General Hospital Spoilers: Esme Frames Cameron For Attempted Rape, Spencer Shocked?

General Hospital: Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl)General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) will try to frame Cameron Webber (William Lipton) for attempted rape after their trip to the Corinthos cabin in upcoming episodes of General Hospital! She has bruises to show, and Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez) won’t know what to believe!

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General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors – Esme Prince Spikes The Teens’ Hot Chocolate With Pills

General Hospital viewers will remember that Esme recently picked up a prescription at the pharmacy in General Hospital, most likely faking the prescription of a psychiatric patient, or possibly a tranquilizer. Esme has had a particular evil plot in mind when getting those pills, which are more than likely in capsule form; and once she, Spencer, and the rest of the group are settled in, she’ll spike their hot chocolate with the substance!

While Spencer, Josslyn Jacks, (Eden McCoy) Trina Robinson, (Sydney Mikayla) and Cameron are passed out from the drugs, Esme creates a narrative with “proof” worthy of the best of Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) – or should that be the worst?! She will go in Cameron’s room, strip him down while he’s unconscious, perhaps try to rape him to leave DNA evidence to make her frame stick and likely make the scene of the crime she’s making up look like it’s the scene of the crime!

GH Spoilers And Rumors – Josslyn Jacks And Trina Robinson Will Call Esme Prince A Liar

General Hospital viewers will see Josslyn and Trina call Esme a liar when she tells them, in front of Spencer, what happened to her; longtime General Hospital viewers know that Spencer won’t believe her at first. Spencer, Josslyn and Cameron have known each other since childhood, and of course Cameron denies it, not even remembering anything from the previous night because of the drugging-Spencer and all the others will want proof!

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Esme wants to create a mess between Cameron and Josslyn and a mess between Trina and Spencer because of her jealousy, and she’s a piece of work triple dipped in psycho! Esme doesn’t like that “Spence” will have to spend time in Spring Ridge because of his crimes, and she wants Cameron to pay for his even if they aren’t crimes he committed – that’s just part of it. She knows if she “gets rid” of Cameron that he won’t be around to protect Trina or Josslyn, so of course she wants him out of the picture!

General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors – Crazy Esme Prince Injures Herself To Fake Being Raped

General Hospital viewers know that Esme is definitely trouble with a capital t and even more crazed than crazy Nelle and her plots and schemes; she may not have killed anyone yet, but that might just be the next thing! General Hospital viewers will see that Esme will go as far as to injure herself in order to fake being raped, or at least attempted rape – she’ll prove her allegations by showing Spencer her bruising.

Spencer will now be torn between the “evidence” he sees and Cameron’s denials of his guilt, along with Josslyn and Trina defending Cameron, along with his own disbelief that Cameron would do such a thing. Esme might hope to incite a fist fight between Spencer and Cameron but what she might wind up with is a catfight between herself and Josslyn, and maybe Trina, but Josslyn will be the most formidable opponent! General Hospital viewers can bet that Josslyn will open her mouth and her mother will come out, and Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) is no one to mess with!

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Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

Avery Kristen PohlGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital Spoilers
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