General Hospital Spoilers: Brook Lynn Has A Secret Plan To Help Olivia

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General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Brook Lynn Ashton (Amanda Setton) made a surprising pit stop before reuniting with her father, Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) and his wife Olivia Falconeri (Lisa LoCicero) at the Quartermaine mansion. She instead went to Charley’s, and made it a point to antagonize and spy on Julian Jerome! She witnessed a very intense discussion between Julian and Brad Cooper (Perry Shen), but they were far enough away that it doesn’t seem like she heard the specifics.

General Hospital Spoilers – Someone to talk to

After Brad left, Julian got angry and closed the restaurant, telling everyone to leave. But Brook Lynn stayed and called Julian out on his behavior. She correctly guessed that there was nothing wrong with the kitchen as Julian claimed, that he threw everyone out because of Brad. Julian told her that it was none of her business and she agreed but suggested that she would be able to listen and be unbiased. Was this Brook Lynn’s plan all along?

GH Spoilers – Olivia Falconeri and Julian Jerome are having issues

As viewers recall, Olivia was all set to buy Charley’s when Julian had planned to leave town with Kim Nero (Tamara Braun). When that fell through and Julian decided to stay, he cancelled their agreement but he also kept Olivia’s deposit, although he claims he had a legal right to it. Olivia isn’t one to let things go, so has she sent her step daughter to help her get revenge on Julian somehow? Julian had previously thought that the rats behind his restaurant her Olivia’s doing, but it was actually the presence of rat poison in the dumpster.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Perhaps Brook Lynn Ashton is there to get dirt on Julian Jerome

Perhaps instead of rats, Olivia and Brook Lynn planned for Brook Lynn to get in Julian’s good graces and get information that Olivia can use. If Julian does spill his guts to Brook Lynn, Olivia could potentially find out about the baby swap! It’s doubtful that Julian would be so careless, but look for Brook Lynn to keep trying to gain Julian’s trust.

GH Spoilers – What do you think?

Is Brook Lynn helping her stepmom with some kind of plan to take Julian down? Or did she just happen to be in Charley’s just by chance? Only time will tell, but some exciting scenes are coming up on General Hospital, so make sure to stay tuned weekdays on ABC! And don’t forget to check back here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

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Brad CooperGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersMichael Corinthos
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