General Hospital Spoilers: Charlotte’s Disturbing Behavior – Is Valentin To Blame?

 General Hospital: Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart), Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) General Hospital spoilers tease that Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) will be struck by Charlotte Cassadine’s (Scarlett Fernandez) Helena Cassadine-like (Constance Towers) behavior in an upcoming episode of GH – and Charlotte’s other grandmother, Laura Collins (Genie Francis) is blaming him for it!

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General Hospital Spoilers – Valentin Cassadine And Laura Collins Met After Laura Intercepted A Text Message From Him To Lulu Spencer

General Hospital viewers will recall that Valentin and Laura met in the Metro Court in Monday’s episode and Laura had responded to a text that Valentin had actually sent to her daughter, Lulu Spencer (Emme Rylan) who of course is Charlotte’s birth mother. Laura had brought up the point that Valentin’s mother was Helena, instead of his father being Mikkos Cassadine (John Colicos) and that was to make a dig at him losing anything Cassadine, to be sure.

They then talked about Charlotte’s custody hearing, which the text was intended to talk to Lulu about calling off the sole custody hearing, and going back to their current arrangement of shared custody – meaning Valentin had Charlotte part of the time, and Lulu had her part of the time. Just because Valentin no longer lives in Wyndemere Castle, which parts of Charlotte found creepy anyway, doesn’t mean his current digs in the Metro Court aren’t a sufficient home for her to live in.

Besides, she’s close to Lulu when she is at work that way, since “The Invader” is on the top floor of the hotel where Crimson Magazine and Aurora Media also are located. That is very convenient for Valentin and Lulu to make a trade-off of their daughter when it is one or the other’s turn. Laura had the audacity to blame Valentin for Charlotte’s acting out and Valentin told her the acting out was coming from Lulu talking about taking Charlotte away from him right in front of her, which as GH viewers will recall, is exactly what happened!

GH Spoilers – Valentin Cassadine Takes Pause When He Notices Some Helena Cassadine-Like Behavior In His Daughter

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However, neither Laura nor Lulu has mentioned therapy or counseling for Charlotte, which one would think the wife of a psychiatrist would suggest. Valentin is struck by that fact and also takes pause when he notices some Helena Cassadine-like behavior in Charlotte. It is not like she comes after a human being with a dagger, or anything like that but beheading one of her favorite dolls does tend to grab Valentin’s attention!

He could easily imagine crazy Helena doing something like that – and he has found out more about his maternal side of his family, although he still does not know who his birth father was. He knew there was mental illness in his older brother Stavros Cassadine’s (Robert Kelker-Kelly) history, and he knew Mikkos qualified quite well as a megalomaniac; however, now he has found out more about Helena’s daughter Irina Cassadine (Alyshia Ochse) who also was treated – and imprisoned by Helena for quite some time as well!

But knowing that Irina was his half-sister – and maybe his whole sister, since they could very well have had the same birth father – takes on a whole different light now. He knew the story although he had never met Irina but seeing Charlotte beheading one of her favorite dolls scares him to death, and Valentin doesn’t scare easily! Now he knows he must take action on his own to find out what is wrong with his little girl, but he has to do it before the family court convenes, and he has to make sure that Laura and Lulu don’t blame him for it! Valentin never thought he would be giving Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) a call about anything, but this may be an exception!

Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

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Curtis AshfordGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersValentin Cassadine
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  • Guest

    I don’t think so but it’s possible. Lulu certainly isn’t the best role model either.

  • Charles David Haskell

    If Charlotte was being raised by another man as her father unlike Valentin Cassadine that her trouble wouldn’t this big. Valentin was too busy going for his own need and deserve that he didn’t notice that his own daughter Charlotte was slowly turning into a mini-Helena Cassadine. I see a screaming matching between Lulu and Valentin on who is at fault mother or father.

  • Guest

    Not if she did not live with him. Charlotte has seen Valentin do and say a lot of terrible things to people. And he get away with hurting others. He models horrible behavior for Charlotte. So why shouldn’t she do the same.

  • LAB66

    Valentin isn’t the only one to blame. Most of Charlotte’s acting out has been under Lulu’s supervision. Lulu is the one flying into outbursts in front of her daughter. Everyone mentions Helena being her grandmother, but so is Laura who herself had years of mental health issues.