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Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) apparently got drunk and became upset when Esme used a drinking game to get Trina intoxicated and then talked about how Joss took Cameron away from Trina since Trina and Cam dated briefly first, Trina got over her feeling for Cameron but she nay have resented Joss and Cam’s relationship more than she let on, But Trina got flustered when Esme continued to push and ran off, eventually passing out. But Trina’s behavior was also carefully planned by Esme, who put a powerful muscle relaxer in Trina’s drink.
General Hospital Spoilers – Esme Prince Drugged Trina Robinson And Confused Trina Robinson By Talking About Her Past Feelings For Cameron Webber!
Trina felt trapped by Esme’s line of questioning about her former crush on Cameron. But no one knows that Esme drugged Trina’s drink so Trina became flustered and ran off, eventually passing out after Josslyn tried to talk to her. Joss finally had enough of Esme and told her off for making Trina feel bad. Spencer simply left and took Trina with him after Esme didn’t confirm or deny that Josslyn’s accusations were true. This left Cameron and Josslyn with alone time since Trina was passed out.
GH Spoilers – Esme Prince Recorded Cameron Webber And Josslyn Jacks Having Sex!
Josslyn and Cameron have waited quite awhile to be intimate despite comments that Esme made about Josslyn still be a virgin. This almost drove Joss to have sex with Cameron before she was quite ready. But they did wait, and they made the decision together and finally were able to make the most of their alone time. Esme knew that Joss and Cam would likely have sex and she had already had her revenge planned. She planted a camera in Joss and Cam’s room and left it on record so that she was able to capture Cam and Joss having sex. If seems likely that Esme will upload the recording for the world to see.
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General Hospital Spoilers – Esme Prince Will Succeed In Tarnishing Josslyn Jacks First Sexual Experience!
Because of Esme’s actions, Josslyn will be traumatized and embarrassed. Cam will also feel violated but it won’t impact him as hard as it will Joss. And if Esme makes it look like it was Trina who posted the video, she might also drive a permanent wedge between Trina and Josslyn. Right now, Josslyn will need her best friend more than ever, so hopefully she won’t think Trina was responsible for the recording.
GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?
Will Joss be traumatized when her first sexual experience becomes available online? Will she believe Trina is responsible? Or will she place the blame with Esme where is belongs? Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!
AMP in the post
this teen storyline is not one we need.
will most definitely be humiliated and traumatized. She will know exactly who did it too. I never thought I'dsay poor Joss!
Spencer didn't leave with Trina, he left with Esme.
Joss is a very smart girl. She will know that it was Esme who did it…if the writers write her true to character.