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General Hospital Spoilers: Brick Pulls Audio Footage To Clear Kristina

General Hospital Spoilers reveal that Brick (Stephen A Smith) had Ava Jerome (Maura West) under surveillance when Kristina Corinthos (Kate Mansi) fell out the window of Ava’s suite at the MetroCourt. Now Ava is lying accusing Kristina of attempted murder thanks to John Cates (Adam J Harrington). Will Brick save the day by pulling audio footage of the incident?

General Hospital Spoilers – Ava Jerome Had An Agenda

General Hospital Spoilers indicate that Ava had an agenda when she had Kristina subpoenaed to testify against her father. Ava is trying to gain custody of her daughter with Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard).

However, pushing a pregnant woman to testify against her father is going a bit too far, especially when she is trying to take her little sister.

General Hospital Spoilers: Brick Pulls Audio Footage To Clear Kristina

Kristina may have went there demanding that Ava back off and pull the subpoena, however, Ava took the argument even further with no regard to the health of Kristina or her child.

Ava even grabbed at Kristina causing her to trip and plunge out the window to her almost untimely death. Of course, Kristina’s child did not survive the fall.

GH Spoilers – Ava Jerome Is Trying To Save Her Skin

Ava is scared to death that Sonny will come after her this time even though she is the father of his daughter. After all, Ava has now caused the death of three people in Sonny’s family.

Perhaps the third time is a charm and Sonny is just fed up. Ava is relying on Cates, who is making up every bit of evidence he can to use against Sonny.

Now Kristina has been arrested for attempted murder when she was the one who almost died. Is there video and audio to go with Brick’s photos?

Did Brick have a chance to wire Ava’s suite before Kristina got there. If Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) was involved, you and bet that the room was wired if it was possible.

General Hospital Spoilers – TJ Ashford Wants His Pound Of Flesh

TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellows) wants his pound of flesh as well. TJ wants and reason to blame Kristina and Ava has just given that too him.

TJ is willing to believe anything against Kristina at this point because he blames her for the baby’s death. Will Brick step up and prove them all wrong when it come to Kristina endangering her child.

Brick’s guys that were shooting the footage could have had audio close by to pick up the conversation.Who will Ava defend herself when the audio of her berating Kristina and pushing her to react comes out?

Is there anywhere that Ava can hide when it comes to paying for this baby’s untimely death?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Rosie says

    What the heck we all know Ava’s a bad you know what but nobody put a gun or dragged that stupid Christina to her suite she was told it would be taken care of with Ava and stuff but no, she couldn’t get up there and let her little brain go to that de facto no she went like her Hock daddy is a hothead ignoramus and she’s the one who lost that baby. Ava may have tuned her and told her what she didn’t like because after all she’s gonna pretend she lives in a plastic bubble and he got burst for the third fourth time now, she tripped over that duffel bag that’s her damn fault. She lost her sister Molly TJ‘s baby stop the shit about her baby. It may have been her Egg but she was a crackhead to even go with to have that baby for them. The worst mistake the worst mistake. They made this Christina character into a halfway. Christina used to have some common sense. The one I knew and I watch and stuff yeah did she get herself into some stupid situations yeah but she was a smart person. This one I don’t even know what she is. She’s a mess , so try and blame it on Ava go ahead. Ava was up there telling her how worthless her father was and how this and that her drunken mother couldn’t hang onto a man and any man she did have she ruined his life and stuff OK Alexis has blood on her hands to this too being an actual mother and stop trying to be a damn best friend. She should’ve said Christina straight and said wait a minute did you or did you not agree to have this kid for your sister and her husband yes or no she’s supposedly an attorney why doesn’t she act like one? It’s time to put the big girl panties on and except , what happened with that baby Christina nobody put a gun again to her head. Nobody dragged her in there. She dragged herself in there because she can’t help her herself on outright plain stupidity so they have all this and have that I don’t care. I’m not defending Ava, but it’s sickening to have this back-and-forth crap that somehow what’s gonna come out of it smell and clean

    1. Babs says

      Go for the juggler why don’t you. So your just like everybody else, believe Ava’s lies. She doesn’t know how to tell the truth. And Cates helping her..

