General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Tries To Alter Willow’s DNA Test

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) will try to alter Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) in an upcoming GH episode!

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General Hospital Spoilers – Dante Falconeri Told Willow Tait To Get A DNA Test

Previous GH episodes revealed that Carly learned Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is Willow’s birth mother from Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) on her deathbed. Harmony made Carly promise never to reveal Willow’s true parentage, saying Nina was obsessive, possessive and dangerous, and loved too much and too hard! After Harmony’s death, Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) came to the gatehouse while Carly was there spending time with Michael Corinthos, (Chad Duell) Willow and Wiley Corinthos (Viron Weaver).

Dante told Willow more about what the PCPD was doing regarding the circumstances surrounding Harmony’s attack of Carly and Alexis Davis (temporarily Stephanie Erb) and Willow asked questions. Dante was able to tell her that Harmony’s secret she was trying to hide was that she wasn’t her biological mother and advised her to get a DNA test. Carly looked concerned!

GH Spoilers – Carly Corinthos Can’t Have The Truth Come Out

Carly is very concerned about the request for a DNA test, even if it was for purposes of solving a years old kidnapping case that would never be prosecuted. Willow also wants to know who her real parents are or were, but Carly cannot let that happen, not ever, Wiley could be in danger if she knew. Not only is there the promise she made to Harmony to consider, there is the problem with Nina being Willow’s birth mother and Willow being Wiley’s adoptive mother. Carly totally agrees with Harmony that Nina is dangerous, every bit as dangerous as her late fraternal twin Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier)! Carly wants to prevent the very real danger of Willow going over to Nina’s side and bonding with her, which could be catastrophic!

General Hospital Spoilers – Willow Tait Agrees To The DNA Test

After some discussion with Michael, Willow agrees to the DNA test, which she will have done herself at GH since she is in nursing school there. Carly knows her way around the hospital, having been there many times and knowing many people who work there. Carly will be sure to keep a close eye on when Willow has the test done and also when the results are in – sneaking peeks at the hospital computer!

Even if Willow is supposed to turn the results over to the PCPD, Carly is not fazed about accessing them herself and making sure the results say what she wants. After all, this is the woman who convinced Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) to hack Dante’s cell phone to look for dirt on Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl)!

GH Spoilers – Busted By Her Own Mother, Will Carly Corinthos Tell The Truth?

When Carly goes to General Hospital to pick up the DNA results, Bobbie Spencer (Jacklyn Zeman) will overhear her, and she’ll have lots of questions for Carly! It sounds like Carly might be talking to someone in the lab who she paid to skew the results or she may plan to alter them herself. Carly can’t have Willow or Dante and the PCPD finding out that Nina was Willow’s birth mother because she doesn’t want either Nina or Willow to know the truth. Bobbie will want to know what Carly is getting a DNA test on Willow for, but Carly cannot say much – she might say she’s picking it up for Willow. Then she’ll say it’s because Willow found out Harmony wasn’t her birth mother.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • lbc

    Can't even rationalize why Carly had to be put in the middle of the Willow/Nina/daughter mess. Neither she nor Sonny have done anything of interest since the divorce. If both have to be walking around PC with no purpose, why not give each a vacation for awhile until they can get themselves together and allow other characters to shine for a while.

  • Guest

    I am tired of Carly messing people over. This now is the second time she has involved herself in someone else's life for nefarious reasons. She has never been any better than Nina.

  • Pat Mitchell Bryant

    So if she alters the blood test whose daughter will she say Willow is? She's got to do that part too. I agree with her Nina is dangerous … Just like Nelle.

  • Mimi

    Yes, too much of a busy body. I can understand keeping a secret but changing DNA test that's a bit much. And yes, I am on Carl's side.

  • Guest

    Yes, she needs Jason to keep her on the straight and narrow! She's too impulsive!

  • Michael

    Well said!

  • Michael

    Please don’t let Carly go to this extreme. Not a good look for her and this revenge thing! Plus, it’s criminal and punishable with a jail sentence. Just let it play out with Carly getting so involved in changing DNA. Ps. I love Carly for the record!

  • Barbara

    No. I am not shocked by how far Carly will go to get her way and keep that secret from Nina & Willow. I'd be shocked if anyone believed that Carly would do the right thing.

  • Guest

    all the way I hope! Perfect eye for an eye lol!

  • Guest

    I agree. I'm so tired of the Carly show. Why is she even involved in this story line?
    Btw.. It's stupid making Nina willows bio mom.
    Writers just couldn't leave well enough alone. Now this will just drag out so long, hoping ppl watch, until no one will care

  • Guest

    Good for Carly!! Keeping her word n want Nina to never find out.

  • Guest

    Every since There has bee a Carly on GH she does whatever she wants too!

  • Guest

    Come on Carly is way better than this she needs to show Nina how a real woman handles a difficult decision.

  • Tonya Bond

    It’s not right for Carly to keep this secret. Willow deserves to know where she came from whether she’s a good woman or not. It was not right for Nina to keep Sonny from his family. The same way it’s not right to keep Willow and Nina from having a relationship. To do anything other than tell them the truth is petty elementary school behavior, not that of a woman, a mother non the less.

  • lbc

    I feel it is already at a point whereby most viewers don't care who is or who isn't related to Nina. And then when writers created the NF story line with so much Nina/Sonny, everything that has been GH has been torn apart by a story line not many care for and that is getting more and more chapters daily. Time for the Wiley relationship saga, the Nina/Willow saga and most of all the Sony/Nina story lines to end as all have carried on for much too long.

  • lbc

    This situation is a double edge sword – keep your word to a dying person, and not to tell someone the truth that needs to be told. Carly is really in a bad position this time around. Regardless of her decision it will cause hurt and/or possible happiness depending on those involved. I would guess that this is the reason Carly was the one chosen to know the truth for the reveal. Another reason given for Carly/Nina to be compared for misdeeds. Wouldn't want to be put in this position.

  • LovemyGH

    If Carly tells the truth and I hope she does; it wouldn't mean she didn't keep her word to Harmony. I only heard Carly say she would protect Willow from Nina not that she would keep her bio mom a secret!

  • Guest

    By golly I’m beyond shocked! She could possibly be in trouble knee deep. This is a federal offense. However, I’m not shocked as to how far she would go. If caught I wonder how she’d feel in a pair of shiny new hand cuffs?

  • Guest

    Barbara, I’m with you. I’m afraid of doing too many unethical things. However, I’m not about to break the law to help no one out no matter what. Let the chips fall where they may.

  • lbc

    If the only way Carly can be kept on the straight/narrow is advice by Jason, she needs definitely needs sessions with Kevin Collins to get over her dependency of making rational decisions without the help of anyone.

  • Guest

    Carly is just as much a criminal ass she believes Nina to be. Really, keeping Nina's 2nd daughter from her. Despicable.

  • Guest

    General Hospital has to be losing fans I don’t want to watch anymore they turned them both into different people completely have to start watching Something else General Hospital sucks!!!

  • Guest

    Two wrongs don’t make a right. It’s always good to do the right thing.

  • Guest


  • Guest

    What will Michael think when he finds out that his mom did this to Willow?
    He’s becoming a real jerk