General Hospital Spoilers: Esme’s Family Secrets Don’t Stop With Ryan

General Hospital: Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl)General Hospital spoilers and updates reveals early in our introduction to Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl), we came to know her bitterness toward betrayal as she spoke of such being the reason her family fell apart. Of course, she never had to actually endure her adoptive parents splitting up, because they both conveniently died before they could truly part ways. It also wasn’t particularly clear whether the betrayal she spoke of only applied to her adoptive parents, or whether it also applied to her birth parents. It would surprise no one to find out Esme is secretly resentful that she wasn’t raised in a loving home by both of her birth parents.

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Esme’s birth parents were a topic she didn’t really discuss at length, but the death of her adoptive parents did leave her in the care of a beloved nanny, Maggie Fitzgerald. Her communications with Maggie clued us in on her former nanny probably being the only person whose opinion truly matters to Esme.

General Hospital Spoilers – Hints the Big Betrayal May Have Happened in Port Charles

The way Esme spoke of the betrayal between her parents implied someone stepped outside of the marriage. She put a strong emphasis on her distaste for people who break up others’ happy family homes, alluding to someone having broken her parents apart when one of them fell for somebody else. But whom?

What we do know is that Esme’s alleged birth father is Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom), which means it’s quite possible Esme’s birth mother is also in the Port Charles area. The most likely candidate seems like it would be Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) — the object of Ryan’s affection after all these years. However, it’s unlikely that Felicia had a child unless she did so while living with Ryan in Texas and gave the child up out of fear he would find out. Still, for Felicia to have never told Mac Scorpio (John J. York) all these years would be dramatically out of character for her.

Ryan has spent years in and out of mental facilities on ABC General Hospital. It’s not impossible that he got another patient pregnant — whether consensual or not. Some fans are convinced Esme is actually the child of Mac and Dominique Baldwin (Shell Danielson). It would make perfectly sinister sense that Ryan has pretended to be Esme’s father to corrupt her against her real birth father, perhaps in revenge against Mac. It’s also possible Esme could be the fruit of the affair Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West) had with Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth). Just because Kiki Jerome (Hayley Erin) didn’t turn out to be that child doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t exist. The reality is, it’s unlikely Ryan really fathered a child given all the time he was locked up for being, well, insane.

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GH Spoilers — Ryan Chamberlain Knows The Truth

If Ryan isn’t Esme’s birth father, he certainly knows it. It hasn’t been fully revealed how Ryan and Esme came to find one another. He could have found this long-lost child of one of his Port Charles enemies (Mac) or of his personal obsession (Ava) and targeted her on purpose, pretending to be her father to garner her truth and manipulate her. What do you think? Let us know. Check back every day for more GH news and spoilers you can count on.

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  • dolly

    Unless she’s lying about her age…Esme is way to young to be Mac’s, Felisha’s or even Ava’s daughter…she would be older than Maxi..Serina..probably even Cody..if Ava’s..then older than Ki-Ki if she was Ava’s and Franco’s..and Kiki..being the youngest of all of them would be close to 30 by now..if not older..