General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Retaliates! Evicts Nina And Crimson Magazine!

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that an angry Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) will retaliate against Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) and she’ll mean business – or actually she’ll mean to take away Nina’s business by evicting her and Crimson Magazine from the Metro Court in future episodes of General Hospital!

AMP in the post

General Hospital Spoilers- Nina Reeves Will Have To Rush To Find Both Office Space And Personal Space!

General Hospital viewers will recall that not only does Nina live in a suite in the Metro Court, she also has her place of business there, Crimson Magazine-Carly owns the Metro Court, along with Olivia Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero) and reserves the right to refuse to rent. General Hospital viewers know that Carly cannot help but see Nina on a regular basis around the Metro Court, and she’ll check the lease contract for Crimson carefully to make sure there’s a loophole to pull the lease. The suite where Nina is living is a different matter, hoteliers can kick someone out of a room or a suite for any reason so that won’t be difficult at all, she can just claim she needs the room for an incoming convention or something. Carly of course wants revenge but even more than that, she just doesn’t want to see Nina around and be reminded of the reason she’s divorcing Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard)!

GH Spoilers – Nina Reeves Makes Carly Corinthos’ Blood Boil!

General Hospital viewers know that just the thought of Nina makes Carly’s blood boil, and aside from the business suite eviction and the personal suite eviction, she’ll be working on restraining orders. This way she can ensure that Nina never sees her grandson Wiley Corinthos (Viron Weaver) again and cannot be any type of an influence on him as he grows older – and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) will back her up. Carly just simply doesn’t want to be anywhere Nina might be, although she doesn’t have grounds to put a restraining order on her to stay away from Carly, she’d do that too if she could! Carly intends to play dirty in that restraining order surrounding Wiley – she’ll pull up all of that ugly history when Nina first came to town and put Ava Cassadine (Maura West) into labor and kidnapped baby Avery Jerome-Corinthos (Ava and Grace Scarola). Whether family court will find it relevant she’s not sure but she’ll sure make sure it’s mentioned!

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General Hospital Spoilers – Carly Corinthos’ Plot Backfires, Causes Nina Reeves More Involvement With Sonny Corinthos

General Hospital viewers can imagine how Carly’s eviction plots might backfire, causing Nina even more involvement with Sonny – for one thing, he might invite her to live with him in the penthouse! General Hospital viewers can also see Sonny making sure Nina has an appropriate office space from where to run Crimson, as Carly can’t really lock up the place without giving Nina time to move legally! She can boot her out of a personal hotel suite for practically no reason, but with a business space the rules are different in most cases. That is why Carly will have to have the Crimson lease documents looked through by an attorney to make sure she can break that lease legally. If she doesn’t, Carly could find herself being countersued by Nina for breach of contract and if it is publicized, that could make clients shy away from renting office space at the Metro Court!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Guest

    Lock her out get all details legal and Carly will. Sonny better think twice to have delusionalNina stay at his place. Because Your daughters will not visit you now stupid Ava might have Avery there well Ava has no morals either.

  • Guest

    I so wish Carly would get what is coming to her. I do want her and Sonny together but keeping Nina away from her only grandchild is just a bit too much. Carly makes me sick to my stomach sometimes. She thinks she is so high and mighty and never done nothing wrong. Give me a break. The Quartermaines can tell you a thing or two about Ms. Carly.

    • anne page

      nina’s trash,i say do a hit,roll her in cement minus her head,dump her in NY harbor.o everyone quit at metro court,all reservations for any events at metro court cancelled,rooms, deals.bring metro court into chapter 11,noting all bcause nina stabs carly in the back!!!!!!may nina never c wiley!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Guest

    NINA Should Have Known
    That Was Coming, The Way
    CARLY Is Going About Things,
    But I Can't Say I Blame CARLY.
    NINA Is Acting Like A BRAIN
    DEAD BLONDE Time To Move
    On NINA, You Blew It Dear.

  • Guest

    Nina is sick and never needs to be around a child after what's she done to Wiley no way you Nina fans are not right thinking what Nina did is right if it was only Carly but it wasn't she did it to his kids and grandkids and Nina still can't admit she is wrong get rid of Nina already she needs to go no one but a few even like her

  • Guest

    If indeed willow turns out to be Nina's daughter instead of Nelle, then Nina is NOT Wiley's grandmother.

  • Guest

    Go Carly and if Sonny moves her in don't let him see Donna he doesn't deserve to this story is sickening and Nina and Sonny need to end now not later more lost viewers what DON'T writer's get so many are quit watching more to come let Carly get revenge Nina needs to pay and then she needs to go from GH no redemption for her crazy butt Team Carly and Maurice can retire everyone is about done with him

  • stetny

    Get rid of Nina; and when is Aunt Stella going to tell Curtis about Jordan?
    Nina is a sleaze; will never change; please do NOT let her be Willow's mother.
    Loved Willow telling her off today! Just continue NOT letting her see Wiley.
    When is Sonny going to be back…the "old" Sonny; not the wishy washy one we
    have now.
    Have been saying for months that she should lose the lease on everything; specially the space rented for Crimson.
    Loved the "AX" scenes today. Fun and a GREAT way to get rid of tension. For that, GH,

  • Guest

    No she not legal willow is not even Wiley mom now no birth certificate when that comes out the adoption is void and if they make willow Nina daughter there will be more people who will stop watching

  • Guest

    Kicking Nina out of her room, ok. Kicking out Crimson may be more difficult as I’m sure there are contracts in place for Crimson’s offices.

