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Ryan Chamberlain Was Supposed To Be In Solitary Confinement
Ryan is not someone you want in with other prisoners; he is extremely dangerous and should be, and was supposed to be, in solitary confinement. He cannot be socialized. He is a narcissistic sociopath and cannot be rehabilitated. So how and where did he commit an act of violence in Pentonville Prison, and what did he do, and who or what set him off?
General Hospital spoilers say there are two things that might make Ryan angry enough to act out, and possibly kill a prison guard, or maybe even another prisoner if he has a chance ; one, his meeting with Ava Jerome (Maura West) in a recent General Hospital episode, and two, that Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) may have been paroled without having tried to help him escape!
Ryan Chamberlain Is Obsessed With Ava Jerome And Bonded With Nelle Benson
Ryan Chamberlain is obsessed with Ava Jerome and bonded with Nelle Benson, over a shared hatred of common enemies and stolen kidneys. Longtime General Hospital viewers who watched Ryan stalk, become obsessed with, and then hate Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) after she rejected him know this is his pattern with women he becomes involved with; worship, adore, obsess, stalk, hate, and kill, or try to kill! There is every chance that Ava went to visit Ryan only to get it through the thick skull that she is rejecting him, and she does not need him, want him or love him; she has realized that she fell in love with an illusion, a copy of Kevin Collins, (Jon Lindstrom) when Ryan was impersonating his twin.
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Grief over her daughter, Kiki Jerome, (Hayley Erin) who he murdered as a gift to Ava while sleeping with her on the same night, for which she still blames herself for being duped by him, has caused hatred in her for Ryan and now he will move from worship and adoration to hatred, and stalking and killing her if he gets the chance! But as long as he is in the confines of the prison, he won’t get that chance! He will be even more determined to escape!
Nelle Benson Has A Parole Hearing Coming Up And A Lawyer Who Can Work Miracles
Meanwhile, his “friend” Nelle Benson has a parole hearing coming up and a lawyer, Martin Gray (Michael E. Knight) who is known for working miracles with parole boards! Ryan was probably thinking and Nelle may have promised him that she would help him and they could escape together, and he may have had the same thoughts of Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) but now he is dead!
He already feels betrayed by Ava, and has unfinished revenge business with his brother and others who stole his kidney, and there’s a good possibility that Martin Gray will win his case and Nelle will be paroled, free, and back in Port Charles without giving a second thought to escape promises she may have discussed with Ryan! That will definitely set him off and he will take out his anger with deadly force on whoever he may be able to subdue behind the walls of the prison! Apparently, there will be no case to solve because Chase will already know Ryan is the culprit by what the evidence tells him!
AMP in the post
Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
Someone please put viewers out of their misery @AND KILL NELLE DEAD