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General Hospital Spoilers: John’s Arrest Shakes Port Charles–Proves Anna’s Role In Valentin’s Escape?

General Hospital spoilers and updates tease John “Jagger” Cates’ (Adam J. Harrington) shocking arrest will shake Port Charles to its core! Thanks to Ava Jerome’s (Maura West) tip about Clement (Phillip Cass) the hospital pharmacist, he’s able to prove Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes) role in Valentin Cassadine’s (James Patrick Stuart) escape!

General Hospital Spoilers – Clement Didn’t Just Reduce Sonny Corinthos’ Medication For Ava!

When Ava was still staying with Sonny, one night she couldn’t sleep and tried one of his pills, thinking it would help her relax-not the lithium, the other one.

Sonny has been on two medications for his bipolar disorder, a muscle relaxer and lithium-Ava took the muscle relaxer and it had no effect. That’s when she knew something was off and pretended to be Sonny’s wife, and questioned Clement.

General Hospital Spoilers: John's Arrest Shakes Port Charles–Proves Anna’s Role In Valentin's Escape?

Later she made a deal with Clement to reduce Sonny’s pills to the point of being only placebos. But there was still the first reduction, which Clement tells Jagger was ordered by Valentin, who he suspected Anna let get away-and now he has something to prove it.

GH Spoilers – It’s A Tenuous Connection But John Jagger Makes It Work

Giving up the identity of the head of Pikeman was supposed to let Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) out of his orders to be an informant for Jagger.

But instead, Jagger pursued and arrested Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) anyway out of spite, after she evicted him from her hotel-the tape was his trump card, but then it disappeared!

Someone had to have hacked into the FBI system and they can’t find who-Anna suspects Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure) but can’t prove it. But Jagger has something now with Clement’s admission that can tie Anna to Valentin, therefore to Pikeman, as an accessory.

If Anna and others are pushing the envelope that he’s an accessory by proving a romantic relationship with Ava, he’s going to use that against Anna!

General Hospital Spoilers – Only John Jagger’s Bag Was There When Kristina Corinthos-Davis Went Out That Window!

Only Jagger’s bag was there when Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Kate Mansi) went out that window and in the Metro Court pool, but Anna and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) are accusing him of involvement.

Jagger ties Anna to Valentin and therefore to Pikeman and is able to successfully get a warrant, and puts her under FBI arrest!

The news and other things hit the fan in Port Charles faster than a tornado, and it’s just as destructive to Anna’s cases and her reputation!

Not only that, but somehow Jagger got copies of the information on Anna that the murdered former WSB agent had, that got her blackmailed out of the WSB!

He again builds a case against Anna not as the head of Pikeman this time but an accessory because of letting Valentin get away!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. lbcsoaps says

    It’s about time Jagger got on his horse and rode out of town permanently or until he gets another focus in life. Tired of him and all his foolishness going after the PC community for personal reasons and not FBI business.

    1. SA says

      Why saddle the horse with Cates. An jacka** would be more appropriate.

    2. Laura says

      Kind of looks like this story line runs parallel to what’s happening in the real world.

  2. […] Sonny’s not going to just make bad decisions and commit obvious crimes when he’s thinking straight. So Cates has to have a different plan in mind to snag him! […]

  3. Fefe428 says

    Well Finola Hughes hasn’t taken her yearly vacation yet so it makes sense that they need a reason to get Anna off the canvas for a while. Cates arresting her and taking her to DC would make sense.

  4. Pauline says

    Okay, time for Cates and these writers to go.
    I’m so sick of Jagggers character and his obsession with getting even with Sonny.
    Cates is like a dog with a bone.
    And get these writers off to and these damn dragged out Storylines enough is enough.

  5. Calista says

    Lol, I don’t like Cates at all but who saw this coming… No one and Anna did it to herself! She was a total self-righteous b**** with Jason and just rude! At least he did something that was in his title but he still makes me sick. Who would have the knowledge of Sonny’s meds and play on it… Apparently the FBI. Anna could have called Valentin, even if she bought a burner phone in 5 seconds or she could have stayed out of it and let Jason turn it in immediately, went home and got drunk like a normal heartbroken person. I personally don’t care but I think it’s funny.

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