AMP in the post
General Hospital spoilers tease that GH fans should take a deep breath, stop what they are doing, and prepare themselves in the new weekly promo, “Big October”!
Maxie Jones Is Shocked, Kim Nero and Elizabeth Baldwin Nearly Collide, And Franco Baldwin Is Angry
The new weekly promo video starts off with a clip of Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) talking to someone and remarking, “Oh my God!” Kim Nero (Tamara Braun) and Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) nearly collide, coming from opposite sides of a corner in a hallway of apparently General Hospital, since Liz is in her scrubs, and Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) turns his head with an angry look.
The Baby Swap Secret Seems On The Verge Of Being Uncovered
The baby swap secret seems to be on the verge of being uncovered as at Charlie’s Pub, Lucas Jones (Ryan Carnes) confronts his husband Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) and asks him angrily what he has been hiding from him as Wiley Cooper-Jones (Erik and Theodore Olson) sucks on a pacifier. Viewers will recall that Wiley is really Jonah Corinthos, the son of Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Nelle Benson, (Chloe Lanier) and a baby swap took place between Nelle and Brad the night Jonah was born and the real Wiley died.
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Raging Ryan Chamberlain Rushes At Detective Harrison Chase
A raging Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) rushes at Detective Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) with his one remaining whole arm through the bars of his cell at Pentonville Prison, when he spots a copy of “Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Ava” in his hand, the Ava Jerome (Maura West) centric Crimson Magazine issue. This is proof that Ryan has escalated from obsession to hatred with Ava, as he did many years ago with Felicia Jones (Kristina Wagner), and if he escapes, which it looks like he will, Ava will be in extreme danger! In the next scene, Julian Jerome (William DeVry) comforts his frightened sister as she cries!
Nelle Benson’s Parole Hearing
Nelle’s parole hearing takes place this week, and she tells her attorney, Martin Gray (Michael E. Knight) that “WE need to be out of Pentonville by tonight!” “WE?” Has Nelle talked him into helping Ryan get out too? Then there is a scene of Michael, Nelle in her prison clothes, and Brad apparently in the judge’s chambers since there is a bookcase shown where Michael angrily slamming Brad against it as Nelle tries to break up the fight! Did Nelle just tell Michael about the baby swap in front of Brad and throw him under the bus?
Jason Morgan Blames Himself For Samantha McCall’s Incarceration
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At the Port Charles Police Department, Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) is upset as he talks to Attorney Diane Miller (Carolyn Hennesy) about the plight of Samantha “Sam” McCall’s incarceration. As a guard takes Sam away, with her mother, Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) looking on, Jason exclaims “Sam’s going to prison because of me!” He fully blames himself for her plight, since if he had checked Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) to make sure he was really dead on board The Haunted Star, Sam wouldn’t have had to shoot him with that flare gun, causing Shiloh to fall off the boat and drown!
Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
I feel sorry for Sam because she’s being arrested again still accused of murder but she didn’t kill Shiloh she shot him in self defense he was going after Jason and Brad needs to come clean with the whole baby swap make it stop I’m not sure if I’m gonna watch tomorrow’s episode of General Hospital
I understand how you feel, but I think The truth about Michael’s baby is coming out this week! Don’t miss that!
It’s about time Jason wakes up Realize he is nothing but trouble for Sam He’s done this for years Sam and her kids travel She needed to get away from him for good She have a good husband Who chairs the woman everything to make sure she was a well cared for Gaber a beautiful little girl she told him away like he was trash she should be treated like dirt My opinion go to prison tramp She gave a good man up that piece of trash I robot whatever you wanna call him robots have no feelings
Maybe Sam will wake up and get away from Jason Because he is no good He’s nothing but trouble Jason do not care about her of Jason love he Edwin her to be happy with another man She was happy with Drew The robot came back and destroyed it nothing but trouble I robot
Way to many dragged out storylines that need to end it’s ridiculous
Sam never listens to anyone. She does what she wants. Always has and always will. Jason is not the blame. They have each others back. Peter is an a–hole. I feel for Maxie. Really hope Anna is not his mother. He’s trying to take up where Shilo left off. Valentin should try telling the truth for once. He and Nina love each other and all she wants is to be able to trust him. Sooo sick of Brad. Let the truth come out about this baby and move on to something else. Whoever your writers are tell them they have work to do. Get to it. Tie up these old stories. Get rid of Nell, Ryan, and Brad for good.
Sick and tired of Sam and Jason . Why don’t they take a hiatus Why do the writers make all the ladies out as real sexual perverts. All their children have different fathers.. And all the murderers and crooks get away with their crimes.
This is so stupid what they did to Peter. And Peter has already taken Jason away from Sam for five years and now Peter is framing her. This makes zero sense. The had shown Peter feeling very bad for what he did to Drew and Jason and their families. Why are they doing this to him?
Get read of the Shiloh plot it’s enough Sam kill him good ridding Drew is not Jason I was hoping he got his memory back before he left the show this Franco plot suck it took so long for Liz and him to get together now you are trying to put him with Kim that just stupid get some new lines
Can someone explain to me, if Franco now has Drew’s memories from before Drew lost his memories then how come Drew doesn’t remember Franco from their childhood??