General Hospital Spoilers: Disturbing Peter August Truth Revealed, Who Will Be Hurt the Most?

General Hospital: Peter August (Wes Ramsey) General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that there are many people who are going to end up hurt once they discover the truth concerning Peter August’s (Wes Ramsey) crimes. Now, some GH fans are dying to see Peter’s smug face shut behind bars, but what will happen to those who love him?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Maxie Jones is Crushed

By now. GH viewers know that Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) is a woman who stands by her man. Although there are some GH fans who have criticized Maxie because she seems to gobble down all of Peter’s stories. Maxie believes Peter’s justifications for accusations levied against him, and she accepts it when Peter shifts the blame from himself to others. In Maxie’s eyes, Peter may have been a bad man once. Now, however, he is actually a rogue with a heart of gold. Peter’s the bad guy who’s trying to tiptoe on a razor’s edge down the straight and narrow!

Nevertheless, the truth will crush Maxie when she finds out the truth. GH viewers may recall the tears that streamed down her face when she found out (falsely) that her mother-in-law, Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati). Maxie couldn’t believe how badly she’d been duped. Maxie couldn’t understand how she could have been so utterly wrong about Obrecht. Viewers watched her mentally kick and beat herself up over the whole thing for quite some time. Indeed, Maxie refused comfort from those closest to her.

Imagine what might happen when she learns all the things she now believes about Obrecht can be laid at the feet of Peter August. It’s not a pretty picture.

GH Spoilers – Anna Devane Might Kill Herself

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Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) may be humbled, perhaps broken, beyond all repair once she learns how wrong she was about Peter August’s innocence. Many GH viewers have become increasingly intolerant when it comes to what they’ve seen as willful blindness on Anna’s part. They’re not alone. Indeed Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers), Anna’s own fiancé, Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) … they all raised the alarm regarding Peter’s crimes at one time or another.

Anna has ignored or actively attacked each of them for daring to point out what is obvious to everyone else. After all, the much-praised World Security Bureau (WSB) has accepted the evidence against Peter. Why can’t everyone else?

Still, should Obrecht and Scorpio (or anyone else) be successful in bringing the truth to light, what will happen to Anna then? What consequences might Anna face? Mightn’t Finn call off their wedding? Couldn’t the man Anna loves emotionally distance himself from her? Might she not lose the chance to be a mother of sorts to Violet Finn (Jophielle Love)?

Worse, Anna could face prison time herself should Peter be successful in shifting blame for framing Obrecht. Remember that everyone knows how much Anna hates Liesl!

Considering all of the above, the former spy might be scandalized beyond repair. Some fans have floated the theory that gives such horrifying circumstance, Anna could have an emotional or mental break, which could lead to a massive shock for the entire GH community.

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Indeed, there’s the distressing notion that faced with how profoundly mistaken she was, Anna might resort to suicide!

General Hospital Spoilers – Peter August’s Guilty. The End.

Great hosts of GH fans agree that Peter is guilty and should pay the price for his crimes. This is true even considering the potential for great injury to the lives of some characters viewers have grown to love. There is an ache inside those who are fair-minded to see justice done. No matter how much Maxie or Anna, or anyone else whose life has been impacted by Peter’s lies is harmed, GH viewers want what’s right to happen.

Then again, there is an argument for moral ambiguity. Considering how many peoples’ lives might be destroyed, maybe Peter can go Scott-Free if he attempts to give himself to the light side of the Force. After all, Peter killed the assassin he, himself, sent in an attempt to rectify a wrong he’d done. Maybe Peter will change his mind and get Obrecht off the hook.

GH fans know stranger things have happened!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersPeter AugustRobert Scorpio
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  • RavenJackal

    I believe that there is a way for Maxie and Peter to make it. I do believe that she will be upset and may leave Peter. However I believe that Peter can work to make it up to her and get her back somehow. Anna will be upset but she loves Peter and will want to be there for him. I believe that she will still try to help him rebuild after everything that comes out. Anna has had to rebuild her life after her time as double agent. I do not believe that Anna will try to do anything drastic to herself. Peter is a part of too many lives and need to put on the road to redemption. Franco and Andre are alright now. Sam can be with Jason again. I hope that Drew is alright somewhere. Liesl can be freed. Peter can start to make it up to everyone. It is way past time to make this story line right. I want Peter to be put into a better story line like the one he was in before they nearly destroyed his redemption over this pointless situation.

  • Guest

    I think Maxie will be heart broken but she’ll get through it with all the support she has. Peter should be locked up n throw away the keys.

  • Guest

    She is denial because Maxie is in love with Peter and I am happy for that