General Hospital Spoilers: Esme’s Ammunition — Will She Take Down The Cassadines For Good?

General Hospital Spoilers teases Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) is headed back to Port Charles and she’s holding all the cards to start a feud with the Cassadine family they won’t see coming. Sure, they’ll expect she’s up to something when they find out she’s returned, but what she has in store is the furthest thing from their minds.

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Esme’s War with the Cassadines is Just Getting Started

When Esme was planning her return to Port Charles, she knew her intentions would be a landslide victory against the Cassadines. Still, she’s not completely certain of herself. She’s going to need some help pulling off her next plan, and she doesn’t have very many people can can rely on to help a girl when she wants to take down the empire that is the Cassadine family. What better way to do so than working from the inside out? After all, it helped her the first go ‘round.

This time, Esme won’t be able to enlist support from Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez). He’s in Pentonville for a couple more months, and they certainly didn’t part ways on good terms. No, Spencer will see Esme again, however, and she’s got special plans in store for him.

Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) might be a reasonable ally she could enlist for help, but it’s unlikely now that Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West) — his wife — knows the truth. Still, Esme might have an advantage over Nikolas. Even though she survived her tumble over the parapet at Wyndemere, that doesn’t mean someone isn’t on the hook for her attempted murder — and now she’s back to talk about it. Nik isn’t afraid of legal ramifications for himself — as is showcased by his recent willingness to confess to killing Esme to protect his wife. Howver, Nikolas would not want Ava to pay the price, and he might be willing to help Esme again if she promises to keep quiet. Will he be foolish enough to trust the sinister seductress?

General Hospital Spoilers — Esme Won’t Be Lonely for Long

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Nik might not have to help Esme if she can employ someone else to do her bidding. But who is close enough to the Cassadines that they could help her destroy them? Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaugnessy) is the most likely person to become Esme’s ally from within the Cassadine clan, and why not? He’s been angling for the throne of the Cassadine kingdom ever since he got back to town.

Is it possible Esme and Victor were allies all along — and Victor sent Esme to the boarding school Spencer was in to purposely target him? Where does Maggie — Esme’s nanny — come into play? Is she innocent in all of this, or might she play a critical role in Esme’s master plan? Regardless, we know one person likely to be on Esme’s side is her birth father, Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom).

GH Spoilers Says Esme Will Claim She Has a Baby on Board

Esme is back in Port Charles, and she’s brought a souvenir with her. After her fling with Nikolas, following her relationship with Spencer, Esme could have found herself pregnant with a Cassadine heir — just the kind of fodder Victor would use to try to dismantle Nik’s happy home. But is she really pregnant? Tune into GH on weekdays to find out, and stick with us for more news, updates, and GH spoilers just ahead.

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  • Dan

    Hope Esme is pregnant with Niks baby. What an incredible story to telling

  • Gammalinda48

    I heard Rory is Esme’s step-brother somewhere, and Esme has him doing the killings (Hook) !! I all along thought it could be Rory doing the killings before I even heard he might be Esme’s step-brother !! Let’s see how far off I am about RORY, something about those eye’s very sneaky looking !! Esme being pregnant is STUPID, falling off a balcony into the rocks below in her first trimester if she was pregnant she would have lost the baby !! So hear we go again with a ZILLION STORYLINES, makes you not want to watch for awhile !! I’ll wait and see if too many storylines I’ll take a vacation from GH for awhile….

    • Linda

      I’m with you. The Elizabeth storyline is stupid and confusing. These background histories are ridiculous and involve all kinds of new people we don’t like. I’d like to see Cyrus Reneau start some trouble and shake things up. Nothing else of interest for me right now. Just more stupidity.

  • Lee

    Everytime I See This Character
    I Have The Urge To SCREAM
    & SLAP Someone Up Side Thier
    Head. ESME IS SO SMUG &
    Feels Sp Entitled, Glad SPENCER
    Didn’t Fall Her PREGNANCY
    Scheem & Made Her Take A
    Pregnancy Test, & Was Ever
    So Glad It Was Negitive, Little
    Miss ESME Does Not Deserve
    To Be A CASSADINE. Lately
    I Wish HELENA Would Come
    Back Give Little Miss ESME
    The FRIGHT HER LIFE & Scare
    Her Bad That She Leaves &
    Never Comes Back.

  • Bratt

    WoW we sure didn’t see a pregnancy coming out of this ‍♀️ are they kidding me. All they do is replay stories over and over and over again…Enough already

  • Nanlee

    I really have no interest in the Esme storyline a pure waste…Nickolas is disgusting to watch,Every word out of his mouth, his behavior, not really anything of talent what so ever,disappointing time of GH..