to CTS for more General Hospital updates and spoiler to find out!