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General Hospital Spoilers – Lucas Jones Remembered What Brad Cooper Told Him The Night Of The Wreck
Lucas Jones (Ryan Carnes) remembered that Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) told him that Wiley Cooper-Jones (Erik and Theodore Olson) wasn’t the same baby that they adopted, but that he is Jonah Corinthos, the son of Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Nelle Benson Archer (Chloe Lanier) right before they collided with the car that Kendra Bauer (Michelle Argyris) was driving when Kendra was trying to run over Alexis Davis, (Nancy Lee Grahn) who was able to roll out of the way just in time!
The crash, which was partially caused by Julian Jerome (William DeVry) tampering with the brake system in Brad’s car in an attempt to kill him, didn’t harm Brad but put Lucas in a coma for several months! Brad was in the process of trying to rush himself, Lucas and Wiley, out of Port Charles and to new jobs in Portland, Oregon, hoping that Lucas wouldn’t be triggered by the sight of Michael to remember what he confessed.
However, he couldn’t quite get them out of town soon enough, and even then, Julian had warned Brad that Lucas was a ticking time bomb that could explode with total recall at any time! Brad ignored Julian the one time he should have listened to him!
Brad Cooper and Lucas Jones Are At The Corinthos House When Lucas Jones Remembers
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Brad and Lucas are at the Corinthos house with all the people that shouldn’t hear this memory come up when it does! They are there for a welcome home party for Lucas possibly combined with a going-away party but Wiley isn’t there, at least not that could be seen in previews and promos.
Lucas had started to remember something and Julian had asked him if he was okay, as Lucas sat on the couch next to his adoptive mother, Bobbie Spencer (Jacklyn Zeman) and he said he thought he remembered something – then a couple of minutes later he stood to bolt upright and said he remembered, and shouted “MICHAEL!” and told him that Wiley is really Jonah, in front of Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) who is with Michael, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco)!
GH Spoilers – Michael Corinthos Wants Answers
Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) is likely lurking nearby as well! Michael, Bobbie, Lucas, and Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) all gather around Brad, with Julian standing off to the side with his best look of innocence mixed with disgust on full display, as Michael approaches Brad and demands answers!
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Lucas doesn’t even know the whole story and what actually happened – and Brad’s first line of defense will probably be to try to convince Lucas his memory was inaccurate and confused, while he is shocked by Julian’s not stepping up to help him – Julian pleads innocence and that he didn’t know about any of it – and it’s Brad’s word against his!
Will Brad confirm what Lucas remembered, or will he keep lying and stalling the inevitable? Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!