GH spoilers suggest that many in Port Charles will no longer have to worry about looking over their shoulders now that Ryan Chamberlain is finally dead. With that said, the character’s portrayer recently sat down with Soap Opera Digest (SOD) to have a chat about Chamberlain’s exit.
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Lindstrom has been playing Chamberlain on the soap (on and off) since 1992, and he sounds like he’s at peace with Ryan’s passing. Jon notes during the SOD interview that if Chamberlain needed to be killed off in order to move other characters forward, then it is what it is.
He also states that GH is not “his show” so his death was not his call to make. Besides, Jon also adds that if Chamberlain returned after 25 years of everyone thinking he was dead, then there is a chance that in 25 years he could return again. That is the way soap operas have always worked, right?
While Lindstrom was sad to say goodbye to such a unique character, he also acknowledges that “every show closes”. He states that character deaths are a part of what he does as an actor. He also acknowledges that while Ryan had a tumultuous relationship with his twin Kevin Collins, he believes that his death was still felt by his brother; much like anyone would be hit by a family member passing. Although, Lindstrom does reveal that he played Kevin’s reaction to Ryan’s death as someone who realized that Ryan is never coming back, rather than mourning around his brother’s passing. Considering all that Kevin endured due to his twin’s craziness, this all makes sense.
GH Spoilers – What Will Jon Lindstrom Miss Most About Ryan Chamberlain?
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During his SOD interview, Lindstrom talks about how much he’ll miss the twisted relationship Ryan had with Heather Webber (Ally Mills). As the pairing was just recently introduced, the actors didn’t have that much time to work together, but Jon notes Mills is “wonderful” to work with and “old school” in the sense that she loved to rehearse and find “that beat” in scenes. Jon also discusses how great it was working with Maura West (Ava Jerome) in the recent past as she’s a terrific actress. Interestingly enough, the two once worked together on As The World Turns, playing Carly Tenney and Craig Montgomery.
When Frank Valentini, GH’s executive producer approached Lindstrom to tell him about Ryan’s revival in 2018, he was told that Chamberlain would be obsessed with a new blonde. Jon put two and two together and realized he would be working with Maura again, and he notes he told West that this should be “a good time”, and it looks like it was.
While Ryan is gone, do you think he’s gone “forever”? This is the land of Port Chuckles, after all! Have your say, below in the comments. Plus, stay tuned to the daytime drama on ABC to see what happens next now that Ryan is gone! Don’t forget to visit SS regularly for General Hospital updates, spoilers, and news.
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