General Hospital Spoilers: Is Chase The Only Cop In The Port Charles PD, Where Is Valerie?

General Hospital: Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard)It seems that every time anyone needs a police officer in Port Charles General Hospital’s Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) takes the call. Chase is spread very thin trying to cover the whole city by himself. What happened to his partner Valerie Spencer (Paulina Bugembe)?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Harrison Chase Seems Like Rover, He’s All Over

General Hospital’s Chase seems to be a super cop and jumps from crime scene to barroom brawl and back again. Chase travels the streets of Port Charles like the streak. Why is Chase the only one handling police calls when he is supposed to have a partner? After all, you would think when two women are fighting at least one female cop would be present. At present, it seems we have the corrupt commissioner and her lead detective and now one else. Even Mac Scorpio (John J. York) is rarely seen onscreen.

GH Spoilers – Does The PCPD Have Any Officers?

General Hospital’s PCPD doesn’t seem to have any officers besides Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry), Mac, and Chase. None of the officers at Marcus Taggert’s (Real Andrews) every come out to make a case. It seems that Jordan and Laura Collins (Genie Frances) both have Chase on speed dial and don’t need anyone else. Are we ever going to see someone work a case that isn’t Chase?

General Hospital Spoilers –  Why Bother To Recast?

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If General Hospital’s Valerie isn’t going to be seen, what was the point in recasting the role? If the PCPD has no use for Valerie, why not have her take another job when Brytni Sarpy left? Valerie isn’t seen onscreen anymore now than she was when Brytni was in the role. Is Valerie in some type of training? Is she helping out another station somewhere? Is she training recruits?

Has Valerie left the PCPD and no one has mentioned it? Has Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) had Valerie killed or kidnapped because of her relationship with Laura Collins (Genie Frances)? Cyrus is going after the families of everyone in Port Charles who are trying to stop him from taking over. It would not be out of the realm of possibilities for Cyrus to have kidnapped Valerie but wouldn’t someone at the PCPD has noticed her missing? It is very odd for a cop’s partner to just disappear with no explanation. Perhaps someone should start looking for her.

General Hospital’s Valerie is a Spencer and is well-loved by most people. Is Valerie MIA or has she disappeared off the face of the earth never to be seen again? Chase needs some help keeping the peace, Valerie needs to make an appearance soon.

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General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersHarrison Chase
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  • Guest

    To tell you the truth, I completely forgot Valerie even existed, LOL!!

  • Guest

    Heck to the No! The writers made her to butch . The original Valerie was a much softer character she even had an affair with Dominic so as far as I’m concerned leave her where she is.