General Hospital Spoilers: Could Peter Have An Evil Twin Who Has Taken Over?

General Hospital: Peter August (Wes Ramsey)General Hospital spoilers tease that Peter August (Wes Ramsey) has changed so much in the last few months that he almost seems like a different person. Given twinning can be genetic, could the Peter who GH fans have seen for the last few months actually be a different person who’s slipped in – an evil twin?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Even Peter August’s Hairstyle Is Different

General Hospital viewers will recall that even though Peter came to Port Charles as a man bent on revenge against his evil birth father, Cesar Faison, (Anders Hove), he was also rather shy. He did play a part in his father’s demise and accidentally played a part in his current girlfriend, Maxie Jones’ (Kirsten Storms) late husband’s, Detective Nathan West’s (Ryan Paevey) death, with Faison meaning to kill Peter but killing Nathan instead.

Then there was the rage of Nathan’s grieving mother, Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) tying Peter up in a cabin and torturing him, starving him, and then moving him to the stables on Spoon Island and tying him and Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) to a post and setting the stables on fire! Peter’s hair is even different – the old Peter had straight brushed back hair. The new Peter has curly hair. And the new, evil Peter would have killed Liesl before she could have knocked him out and drug him out of his room.

Another difference is the old Peter would never have hurt his mentor and second father, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) – the new one punched him in the gut at his most recent wedding attempt to Nina! General Hospital writers might want us to believe that evil Peter is the real Peter and that he was faking being nice – but really, evil Peter would not have been very nice to Liesl after she did that to him – he would have done a lot worse to her than framing her for his crimes! The question is, why hasn’t he?

GH Spoilers – Could An Evil Twin Have Slipped In With Maxie Jones Not Even Noticing?

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There is such a marked difference between the old Peter and the newer, evil Peter that it doesn’t even seem like he could be the same person! It’s understandable that the old Peter would feel pressure from Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) who was blackmailing him – with his past – but would Maxie have really dumped him for something that happened so long ago?

Hiding one’s past because of being ashamed for it seems to speak of a better person than many are thinking Peter is now – and saying that he has always been a liar and a murderer all along. But could an evil twin have slipped in without Maxie even noticing? It is possible – especially if he brainwashed her in her sleep during the transition!

General Hospital may not have shown a complete backstory when Peter started turning dark and ordering hits – it could be that Peter’s evil twin was the one working with Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) and kidnapped Drew Cain (Billy Miller) out of Afghanistan, while the less evil Peter did intend the “kidnapping” of Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) to the Boronsky Clinic a way to keep him safe, although it kind of backfired on him! What it boils down to, is the GH writers have written Peter into an evil corner that he may never be able to be redeemed from; giving him a previously unknown evil twin might be a way to do it!

Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

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General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersPeter AugustRobert Scorpio
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  • louisever5

    While the twin idea is interesting, especially with the hair change, I wonder if it might be duel personalities. To me both stories, your and mine are better than evil Peter

  • RavenJackal

    I have long thought that something has been wrong with Peter. I could see him having a twin brother who is bad. Peter and his twin could be Patients 7 & 8. Peter could have been replaced or some of his bad twins memories mapped in him. It would explain why Pete wanted to give Drew the flash drive then would want to have him eliminated. Peter would have been acting like his bad twin. I have thought that maybe Cabot programmed Peter as part of experiment. It does not make sense that the creator of the memory mapping project has not been a part of this situation. I believe he is the real big bad. Helena could also have done something to Peter like she did to Lucky and Jake. He could also be forced to do these shady things by Cyrus or someone. I have also thought he could be a spy. I have not liked that they have had Peter do all these dark shady things. I want Peter to be alright and back in a better place again.

  • Guest

    I really like the actor, but am really tired of evil Peter!

  • Guest

    What is the fascination with this character?? Get rid of this Peter and if an evil twin or angelic Twin is revealed then GH deserves to be cancelled. GH is promoting weak characters while allowing fan requests and demands for stories they want and know are needed to be ignored-Frank is a disaster of an EP and his choices are pathetic. GH promoting the mob and violence is disgusting. I have my wants and the story I want would be emotional, about family and reigniting passion and romance-but what we get is overused under talented cast with ratings still in the basement yet Frank will not listen and continues to flood our screens with an underwhelming product-same mistake being made as we saw with Shiloh, Nelle and the baby swap and now Peter-shameful

  • RavenJackal

    I have thought that Peter could have dissociative identity disorder or DID. A lot of times the problem happens when someone is child and goes through a bad trama. It would make sense for Peter to have it considering that he more than likely must have seen some really terrible things when he was a child because of Faison. I could see Peter having two personalities. One that can do dark things to protect the other from having to do or witness the bad things. I like your idea for Peter because they could make the dark personality go away. DID has been done before like on One Life to Live with Niki and Viki.

  • Guest

    That could reason Peter is acting Weird that maybe he does have a twin brother and he’s evil and he is taking over his brothers place that’s known to happen and that’s a possibility and then again he could just be trying to protect himself but in a way I like Peter but I don’t like the way he is now I’d rather Wes Ramsey stay at GH And be an even in all evil twin thing and make him a good guy bring the good Peter back so he couldn’t stop all this and save Lisle and show that they were twins instead of one and redeem us and show that he’s a good Peter so he could be with Maxie and all this and that would explain maybe that’s what it is I hope so because I like the actor who plays peter

  • Guest

    No Peter does not have A twin because he has turned his life around and A very good person that what he is I know he did A bad thing trying to protect him self that way