General Hospital Spoilers: Brook Lynn And Chase Conspire To Find Out What Nina Is Hiding

General Hospital spoilers tease Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) will be fired up by what Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) picked up on in the video footage from the Metro Court pool.

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Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is still clueless that Chase is onto her and suspects she is up to something, given her strange behavior when Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) was injured. As Brook Lynn and Chase work together to figure out what Nina is up to, her present behavior will be just as shifty as her behavior on that footage, leading to more questions.

General Hospital Spoilers — Nina Reeves Wasn’t Worried About The Business

What stood out to Chase right away was how panicked Nina looked as she pulled out her phone to presumably call 911. Then, tucking it back in her pocket and backing away from the scene, Chase was dumbfounded by this bold move. What kind of business owner slinks away when someone is injured on their property? Wouldn’t the best course of action have been to tend to him right away, even if only for liability purposes?

GH Spoilers – Leak Ned Quartermaine Was Eager To Get To Drew Cain

Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) was quick to press Ned for answers the moment he woke from his coma. Why was he so eager to bend Drew Cain’s (Cameron Mathison) ear? Why was he rushing to get to Drew, and could it be that he was also running away from a situation with Nina versus just seeking out Drew? As Chase and Brook Lynn put the pieces of this puzzle together, video footage from other areas of the Metro Court may reveal that Nina was arguing with Ned just moments before he made his way to the pool area in search of his cousin.

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General Hospital Spoilers — Eddie Maine’s New Best Friend

Nina’s behavior right now is just as suspect, although she looks like a good friend and business partner to Olivia Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero) on the surface. As she circles around Eddie Maine (Wally Kurth) and seems to indulge his every fantasy of becoming a rockstar, Brook Lynn may even find herself wondering if Ned was having an affair with Nina. It makes no sense that they would have been arguing so passionately, nor that she would want any harm to befall him. Now, it looks like she’s trying to sabotage his marriage to Olivia. Will Chase and Brook Lynn be able to figure out what she’s up to before they call her out for cheating? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead to find out.

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  • Joanne

    Carly will make the money Bobby owns Kelly and left her an inheritance so she won’t have to sell her home

  • Nanlee

    Oh just drop the charades of the let’s bash on Nina…You let Pagan Carly Queen get a pass, she was a coward to just go tell the truth,no body put a gun to her head notto,just her own self righteous self stop her Drew is in prison so taking the whole wrap..So, just stop the crap destroying Nina.. It’s time for her to have goodness and move forward,she is a phonomial actress and deserves better…..Carly needs some bashing from everyone that she did the crime and Drew is paying for it..That pagan Queen needs to be humbled and walk humility having nothing..