General Hospital Spoilers: Joss Drives Esme In To Spencer’s Arms

General Hospital spoilers suggest things got pretty heated between Josslyn ‘Joss’ Jacks (Eden McCoy) and Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) the other day when Joss spotted her getting a little too close to Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez). We all know that’s Trina Robinson’s (Tabyana Ali) man. Certainly, Esme didn’t miss that memo; she just thought she was in the clear to act in a way she normally wouldn’t.

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Either way, it seems like Joss really got through to Esme, and her words are going to stick with Esme for a while. Now, she’s bent on getting to the bottom of who she really is — and that just may start with a trip back in time to see mommy dearest.

General Hospital Spoilers — Esme Has Had Enough

Esme has been dealing with a tough situation lately. She’s been hearing from everyone how vindictive she is and how untrustworthy everyone considers her to be. It’s got to be emotionally taxing to hear all these negative things about yourself constantly when you don’t feel like you are that person. But there is a glimmer of hope in all of this.

Recently, Spencer and Esme’s relationship has taken a turn, and she wants to believe it will continue to grow in a positive direction where they can laugh, play, and make jokes with one another.

If nothing more than that, it’ll be great for Ace Cassadine (Jay and Joey Clay) to see them getting along, but if Esme was being honest with herself, she’d admit she’s hoping for much more with Ace’s big brother. Maybe what Joss thought she saw between them wasn’t just a figment of her imagination.

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GH Spoilers Say Esme Wraps Her Head Around Her Family Tree

Esme has had some serious demons to contend with since finding out who her birth parents are. Knowing her father was Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) is bad enough, but accepting that she was scheming right alongside him to take down the Cassadine family is another.

Esme just can’t imagine herself wanting to hurt everyone else that badly, even if they aren’t her favorite people. There’s also her mom, Heather Webber (Alley Mills), who she was opposed to knowing but now wonders if that was a wise choice.

Maybe an ongoing relationship with Heather would shed some light on things for Esme and help her see the Cassadines in another light. Does she really want to do that when she’s clearly falling for Spencer, though?

General Hospital Spoilers — Esme Weasels Her Way Into His Good Graces

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Esme’s journey of self-discovery has been quite a challenge, considering she can’t recall her past at all, or so she says. She has realized that her default behavior is often to manipulate and scheme to achieve her goals. However, Esme seems to be in denial about how much she has truly changed.

Despite her claims of personal growth, it’s clear that some of her more unsavory tendencies still linger. Will linking up with Heather serve to remind her of everything she doesn’t want to be — or might it bring about the darkest side of her and reignite a desire to bring Spencer to ruins? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out.

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