General Hospital Spoilers: Heartbreak Ahead For Maxie – Peter Drama Is Her Own Fault

General Hospital: Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms)General Hospital (GH) spoilers revealed that very soon the truth could come out about Peter August’s (Wes Ramsey) duplicity. GH fans know that when that happens, his girlfriend (perhaps soon to be fiancé), Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) will be devastated. The question is, will she deserve to be?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Maxie Jones Blames Liesl Obrecht

GH fans have gotten a little annoyed with Maxie. While she is a popular GH character, like Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) the bounds of her credulity continue to be stretched, but they never break. Maxie has heard all the myriad and sundry accusations against Peter during the course of their courtship. Indeed, Peter himself has come right out, and like a master copywriter, he’s addressed many objections before Maxie even knew she had them! Of course, by admitting to some of his past misdeeds and being honest about them, Peter has been able to allay Maxie’s fears. Now, Maxie trusts Peter implicitly.

Some may feel Maxie’s been a touch too gullible. Perhaps she has, but then Maxie doesn’t have the benefit of years and years serving as a secret agent. Maxie has never been a law enforcement professional. Maxie may then be forgiven if she accepts Peter’s lies a bit too quickly.

In fact, viewers know that at present, Peter has masterfully directed Maxie’s attention to Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) and the many sins he’s successfully placed on her shoulders.

GH Spoilers – Maxie Jones Wants To Marry Peter August

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The sad thing is that Maxie wants her life with Peter to be a fairy tale. It’s clear that Maxie wants a normal life with Peter. That was made clear not that long ago when Maxie’s former lover Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) discovered to his shock that Peter might ask Maxie to marry him. GH viewers may recall that Spinelli got really angry and was in the process of going off on Peter when Maxie declared her love for Peter and her intention to spend the rest of her life with him.

Everything seems to be getting to the point where everyone is going to find out what a liar and fraud Peter happens to be. How awful for Maxie if that happened as she and Peter were walking down the aisle?

General Hospital Spoilers – Maxie Jones Deserves Her Pain

In any case, many GH fans feel that Maxie has been just as willfully blind as Anna Devane. Even if Maxie doesn’t have the excuse of a law enforcement background, she has steadfastly refused to investigate Peter for herself. How long has Maxie known Liesl Obrecht? How long has she known Peter?

Clearly, Maxie has had a relationship with Obrecht longer than she has with Peter. Why then, is Maxie so quick to believe Peter and not Obrecht? It’s all emotional. It’s all because Maxie has an intimate relationship with Peter and for some reason feels that’s more important than getting to the real truth.

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The sad part is that Maxie could at least investigate Obrecht’s guilt for herself. Spinelli’s already offered his investigative services to her! That’s what’s driving so many GH viewers insane. It’s been said that he who answers a matter before he hears it is a fool.

In this case, Maxie’s already written her mother-in-law off on the word of her lover and her lover’s mother. Moreover, she’s done so without even attempting to see what evidence Obrecht had to offer. Maxie isn’t very smart. That’s why, when Maxie’s heart gets torn in two!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersPeter AugustRobert Scorpio
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  • Charles David Haskell

    Great it seem that Maxie Jones isn’t happy until she is the middle of heartbreak drama. She is too closed to Peter August in order to not see what kind of monster that he is truly . I got a bad feeling that they will get married and it will be too late when his dark nature finally come out.

  • RavenJackal

    I hope that things will somehow work out with Peter and Maxie. They are actually good together. Maxie and Peter have a lot in common. They both are interested in the media world and are comfortable at red carpet events. They both like to stay home with James and Georgie and watch old sitcoms together. Peter and Maxie have their dark sides although Peter has a much darker side than Maxie has. If he could let her in she might not be afraid of his dark side. Maxie has told Peter that he is a good person and that is one reason he has had a hard time telling her anything that might be bad inside of him all this time. I believe that if Maxie can show Peter her dark side then that would help. I believe that Maxie changed in order to be with Nathan because he was just so kind. I believe that Peter and Maxie could work long term if they can show each other who they really are. I think that they could become a power couple. Peter has the Invader. Maxie is working with Sasha and Lucy a Deception. Peter could help Maxie create her magazine one day. I hope that Peter will get on the road to redemption for Maxie so that he can be the man that she can trust in the end.

  • Guest

    Maxie should have sent him packing months ago. Hope Spinelle can expose Peter before Peter elimates someone else.

  • Guest

    I hope they can find a way to redeem Peter because this was all set in motion by Shiloh’s blackmail. Peter could have confessed his involvement in the kidnapping of Drew for Helena and Maxie would have understood if he told her he was too ashamed to tell her the whole truth. Then he could have been protected from Shiloh too.

  • Guest

    Yes Peter and Maxie belong together and they will make it through this mess
    They can become a strong power couple both light and dark together true soulmates these two are long term soap gold