‘General Hospital’ Spoilers: Kevin Catches A Break, Charges Dropped?

General Hospital Spoilers: Kevin Catches A Break, Charges Dropped?General Hospital spoilers tease that Dr. Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) will catch a break this week on General Hospital. Kevin, of course, has been charged with aiding and abetting a fugitive and also being an accessory to murder in his brother Ryan’s crimes. If General Hospital writers were going by real life, these charges should be dropped or reduced, because to aid and abet or to be an accessory one has to be a willing participant of the perpetrator, and Kevin was not.

AMP in the post

Also, during the time period when the crimes were committed, Ryan was not known to have been still alive, and therefore he could not have been considered a fugitive, although he could be now, even though there is no proof of his life or death status currently.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or Mounties, did find his right hand, which as Ava Jerome (Maura West) pointed out in Friday’s episode, he could have cut off himself to aid in faking his death. However, district attorneys do in real life often start with the highest charges they can get away with so they can argue down to a plea bargain to a lesser charge, just to make sure they win the case – and DA Margaux Dawson (Elizabeth Hendrickson) does like to win her cases, so that may be what she has in mind!

However, it is very unlikely that Kevin’s attorney, Nora Buchanan (Hillary B. Smith) will settle for a plea bargain for Kevin; she likes to win, too! She will push for complete exoneration, probably pointing out exactly what was pointed out in the first paragraph of this article; that Kevin would have had to willingly participate in the crimes to be charged as an accessory, and that Ryan would have had to been a known fugitive at the time that the crimes were committed in order for Kevin to have aided and abetted, and at the time the only ones who knew Ryan was alive were Kevin and Ryan!

Nora may be able to get the case thrown out because of those points, and if not, possibly convince the judge that Kevin was only trying to get Ryan mental health assistance and that it backfired. If Kevin had turned Ryan in there’s a good chance that Ryan would have wound up in Ferncliff either way or possibly D’Archam, which is a much more secure facility for the criminally insane.

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He actually in a sense saved the state of New York and the city of Port Charles some money in bypassing the legal system, even though it did backfire on him. Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently to see the latest news, developments, and spoilers!

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  • Guest

    Let him go, he did not do those killings.

  • Sandra Stroomer

    he paid for it with the time he spent in ferncliff against his will

    • Guest

      Let Kevin off scott free and find a reason to lock up that pain in the a$$ DA Dawson. I can’t stand her. She’s like a little girl wearing high heels and big girl clothes only she not cute she’s irritating. And she abuses her position.

  • Guest

    No Kevin is not to blame for what Ryan has done, Although Jon does an awesome job at doing Kevin and Ryan, Yes Kevin should get off and not go to prison.

  • Guest


  • Guest

    Charges should be dropped

  • Eda Epstein Sidney

    yes I do and after all this I think that he should get his job back at GH—he was locked up and had no idea what his crazy brother was doing—he has paid in more ways then one–he needs to get his job back and wife then he needs to prove that he will do better and earn the trust of everyone—and that may take a lot of time—