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General Hospital Spoilers – The End Of Jasper Jax For Good?
It’s been nearly a month since the news broke that GH had let Rademacher go after he violated Disney’s vaccine mandate and refused to get the Covid 19 vaccine by November 1. As Disney owns ABC and thus, General Hospital, it was a workplace requirement for him to be vaccinated, just as many workplaces, schools, and even the military require vaccinations and have for years.
Rademacher also left under more controversy as the day before news of his exit broke, he posted a transphobic meme that rightfully offended Cassandra James, the transgender actress who plays Dr. Terry Randolph. It was Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis) who confirmed on Twitter that Rademacher was out when she defended James.
Now, Rademacher finally recorded his own video explanation of what happened.
GH Spoilers – Ingo Rademacher Breaks His Silence, Has More To Say
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In a video he seemed to record in his car and then posted to Instagram on December 5, Rademacher said the following:
“I’m sorry that I didn’t put out this video earlier, but this is about thanking you guys, the fans of the show and also the GH crew and cast. I was on the show for 25 years. They were like my family a lot of the people there. I was hoping to play Jax for another 10 or 25 years and unfortunately, that’s not going to happen. I want to thank you guys for sticking with Jax for 25 years and I’m sorry that I’m not there anymore to play Jax, which is still something that I am trying to process … it’s just kind of crazy.”
Rademacher also took umbrage at Grahn for being the one to announce the news before he was ready and said he would have more to say about that at a later date.
“A lot of you come on there to say that you’re vaccinated but stand for medical freedom, I love hearing that, because I believe it should be a choice.,” he said. “I don’t agree with vaccine mandates or corporations ever being able to mandate a vaccine to keep your job…Thank you so much for supporting me for 25 years. I will have more news later on, but for now, just wanted to thank all of you amazing fans. Thank you.”
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Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to see if anyone besides Josslyn (Eden McCoy) misses Jax.
Of course he has the choice whether to get vaccinated or not. He just has to live with the consequences of his choice.
I'm sorry your gone, I wish they would just test you and Steve weekly I don't understand why they won't as for the meme, I may not agree with whatever it was but we still should have freedom of speech..say our freedom is going away…wake up people
Freedom to mock others, persecute others, cause possible harm to others? Because that's what he did when he "shared" that meme. He put a target on a group that is hated and judged by way too many unhinged people. There needs to be an end to people just tearing at people's religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. This "free for all" crap-on-everybody is why from the beginning of time mankind has been at war.