    2. MJ says

      Wow, trying to read that mess is like wading through quicksand. I’m no English scholar, but with all the spelling errors, lack of punctuation, and words that don’t make sense the way they’re used, I’m really confused how you can call anyone else (even a TV character) dumb.
      Kristina had every right to go to Ava’s and defend herself and her father. Ava has been to blame since the second she figured out Sonny’s meds were messed up, and she kept it to herself. She filed it away in case she needed to use it to her advantage later. And she did. And her only reason for wanting to hurt him back then, was her petty jealousy over Sonny spending time with Natalia, and rejecting her.
      There aren’t too many people who would sit back and let Ava walk all over them or someone they loved. Especially after what Ava did to Alexis, and don’t forget, Avery is Krissy’s little sister. Of course she’d want to keep her from Ava. Ava sure wasn’t thinking about Avery when she tampered with Sonny’s meds, knowing (and HOPING) he’d have a meltdown and act irrationally. Avery could have been hurt if that had happened when he was with her.
      So, you must be one of those people who think pregnant women are invalids and should sit home on their couch for 9 months, cause they just might trip and fly out a 5 story window if they move. Oh, and that baby WAS Kristina’s. Yes, she made a verbal promise, NOT legally binding, and there was no real indication that she wouldn’t follow through. She was having some doubts, because Molly and TJ were so controlling of her every move, and because they were having so many disagreements. And, naturally, she was falling in love with the baby. She didn’t expect that to happen. It was HER baby until the second she placed her in Molly’s arms and signed over her rights. But, even then, she probably could have changed her mind and went for custody if she wanted. Actually, Kristina is more mature and level headed now than she’s ever been. The spoiled brat she used to be would have never offered, no, begged, to be the surrogate, because she unselfishly wanted to help her sister. And look at the way she put her own feelings aside and unselfishly put Blaze and her career first, knowing it’s what was best for Blaze, and her lifelong dream.
      And site moderators, how can she get away with some of the words she said, when I get rejected for words like cr ap and bu tt? Just wondering.

    3. Barbara says

      I agree with you Rosie. Kristina should have kept her butt at home. I knew that having her mother’s mouth, and her father’s overall disposition would get her in trouble one day. She went to that suite to threaten Ava into pulling the subpoena that would force her to testify against her father. A lot of this would not be happening if Ava had just told the complete truth when first questioned. I agree with you that we ALL know that Ava will DO ANYTHING to make sure Avery is in her life. The writer’s knew exactly what they were doing when they sent Kristina to Ava’s apartment. Honestly I’m glad the baby storyline ended the way it did. Kristina had no intention of giving up that baby to her sister and TJ. Now the problem is solved, there is NO baby to fight over. On top of all that it looks like the writer’s are going to break up Molly and TJ down the road. Kristina won’t spend one day in prison or jail. Alexis and Sonny will make sure of that. Now Ava is another story. Her very short run as a quasi good girl is over. She is going to join Heather Webber as the town pariah. AGAIN

  2. Jules says

    Since the baby died, it would have been best if Molly, Kristina & T.J. could have come together as a unit to name the baby together with something meaningful and sentimental for all. If the surrogacy was fulfilled as originally planned, T.J. & Molly should have chosen the name. I think that people often make too much out of pronouns & speech of ownership. I know Kristina was wavering on her commitment to give the baby to Molly & T.J. but since the baby died Kristina could be saying “my baby” speaking from the point that the loss of the child that was part of her body. It’s an incredibly strong bond. We will never know if Kristina could have been a loving aunt or betrayed her sister’s trust by keeping the baby. I will enjoy seeing Ric come back for Molly but I will also be glad that this incredibly sad story line is over.

  3. Tammie J Miller says

    If Molly had not told Kristina about her fighting with TJ, Kristina would have not been worried about TJ and Molly breaking up. It may have been a lot different. You never complain about your spouse to someone who might use it against you. Just saying!!

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