General Hospital Spoilers: JaSam Fate Revealed – Beginning Of A New End For Sam McCall And Jason Morgan?

General Hospital Spoilers - Jason Morgan (Steve Burton)

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General Hospital spoilers indicate that after Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) spent perhaps the loneliest Christmas of her life behind bars while dreaming about a better life with Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) and their kids, it looks like things will finally turn around for this beautiful brunette. Read on for all the latest spoilers.

General Hospital Spoilers: Is It The Beginning Of A New End For Sam McCall And Jason Morgan? Couple’s Fate Revealed

Sure, Sam McCall might have done the residents of Port Charles a major favor by getting rid of the most dangerous and deranged man in town, Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin), but she did it with a huge price. Yes, she killed a controversial cult leader and someone who has committed sexual assault, but you can’t murder a person in Port Charles without paying the price for it. As a result, she ended up in jail.

According to the latest ABC Soaps in Depth though, it does appear that Sam will finally be freed after a little help from Ned. And while Jason and Sam’s worst days seem to be behind them, Sam also seems to reticent to talk about exactly how it is that she came to be released? Also, General Hospital spoilers tease that Alexis, after asking a few questions of her own, will walk away with the impression that perhaps she doesn’t want to be more in the loop than she already is.

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GH Spoilers: Sam Doesn’t Want To Talk About The Past, But The Past Is Still Haunting Her

For Sam, she wants to put the past behind her, but it might not be that easy. Right now, though, she wants to be with the people that she loves. But if there’s one thing that we know, the past rarely stays in the past, especially in Port Charles. Sam might want to enjoy whatever peace and freedom she has right now because this feeling isn’t going to last forever. Actually, make that both Sam and Jason, who are both in this together. Their fate is going to be revealed soon enough!

With that said, fans will have to tune in for all of the action. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.


General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersSam McCallShiloh Archer
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  • Guest

    Well if you have to send one to prison, send Sam.

  • Guest

    I’m worried that this remembrance of Shiloh is just a precursor to him being alive, if that’s the case I’m done with this show. Why don’t y’all pick on a couple like the (yawn) sonny and carly, or finally get rid of the weight weighing lucas down and bring him someone worthy. Leave Sam and Jason alone.

  • Guest

    Please. Do not break. Sam. And. Jason up
    that and the baby story like are the only thing we watch GH
    especially Jason and Sam
    You will ruin the show
    Shiloh. Story line stunk
    do not make me GH

  • Guest

    it seams like u have no loyality to the show i have been watching this soap from the days of the asian quarters and well before that and more when kelly monaco join the show till now jason and sam has alway been my favourite i had stop watching when steven burton left ,and soon i herd he was coming back i begain to watch again , i love gh ,but for awhile the writers let the rateing drop to the bottom of the list , now it started to get alitter better , but again they did some shit again , tell me when is jason and sam going to have a happy life ,when are they going to have each backs again , the couple that kick ass together and weather the the storms that came there way , ride or die , damn writers put them back with there kids and let them be the slayers that they are together