General Hospital Spoilers: Harmony Killed By Ryan Before She Can tell Willow The Truth

General Hospital: Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel)

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General Hospital Spoilers tease after months of speculation, Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) will attempt to escape Spring Ridge, most likely with the help of Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl). Ryan has been under the radar for quite awhile because he has been unable to move except to blink. Ryan had been suffering from locked-in syndrome after he was stabbed months ago. There is every possibility he has fully recovered or perhaps Esme found a way to gradually heal him, But either way, Ryan will soon be ready to make his move and Harmony (Inga Cadranel) will pay the ultimate price for getting in his way.

General Hospital Spoilers – Harmony will take her secrets to the grave!

Recently, Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) seems to have misplaced her birth certificate. She was confused when she was told there is no record of her birth with any government agency. Harmony freaked out when Willow asked her mother for help in obtaining a replacement document. Harmony later confessed to Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) that the birth certificate Willow had was a fake. Even more shocking was Harmony’s revelation that she is not Willow’s birth mother and a real birth certificate never existed!

GH Spoilers – Alexis Davis Tried In Vain To Convince Harmony Miller To Tell Willow Tait The Truth.

Harmony had planned to take Alexis’ advice and confess that she isn’t Willow’s biological mother and the birth certificate Willow had until recently was a forgery. But she couldn’t go through with it and she assured Willow that she would have a replacement birth certificate as soon as possible. Then she paid a known and reputable forger to create another fake birth certificate. But thanks to Alexis’ constant prodding, Harmony will decide to face the consequences of her lies. But unfortunately, fate will have other plans.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Ryan Chamberlain won’t let Harmony get in his way!

Harmony works as an Aide at Spring Ridge. If Ryan has indeed regained his ability to move, Harmony will eventually pick up on the clues but Ryan will kill Harmony. Of course, Willow will be devastated once she finds out her mother is dead but now Harmony won’t be able to reveal the truth, Alexis will know the truth but struggle with whether or not it’s any of her business. But even Alexis may not know the whole truth. Harmony let Alexis believe that woman named Joan gave birth to Willow and then ran away from commune they were all living at. But judging from Harmony’s reaction to seeing Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros), the whole Joan story may also be a complete fabrication.

Gh Spoilers – What do you think?

Will Harmony go through with her lies? Can Alexis convince Harmony to come clean? Or will Ryan make sure Harmony never gets a chance? Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

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  • Guest

    I truly hope this isn't true. I hope Ryan doesn't kill Harmony. I've grown to like Harmony and her impact on Alexis. They have great chemistry. If they kill off her character, I can honestly say it would be some of the worst soap writing I've seen in a while. After all the screen time that went to building the Alexis / Harmony relationship and Alexis also really has nothing else going on. I can see Ryan potentially trying to kill Harmony, but not succeeding; in Harmony's critical state, perhaps Alexis realizes how much Harmony means to her and Willow realizes how much her mom, biological or not, means to her as well. Killing Harmony off would be ridiculously anti-climactic. I hope it's not true.

  • Guest

    I like Harmony with Alexis as well. I'd also be upset if they killed her off. I like you're idea better; create drama and suspense through Ryan attempting to kill her but only injuring her. I think that would be the perfect time for Alexis to realize she might feel something more than friendship for Harmony. I'm sorry Harmony isn't Willow's biological mother. A year and half ago I was hoping Nina might be her real mother, but this story has been draining to watch. I'm no longer rooting for Nina to be her mother, but it's obvious– too obvious that this is where they're going for the sole purpose of creating more drama for Carly and Sonny. So, they took away from a character (Harmony) who grew on me tremendously over the last half a year, to give more to a character who has kind of diminished in my eyes over the last year (Nina) just so Carly and Sonny can have more arguments, more tiring drama about Nina. All roads always lead back to Sonny and Carly (and Jason when he was on). This saddens me.

  • Guest

    Leave it to GH to kill off a character and a relationship I'm enjoying by bringing back a psychopath serial killer who's already returned one too many times. I've been shipping Alexis & Harmony since December! I really hope they don't kill her off. It's too much; the Jordan recast, now the Trina recast, Shaun is leaving as well. Can we ever see a storyline fully come to fruition without it being wrecked or the characters re-casted? I mean, I really really wished for Michelle Stafford's Nina to get the daughter she wanted. I really wanted some closure for that story and that character. Then I rooted for Cynthia Watros' Nina to get some closure and find her daughter. At this point, I don't care; I'm more than satisfied with Nelle being her daughter. I think it's a shame that they're re-writing this s/l to make Willow Nina's child after all these years. And just when Harmony is becoming a two dimensional character, they take away her kid. It's definitely the Sonny & Carly show, that has to be why they're doing this now, after all these years. SMH.

  • Guest

    Or maybe use this storyline to redeem Harmony further? Perhaps Ryan goes after Spencer and Harmony saves Spencer and is injured in the process, but does not die. I don't want to see Ryan take another life. And Harmony is an interesting character. I like the actress. I like her friendship with Alexis as well. There's definitely a spark there.