  • Guest

    If he moves Nina in after Carly told him yesterday not to have Donna around Nina I can bet u Sonny will loose big time not only rights to Donna but he stands to loose his business and a whole lot more to his Carly. I saw in preview that he does loose everything in the divorce settlement. I wish the whole truth about Carly catching them together in bed would come out in the divorce trial.

  • Guest

    Nutty Nina had no problem keeping Sonny away from his family & his Grandson Wiley so, it's no different than Carly doing the same to the so called another grandma! Nutty Nina deserves the worst pain possible for all her evil she did to them!

  • Guest

    It doesn't matter..willow is not his mother …Willow is suppose to be Nina's daughter not Nelle..Michale and Nelle had baby, not even sure Michael is Willeys real dad….

  • Guest

    I too really loved the acts throwing scene. Funny thought wow I was watching that scene. All three of those women have had a baby with Sonny. he sure got around

  • pdh

    If there isn't some DNA on Nelle and/or Willow that hasn't been fooled with, neither one might not be related to Nina. And, Wiley won't be related even by adoption.

  • pdh

    Seems that the bed scene would be a big dose of turn about is fair play and give her just about anything she wants in the divorce since her lawyer is a tiger.

  • Guest

    Get rid of Nina for good!

  • Mimi

    I don't blame Carly kick her out. After all that Carly has been through the past year Nina does not deserve forgiveness. Nina is a liar,self centered rotten cheater. She makes me ill, what good has she done for anyone.

  • Guest

    When did the town tramp who is so self righteous become Saint Carly? Carly only thinks of her children when it is convenient for her evil purposes. She truly is Nell to the nth degree.

  • Guest

    Actually, Nina lives at Ava's old Penthouse, has for months. Better for Nina if she kicks Crimson out. Makes Carly look like the petty witch that she is and Nina has more tan enough resources to relocate.

  • Martha J. Yurick

    Get rid of Nina.

  • Guest

    I don’t understand how anyone can defend someone that hurts children. Nina saw the pain that she was causing to CHILDREN and didn’t care not that’s a sorry excuse for a human being. Sonny is just as sorry because he’s hurting his family now especially his children. The writers have destroyed everything Sonny stood for it’s sad how pathetic he’s become. I hope that the writers don’t make Willow Nina’s daughter because after all she’s been through she deserves better. Carly needs to destroy Nina!!!!!!

  • Guest

    That is true but same can be said for Carley. She treated her own Mother (Bobbie) just as bad.

  • Guest

    The writers have ruined General Hospital!!!!! It used to be my favorite show!!!’ Not any more!!!! I hate it!!!!!
    Sonny was always my favorite soap star – you have now made him into a spineless wimp – if you want this show to go on, you “ have” to bring back the
    “old” Sonny!! You are losing viewers.
    I “hate” the crazy, mental, dumb,
    stupid Nina – get her off the show!!!!
    She follows Sonny everywhere he goes. She has lied about everything
    & has caused Sonny’s family so much
    pain. I really would not care if someone shoots her!!!!!!!!!!! She is
    the worst character you have ever created & is ruining the show!!!!!!!!
    You also really need to bring back
    Jason. The show is no good without
    Sonny, Jason and Carly – they are
    the show!!!! Sonny & Jason are made for each other!!!! I do not blame
    Carly for ANYTHING she does to
    Nina. I hope she does everything
    she can so Nina can NEVER see Wiley
    again – that would get her where it
    really hurts!!!!!!!!!

  • Guest

    Leave Nina alone I wouldn’t mind so much but she told Jason she always love him never stop wanted a real
    Marriage with him so whatever Nina did she brought out her feelings by loving someone else so now that Jason not around to run back to she rush into the divorce but every chance she get she’s in Sonny face Nina was wrong to keep Sonny from his family and fall in love with him but Sonny wrong to he did everything to make up with Carly all that begging and pleading it was to much it’s good that a
    Man love his woman like that
    But pride Carly can only go so far
    You made it to easy for Nina now she probably going to move in with Sonny and he is going to help her find another place for
    Her business it would be nice if it wasn’t so many busybody as for Ava her and Nina friends now she’s
    Not going to be to
    Much help in the custody hearing she more scare of sonny Carly quit letting Olivia
    Charge you up

  • Guest

    I heard that Nell and Willard are twins so that makes her the grandmother

  • Guest

    Sonny is a great dad to his children don’t make your children
    Suffer because
    You let your pride take over she drove him to
    It her kids
    To grown joss needs to stay in her place let her mama handle her business and Michael who has a thing for his brother and friend woman

  • Guest


  • Guest

    Leave Carly alone already. She has changed for the better over the years. She and the children were betrayed by a disgusting Sonny. Pairing him with that pathetic loser Nina
    is criminal. She just gets worse and worse, but keeps getting everything she wants. How can this be? The writers are a bunch of big drips that are ruining the show.