General Hospital Spoilers: Franco’s Condition Revealed In New Promo – Is Friz Back On?

General Hospital Spoilers - Franco Baldwin’s (Roger Howarth)

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General Hospital spoilers tease that this holiday season, a family prays for a miracle; “Frankendrew” allows Dr. Andre Maddox (Anthony Montgomery) to begin the process of removing Drew Cain’s (Billy Miller) memories and personality, hopefully revealing Franco Baldwin’s (Roger Howarth) own. Will Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) have her Franco back in time for Christmas? This week on GH!

General Hospital Spoilers – Franco Baldwin Is Undergoing The Memory Transfer Reversal Procedure

In this week’s General Hospital weekly preview, “Franco’s Condition” Franco is in General Hospital undergoing the memory transfer reversal procedure, being performed by Andre. Still as “Drew” Franco takes a deep breath as the procedure is just about to begin. As Elizabeth, Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner) and Cameron Webber (William Lipton) sit in the waiting room outside the operating room, Cameron reminds his mother that before Franco was implanted with Drew’s memories and personality in his place, at the hands of Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) and Dr. Arthur Cabot (Time Winters) that Franco gave him a message for her; that he said that he loves her and that he will be back.

Elizabeth says to Franco’s father, Scott and her son, Cameron that they all have to believe – that Franco will awaken as Franco, and not Drew, not “Frankendrew” having both sets of memories, and not as a vegetable! Viewers will recall that Franco took Cameron’s place when Shiloh kidnapped him, wanting Drew’s memories to be implanted in someone – anyone – so that he could find out if Drew remembered his kidnapping him out of Afghanistan. After much arguing between Winters, who refused to do the procedure on a teenager, and Shiloh, Shiloh agreed to let Franco take Cameron’s place. Franco has been pre-2012 Drew Cain in his mind and actions ever since!

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GH Spoilers – Franco Baldwin Comes To

Viewers can see now in the promo that Franco has been unconscious or sleeping for a period of time, possibly overnight because Cameron and Elizabeth are dressed in different clothes. Scott is possibly in the waiting room but he is not seen. Cameron and Elizabeth are in Franco’s hospital room now as he is still unconscious. The question is, when he does wake up, who will he be or what will he be? Will he wake up at all?

As General Hospital viewers will recall, there were risks with this procedure, since it was basically experimental. Franco could either wake up and be Franco again, he could be Drew, with Drew’s memories and personality getting stronger, or he could have both his own and Drew’s memories, or he could be a vegetable. But based on Franco’s promise to her before he underwent the initial procedure, Elizabeth believes that somehow Franco will keep his promise, and he will be back!

Cameron and Elizabeth stand over an unconscious or sleeping Franco in his hospital bed and wait to see if he will awaken and regain consciousness, and wait for the outcome. Elizabeth bends over him in the bed, and says to him, “I love you so much” as Cameron stands behind her. Then, Cameron suddenly notices something and says, “Mom!” Franco starts blinking and opens his eyes!

Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

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Franco BaldwinGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersPeter August
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  • Guest

    I hope it’s Franco that comes back but I also want him to have some of drews “lingering” memories just enough to take down Peter. This whole story was bogus so at least end it with something worthwhile. Team Franco all the way