General Hospital Spoilers: Hot Weekly Promo – Two Families In Crisis – Wiley Raced To Hospital!

General Hospital spoilers tease that two families are in crisis as Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) learns what it means to work for Cyrus Renault, (Jeff Kober) and Wiley Corinthos (Erik and Theodore Olson) needs surgery this week on GH!

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General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Renault Has Jordan Ashford Where He Wants Her And Sonny Corinthos Figures It Out

First, Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) tells Police Commissioner Jordan Ashford that she’s a dirty cop now, and Cyrus has her right where he wants her, as a scene of a laughing Cyrus behind bars runs. Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) figures out that Cyrus has TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) and Jordan runs into her husband Curtis Ashford’s (Donnell Turner) arms in tears, after a shot of her cell phone with a photo of a bound and beaten TJ is shown.

General Hospital viewers will recall that Jordan has been trying to handle everything on her own, and not even telling Curtis what is going on with TJ; in the meantime, Cyrus has blackmailed Jordan into doing his bidding with the threat of killing TJ, if he hasn’t been killed already. Jordan had tracked down where he had been held previously, thanks to Sam McCall’s (Kelly Monaco) work last week in tracking his cell phone, only to find TJ’s cell phone on the ground, and Harmony waiting for her to warn her she had to obey Cyrus or even worse would happen to TJ and her family as well!

Sam had been trying to find TJ for Molly Lansing-Davis (Haley Pullos) who has been extremely worried and also left out of the loop by Jordan, because he had gone for a walk to clear his head after she turned down his marriage proposal, not believing in the institution of marriage, and he never came home nor showed up at work ever since – and this has been several weeks now! It looks like in this preview she finally comes clean to Curtis and decides to let Sonny help.

General Hospital Spoilers: Wiley Corinthos Needs Surgery

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Michael runs down the stairs at the Corinthos Mansion, shouting “We’ve got to get Wiley to the hospital!” followed shortly by Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) and the two arrive at the General Hospital emergency room with Wiley in her arms; they touch base with Dr. Monica Quartermaine (Leslie Charleson) who is also the baby’s great-grandmother, and Michael asks what the next step is, once they get him checked out.

Monica tells them that Wiley needs surgery. It sounds like Wiley may have swallowed a small object with Michael unawares, although he doesn’t appear to be choking as they are bringing him into the emergency room. Hopefully he did not swallow a button battery – they can be deadly, with the acid from the battery escaping into a child’s gastroenterological system and cause severe internal burns into vital organs! There have been children who have died in real life from swallowing button batteries! Viewers will have to tune in and see!

Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersJordan AshfordTJ Ashford
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