General Hospital Spoilers: Lucy’s Loose Lips Sink Marty’s SEC Ship

General Hospital spoilers tease Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) never was good at keeping a secret. Someone should have warned Martin ‘Marty’ Gray (Michael E. Knight) when he coupled up with her that there were certain things she just couldn’t be trusted with – especially when it comes to her undying passion for the people that she loves.

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Marty has tried hard to keep a lid on the secret that he was the attorney acting on behalf of a client who reported the tip on Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) and Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) to the SEC. So far, only the feds and Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) know the truth. Marty intends to keep it that way, and has assured Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) of such. But when someone hurls an attack in Marty’s direction, Lucy is going to find it impossible to resist defending her man. Once again, with good intentions, Lucy blows Marty’s cover.

General Hospital Spoilers — Lucy Loses It

An eternal goofball at heart, Lucy means well. She would never want to cause Marty any harm or make his life harder than it already is right now. But she won’t stand for someone tainting her man’s good name. When that happens, all bets are off, and Lucy is going to say whatever she needs to in order to clear her man’s good name. That includes outing him as the tipster to the SEC — which will lead everyone to suspect one of his clients was the real tipster behind the whole thing. But who?

GH Spoilers Suggest Eddie’s Wheels Could Start Turning

When this news comes out, Nina is going to panic. She won’t just be worried that the finger of blame is being swung around the Rolodex of Marty’s client list. Rather, she’ll be worried that this news could lead Ned — who currently believes he is a rockstar named Eddie Maine — to remember what he heard just before his poolside spill at the Metro Court. If Ned’s memories come to light, Nina is done for. She’s going to need another one of Marty’s clients to take the fall for her.

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General Hospital Spoilers — Will Valentin Save Nina

Lucky for Nina, she’s in pretty good with one of Marty’s other clients — Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart). He owes her quite a lot, and she never dreamed she would cash in on any of those favors he promised. But the time has come that she needs Valentin‘s help. Currently, he’s embroiled in his own mess with his lady love, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes). As hard times befall the couple, Valentin will become rather distracted when he takes the blame for Nina.

Securing her future with Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and a shot at having a relationship with her daughter, Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen), Nina will plead with Valentin to confess to being the SEC tipster so that no one ever finds out it was her. Feeling obligated to help her out after all he put her through, Valentin will likely take the deal. This could cause a pretty serious rift in Valentin and Anna’s relationship, though. How many times is Lucy going to ruin things for Valentin? Do you think they can weather the storm? Will Sonny have mercy on Valentin should he ever find out the truth? Let us know your thoughts, and stay tuned for more GH news and updates to see how this pans out for all parties involved.

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  • Nana# 6

    I am over Nina getting away with this and she is not above someone else taking the blame for her.Hate everything about her character

    • Nanlee

      Why ,,,Drew took the wrap for coward Carly and she committed the crime!!!!For Valentin to take the wrap for Nina is a vallant thing to do, she committed no crime just constant badging of ever move she lives to exit and that does cause emotional decision and really some one needs to be able to come in and flatten Carly’s pagan peddle stool hard core…

    • Nanlee

      Why ,,,Drew took the wrap for coward Carly and she committed the crime!!!!For Valentin to take the wrap for Nina is a vallant thing to do,..

  • Cat

    It stinks if Valentin takes the rap for Nina! Nina needs to pay! Not to mention what it will do to #vanna. Ugh.

  • Kris

    This storyline has gone on long enough. Nina is definitely NO angel! It is about time she pays for what she did! The truth needs to come out that she was selfish and greedy and was the snitch and needs to pay for what she has done
    Once again, she has ruined many lives. Also the truth needs to come out about Gladys and everything she has done to Sasha. Cody and others as she has ruined other people’s lives with her schemes! She needs to pay for everything she has done and people should stop going to her rescue!!!

  • Nanlee

    Sonny wake up and smell the coffee how Nina has been on a emotional state since Carly stated her revenge on Nina,Carly is jealous of Nina not because of any love for you at all,it’s just out of Nina has far better qualities that Carly never even chose to walk in and because you chose not to go against Nina that infuriates Carly to the core cause no matter who what when Carly prideful thought and behavior is her self righteous self comes first and if she doesn’t all hell brakes for to destroy and revenge that person..So tired of the continual crap done on Nina..Put it to rest let her have goodness..