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General Hospital Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine And Ava Jerome Have A Real Marriage
General Hospital viewers will recall that Nikolas and Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West) had more of a business relationship than a marriage, but they fell in love in spite of themselves. Nikolas proposed marriage to his already legal wife at General Hospital right in front of Laura, and Ava accepted! But viewers will also recall that Spencer, now a teenager, was dismissive of not only his father, but angry at Ava when they went to Spencer’s school in France to notify him Nikolas was back.
General Hospital recaps show Spencer was understandably angry at Nikolas for not bringing him into the loop that he was alive sooner, and angry at Ava because she sold him out to Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) for beauty treatments instead of fighting with Spencer for his inheritance like she had promised! The “beauty treatments” were the burn treatments she had received in The Boronsky Clinic in Russia, which had also led to the escape of Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) when she befriended him thinking he might have been Nikolas.
His face was covered up in a hood and he couldn’t – or wouldn’t – speak at the time. Jason was pretty drugged up, as well. Laura is only too aware of Spencer’s anger against his father and against Ava for letting him down; and she feels compelled to talk to Nikolas about where Spencer is in all of this!
GH Spoilers – Things Have Changed A Lot Since Nikolas Cassadine Returned
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General Hospital viewers will recall that Nikolas had been having some communication with Spencer, trying to work things out with his son. At one point Spencer had asked Nikolas to choose between him and Ava, but that was before Nikolas proved Valentin wasn’t the true Cassadine heir and not even a Cassadine to begin with. Nikolas knows that it has never been all about the money, but everything he went through to find that codicil was about his son’s inheritance, not just about his own rights and comforts. According to General Hospital spoilers, Nikolas and Ava were already legally married when they had visited Spencer at his school in France.
The issue of Ava’s not keeping up her end of the bargain over Spencer’s inheritance is now a moot one, and there is no reason for Spencer to still hold a grudge against her. But Laura points out that Spencer is in touch with her as well, and much more often than he and Nikolas have been in touch. She also takes concern that if there are to be any in-person communications she’d rather it be in France.
The last thing any of them need is Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) wanting to get to know his grandnephew! Nikolas is one hundred percent in agreement with his mother on that point! They agree that Nikolas and Spencer need to work on their relationship aside from Ava first, but Laura cautions Nikolas not to lie to Spencer if he asks about Ava!
Stay tuned to General Hospital, and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
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In the promo above it mentions "Nikolas proved Valentin wasn’t the true Cassadine heir and not even a Cassadine"! I was hoping that we would find out more about Valentin and who his father really was. So many option for who it could be. I still would like it to be Edward Quatermain and have a story about him getting his chance with family. That would be a good story with no MOB involved (I would Hope) and right now we really need to let the Cyrus and Drug scene slow down a little bit. Sonny should come home and Nina should settle down just a tad!