General Hospital Spoilers: Cody Comes Clean: “Mac, You Are My Father”

General Hospital spoilers spill Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) is going to blurt out the truth to his father this Christmas in hopes that it will set him free.

AMP in the post

He’s tired of living a lie and pretending to be the child of a monster like Leopold Taub (Chip Lucia). Sasha Gilmore Corbin (Sofia Mattsson) continues to have a positive effect on Cody’s outlook on the world.

She’s so busy trying to rush things along and give him a shot at being the next love of her life, and he’s being the grown-up and mature one for once who is trying to guide her in taking her time.

But is there more to it? Is it possible that Cody thinks he doesn’t deserve Sasha any more than he thinks he deserves a dad like Mac Scorpio (John J. York)?

General Hospital Spoilers — Sasha Gilmore Corbin Inspires Cody Bell

The more that Sasha gets her life back on track without really leaning on anyone else, the more that Cody is going to feel like they are two peas in a pod.

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He’s never had someone to rely on in that way either, and it makes him feel a little bit less alone in the world to have a friend like Sasha who really gets what it’s like to be on your own and have no one. Except — Cody doesn’t have no one.

He has a family, and he just won’t let himself enjoy them. Word on the street is Sasha’s pep talk is about to change that.

GH Spoilers – Tease It’s The Season For Giving

As Sasha continues to dish out honesty to Cody, he just might be inspired by her willingness to tell him what she really thinks. Is honesty actually the best policy?

Would it bring more joy than harm to everyone’s lives if Cody told Mac the truth? How would he explain why he lied in the first place without looking like an awful human being? That’s easy.

AMP in the post

He can’t. But he can cop to his mistakes and shortcomings, and ask for his dad to give him another chance.

General Hospital Spoilers — A Clean Slate

It’s going to be easier said than done for Mac to wipe the slate clean and start over with Cody after he admits to lying about the paternity test and tells Mac he is his dad.

They already share a history, and he’s not unhappy with it. But learning Cody is his son will indeed change everything, and they will both have to figure out where those boundaries lie.

We can surmise that the very first rule of their relationship will be no more secrets and lies. Can Cody stick with that, or will he continue to build a wall between himself and Mac out of fear of the unknown?

Keep checking back with us for more GH news and spoilers to see how this shakes out.

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