General Hospital Spoilers: Lucy and Marty Could Be Headed For Wedded Bliss — But Marty is Still Married

General Hospital spoilers suggest Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and Martin ‘Marty’ Grey (Michael E. Knight) are going to walk down the aisle — eventually. The problem is, Marty is still married, and it appears that Lucy doesn’t know this little fact. Furthermore, Marty intends to keep it that way. As long as Lucy doesn’t want to get married, Marty has no problems. Still, why is he keeping his current marriage a secret?

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Why is he pretending he’s three times divorced when he’s actually not? The answers to those questions remain unknown. But the truth has a way of sneaking out in Port Charles, especially when Lucy and the likes of Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) are on the case. What is Felicia about to dig up about Marty and how will it impact his future with Lucy?

General Hospital Spoilers — Lucy Coe Is Lucky In Love

Sasha Gilmore Corbin (Sofia Mattson) was taken aback when Lucy insisted that she and Marty were never getting married. Sasha knows Lucy better than that.

Heck, everyone knows Lucy better than that! There is nothing she loves more than an excuse to be the center of attention with a pretty dress on.

She absolutely wants to marry Marty, and she believes she has the right guy this time around. Finally, she has found the love of her life. So why is she pretending she’s fine with being nothing more than his girlfriend until the day she dies?

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GH Spoilers – Say Marty Grey Pretends To Be Thrice Divorced

According to GH spoilers, Marty made his opinion on marriage very clear from the beginning of his relationship with Lucy. Claiming to have been through three divorces already, Marty had no interest in walking down the aisle for a fourth time.

It seemed that any optimism he had about sharing his life with someone and making vows to uphold that union was dashed entirely by the three women in his past. But rumor has it Marty has only been divorced two times, and that his third marriage is still intact — albeit in shambles. So why is he pretending?

General Hospital Spoilers — What Does Mrs. Grey #3 Know That We Don’t?

Word on the street is that Marty’s third wife may have dirt on him that could put him away for a long time and possibly get him disbarred. But what could that be? Well, we know he is the brother of a known mobster, Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober).

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We also know that Marty has no trouble bending the law from time to time if it means it’s going to work to his advantage. Ahem, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart); need to say more?

It’s starting to look like Marty’s third marriage may somehow crossover with the Deceptor — Deception’s newest innovation. Although Lucy continues to credit Marty with the idea, he insists he wants no such acclaim.

Some fans are thinking some of that credit may actually lie with Marty’s third wife. Is it possible that he wants to keep his involvement with the product on the down low so that his Mrs will never find out he is involved with one of the owners of deception? Just what would happen if she did?

Does this woman even know Marty is representing himself as an unmarried man? If not, she might see to it that everyone — including Lucy — learns the truth. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead.

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