General Hospital Spoilers: Heather Saves The Day, Her Daughter, And Grandson

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that it might be Heather Webber (Alley Mills) who saves the day, and saves her daughter and grandson from Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy). Esmé Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) may not want anything to do with her, but she did keep that letter she sent to Spring Ridge.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Victor Cassadine Wants The Baby

There’s no doubt that Victor wants Ace Prince-Cassadine (Jay and Joey Clay) and envisions him the new heir to the Cassadine dynasty, along with his older brother.

General Hospital spoilers show Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) has asked Victor to help him get Ace, and do something about Esmé in the process. But Spencer wants Esmé to stay alive so she can face justice and serve time for her crimes, once her old self returns-which he’s sure that it will.


Victor would just as soon eliminate Esmé entirely, and he doesn’t want Spencer raising Ace as long as he says he wants Laura Collins (Genie Francis) involved. He wants to have the two Cassadine brothers to himself to raise, although Ace will be easier, as raw material.

GH Spoilers – Heather Webber Was Hurt Like Only A Mom Can Hurt

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Heather was very hurt when Esmé wouldn’t let her hold her grandson and didn’t want anything to do with her-she threw Heather’s letter on the floor. However, later Esmé picked it up and read it, obviously curious about the contents, shortly after being released to Laura’s custody.

Laura is Ace’s grandmother, and Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) is her uncle, it made perfect sense to Esmé-getting to know Kevin better will help her disassociate him from her father. His reminding her of Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) had been the main sticking point at first, but she and Ace had nowhere else to go.

Heather no doubt knows that Esmé’s charges were dropped and she and Ace are now living with Laura and Kevin.

General Hospital Spoilers – Heather Webber, Mama Bear, Wielder Of The Hook

Heather can certainly go and come from D’Archam now as well as she ever could, and she can pick up a gaffing hook anywhere for protection, or attack. Heather will keep abreast of all the latest and she’ll worry when she hears Victor was there ready to take Esmé and Ace home from the hospital, although Esmé blocked it.

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She’s not wild about Spencer and Laura raising her grandson and her daughter depending on them either, but with Victor she’ll draw the line.

Victor isn’t in the Metro Court anymore, he’s out in the open and Heather decides to be mother protector. She’ll be ready with mask and hook if he even breathes the names “Esmé” or “Ace” to any henchmen, and Victor will be the final Hook victim!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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