General Hospital Spoilers: JaSam Romance When GH Returns – Time For Jason Morgan To Reunite With His Family

It was bad enough that Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) was separated from his wife, Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) while she was pregnant with their son Danny Morgan (Porter Fasullo). Now that Jason is back after a five-year absence, he should be with this family.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Jason Was Denied His Child From The Start

General Hospital’s Jason was separated from his family to try and forge a relationship between Sam and John McBain (Michael Easton). The two actors had shown amazing chemistry as Port Charles’ Livvie Lock (Kelly Monaco) and Caleb Morley (Michael Easton). Unfortunately, fans were not happy with the match when Sam and Jason were separated because of it. When Steve decided to leave the show in 2012, Sam and Jason were hastily reunited only to be separated the same day. Only to be held captive for five years.
Sam Chose Another Man

General Hospital’s Jason escaped after five years to find his wife married to someone else who she thought was him. Jason only wanted to return to his family and pick up where they left off. Unfortunately, Sam chose to stay with Drew Cain (Billy Miller) instead of returning to the love of her life. Since his return, Jason has been with Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) constantly. Jason has become a third wheel instead of only being around when they need him.

Jason needs to have a life of his own with his family. Jason should be able to visit people with his family like he used to. Jason and Sam should be able to do family things with the kids together. Unfortunately, the writers are not allowing them to do so. Instead, they are concentrating on keeping Jason in Sonny and Carly’s lives. Jason would never abandon his friends just like he would never abandon Sam and their son. Jason’s life needs balance and he is not getting it.

GH Spoilers – When Will Sam McCall And Jason Morgan Reunite?

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General Hospital’s Jason has been back in Port Charles for almost three years. How much longer do their fans have to wait for Sam and Jason to be reunited? Jasam fans have waited eight years for the reunion between their favorite couple only to be disappointed time and again. Sam and Jason have been an important part of GH for seventeen years.

Sam and Jason have always worked together on cases whether they were together or apart. Jasam fans want their couple back with the connection we know they have always had. Jasam fans want their couple to be together instead of being stuck in everyone else’s stories. It is past time for Jason to be reunited with his family and to be happy with them.

Eight years apart have been way too long for Jasam and their fans want a change. Jason should not only be with Sonny and Carly, but he also needs to be close to everyone he was close to before including Sam and Danny. Stop making Jason and third wheel and give him back his family.

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General HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerJason MorganSam McCall
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  • Guest

    I’ve been a Jasam fan since day one and I’m growing weary of the constant “promise” but no follow through. Do something with this nightmare of a P.O. and reunite Sam, Jason and the kids…do it off screen if you have to, when you come back have them all at the penthouse having dinner. It can be explained in a flashback at a later date but for God sake , just do it!

  • lbc

    Now would be a good time to end story lines that have been on canvas forever via flash backs and for writers to develop new stories for viewers.

  • Guest

    I would rather have a root canal than watch these two together. Why don’t Jasam fans blame Steve Burton for leaving. It is his fault Kelly was left in the dust so he could run to Y&R. There are far more who hope Sam can get her growth back and realize the killing hitman is toxic.

  • Guest

    This Sam growth thing from the SAD fans is old this is who Sam was long before she met Jason if anything she had no growth with drew she spent most of the time with him stroking his ego and pretending to be what he wanted then who she is.

  • Guest

    I am sick of this stand still with them since the show seems to be promoting this week it is a good guess they are keeping them in each other’s orbit but this s/l is completely stupid. I am bored with them being apart and the whole peter thing this story needs to end

  • Guest

    JASAM, NOW!!!!

  • Guest

    We need Jason and Sam together.

  • Guest

    Stop it Steve Burton to be with his family while moving to Tennessee. GH unfortunately could not accommodate him while traveling back and for to Tennessee and Y&R could. So stop ranting.

  • Guest

    It’s time to put Jason and Sam back together quit putting him on the back burner so they can’t have a relationship and a family the writers getting a little carried away with this

  • Guest

    Then why did he leave Nashville and move into an ultra expensive beach house as soon as he could?

  • Guest


  • Guest

    I am over GH.for me the writers are the worse.they cant tell a cohesive storyline to save their lives.they rewrite history only to have you believe what they are telling you.joss and her Jax paying Frank a million dollars for a kidney? I love to see Jason @Sam back together.The whole Nelle nonsense. It’s time to say goodbye

  • Guest

    You’re absolutely right ibc, and the writers will never get a better opportunity to close out some of theses tired, boring, long over due for completion storylines and it will cost virtually nothing! Everything can be done verbally. Maybe a couple could be done as flashbacks but mostly we just want them done and over with..

  • Guest

    We need Jasam together they been separated way to long. Want them together.

  • Guest

    I don’t want Jasam reunited they are toxic and boring together Jason needs a new love interest and Sam is going to be inflagrante with Brando when filming resumes and Jason should spend more time with his family the Quartermaines and his two sons Jake and Danny.

  • Guest

    Amen to that.

  • Guest

    Why the hell do Jason/Sam be happy be no one else I’m sick of the writers they are on my damn nerve I love jasam but someone else can be happy beside the mommy gosh what the hell man ever time you turn around there always danger of serial killers of the loose what the fuck writers like I said the writers are stupid they not even giving people a chance before shutting them down maybe they barely have any going with their pathetic lives don’t they get to happy in real life I bet they don’t that’s why they doing all this smh

  • Guest

    i been a fan since 2005 the writers have lost their mind …i havent watched the show since Jan. 2021 I prefer Jasam