General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Freaks At Sasha For Hurting Michael, Suspicious When Sasha Pushes Back

General Hospital: Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) just might be quite upset with Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) when she learns how badly her son, Michael Corinthos was hurt by his recent breakup with Sasha. GH fans know that Carly originally gave her blessing to Sasha’s wild scheme to push Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) into Michael’s arms, but did she consider the pain it would cause Michael?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Sasha Gilmore Hatches A Crazy Plan

GH fans who have been watching for some time know that the original plan to have Michael marry Willow came from Diane Miller (Carolyn Hennesy). Michael had been worrying long and hard about what strategy and tactics to use against the horrible Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) in order to ensure that he got sole custody of Wiley Cooper-Jones (Erik and Theo Olson).

During a conversation with Diane, Michael learned that she believed he should not attempt to paint Nelle as some kind of horrible monster. Diane felt that would be a losing strategy. Instead, Michael needed to bolster his own image. In order to do that, Michael needed to find a woman with a “pure” background. As GH viewers know, Diane felt that Willow fit the bill.

While Diane might have come up with that crazy idea first, it was Sasha who really took the notion and ran with it. In fact, it was Sasha who recruited Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard), Willow’s boyfriend, and brought him in on her conspiracy to fake an affair. GH viewers know that Sasha planned to split from Michael and tear Willow from Chase … all for the greater good.

GH Spoilers – Sasha Gilmore Really Loves Michael Corinthos

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Now, in Sasha’s mind, everything she was doing was completely out of respect and love for Michael. It was all about being in perfect alignment with Michael’s need to gain custody of Wiley and allow him to be the father that Sasha new he wished to be. Of course, Carly figured out at least a portion of what Sasha’s plan was. In fact, there was a moment where Carly pulled Sasha aside and let her know that she approved of Sasha’s incredibly manipulative plan. Carly even told her that Sasha was the kind of daughter-in-law she wished to have. And why? Because Carly knew that Sasha would do whatever it took to fight for what she believed was right and good for Michael.

The problem, of course, is that Carly may not have thought long and hard about what a breakup for Michael might mean emotionally … right in the middle of trying to fight for the custody of his son. If Carly gets pissed off over this whole fiasco and blames Sasha, GH viewers might just see Sasha push back … hard. After all, Carly did give her blessing. Sasha might try asking Carly what Michael would think if he knew that Carly pushed Sasha into delusions of godhood.

General Hospital Spoilers – Carly Corinthos Isn’t Angry

Many GH fans might agree that Carly won’t get angry. That’s because everyone knows that Carly is just as devious and manipulative as Sasha has proven herself to be. Moreover, Carly probably wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever she felt was best for Michael’s life.

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She wants good things for Michael and for Wiley, and if that means that Michael’s heart must be broken in the short-term, well … in the end, he’s going to have the smoking hot, Willow Tait as his wife. Michael will learn to love her even if he isn’t so interested in Willow at this very moment.

The truth is, when all is said and done, Carly might take Sasha out to dinner and congratulate her on a job well done. Then she’ll introduce Sasha to her consolation prize, someone she feels would be just perfect for her. It just won’t be Michael.

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersNina ReevesSasha Gilmore
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  • Guest

    Sasha may not tell Carly the truth to ensure the marriage happens.

  • Guest

    Sasha doesn’t need to tell Carly the truth. It was Carly idea to get Michael married to Willow by any means possible and Sasha just agreed. So, no explanation is necessary. A job well done, heck Carly couldn’t have done that herself. So, congratulation Sasha.

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