General Hospital Spoilers: Is Drew The Only Person Who Can Bring Charlotte Back From The Brink?

General Hospital spoilers suggest Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) has been angling to take Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) out for months. While insisting that she never wanted to hurt Anna and just wanted to scare her off, it’s clear that Charlotte will do virtually anything to protect her father, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart).

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She believes he’s in danger, all thanks to Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) filling her head with lies and brainwashing her into believing Anna is the bad guy in the scenario. But those tarot cards Victor gifted his granddaughter are far from new — and it just might come out that there is now someone in town who could help to break the spell Victor continues to have over Charlotte.

General Hospital Spoilers — Drew Cain’s Dark Past

Victor held Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) captive in Greece for years while everyone who loved him back in Port Charles thought he was dead. That was always the plan.

General Hospital Spoilers: Is Drew The Only Person Who Can Bring Charlotte Back From The Brink?

In the meantime, Victor made a soldier out of Drew — having him brainwashed so he could activate the guy on command to do whatever he wanted.

Drew was only somewhat aware of his actions when he was carrying them out, and he wasn’t always happy with what he was doing but he felt powerless to stop himself. If anyone knows how Charlotte feels, it might be him.

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GH Spoilers – Say Charlotte Is One Tough Cookie

The bigger problem Drew — and everyone else — might have is that Charlotte is so proud. A typical teenager, she believes she’s wise beyond her years and sees something sinister in Anna that no one else can see. Victor so much as told her it would be that way.

So from Charlotte’s point of view, everything that Victor warned her about has come to fruition.

Convincing her that she was far from outpacing everyone else’s intelligence and rather, was actually duped by her evil grandfather is not going to be simple. So far, Laura Collins (Genie Francis) and Valentin keep striking out in that department.

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General Hospital Spoilers — The Tarot Cards Tell All

Those tarot cards Victor gave Charlotte could hold all the answers they need to deprogram her, but it’s probably not a puzzle anyone can figure out without Drew’s help.

At the same time, recalling what was done to him and how hard it was to deprogram from it won’t be an easy experience for Drew to endure.

In fact, rumor has it that he could become activated again under the right circumstances while just trying to help save Charlotte. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to see how this shakes out in the weeks ahead.

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