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General Hospital Spoilers: Lulu Wakes Up – But Is Julie Berman Returning?

General Hospital spoilers tease that Lulu Spencer’s (last played by Emme Rylan) circumstances seem pretty dire at the moment but things will likely improve sooner rather than later. The show put out a casting call earlier this month for the role of “Lauren” who sounds suspiciously like Lulu.

Later, Rylan confirmed on her Instagram that Lulu was being recast and that she would not be returning to the part. Meanwhile, the comatose character has been transferred back to General Hospital while she waits on a liver transplant.

General Hospital Spoilers – Lulu Spener Has Been The Topic Of Many Conversations

Once news began to circulate about Lulu’s diagnosis and donor search, she was on a lot of people’s minds. But interestingly, much of the discussion was about things that happened a long time ago, before Rylan took over the part.

General Hospital Spoilers: Lulu Wakes Up - But Is Julie Berman Returning

In fact, almost every discussion that took place were memories of Lulu from her early years as played by Julie Berman. Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) even told Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zomprogna) that Lulu hadn’t been herself for a very long time, even before the coma.

GH Spoilers – Is Julie Berman Returning To General Hospital?

Since Rylan isn’t returning, all this talk has led many viewers to speculate if Bernan isn’t returning to the role. She hasn’t played Lulu since 2013 when Rylan took over.

Rylan left in 2020 when Lulu was caught in an explosion at the Floating Rib and fell into a coma right before she could tell Dante that she still loved him.

Rylan’s interpretation of Lulu was quite different from Berman, because Lulu herself had changed. She became a devoted mother and an investigative journalist.

General Hospital Spoilers – Lulu Spencer Has A Long Road Ahead Of Her!

No matter who plays Lulu, she’s got a long road ahead of her. Not only does she need a liver transplant but she’s still comatose as well.

Once she does resolve her medical issues, signs point to a “Lulu” more like she was when Berman was playing her. It will be interesting to see how that version of Lulu navigates life in Port Charles that has changed significantly since she’s been gone.

GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?

Did you prefer Emme Rylan’s version of Lulu? Or was the character more interesting as played by Julie Berman? If Lulu wakes up, will she be more like she was before? Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC.

Don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

  1. Frederica says

    JMB is The Only Lulu that matters! No offense to ER…I also noticed all the reminiscing of Lulu’s past (before ER took over) and it just made me Happy! I absolutely adore Julie Marie Berman

    1. Steven M Webb says

      ER is the only Lesley Lou for me. I can’t stand Julie.

  2. Janny says

    I would pay money OUT-OF-POCKET to see Julie Berman come back to the show! Yes, I would. Julie and Dominic were lightening in a bottle! They had a fantastic screen chemistry. (I liked Emme, but I loved Julie). GH needs to open their payroll accounts & pay Julie. Let her work lesser hours for her storyline and put in a cast and crew daycare center. Julie could be with her kids that way. I’m not a Sam/Dante fan but I do NOT agree Kelly Monaco should be fired. Big mistake there. Sam has soooo many stories to be pursued. Back to Julie – she and Dominic work fantastic together. She and Genie Francis show a true mother/daughter affection. Julie is so good at calling out Jonathan Jackson’s Lucky. It’s be nice to see her with the new Nicholas. (RIP Tyler Christopher) It’d be nice to see the Spencers/Cassadines rounded up together. Think of Tracy’s joy too! Pleeeease bring Julie back to us. Can you just imagine the magic of that storyline!??!

    1. ZizzyTop says

      Janney, you just saved me a whole lotta typing cause I 100% agree with everything you said. Thanks!

  3. Lovetoshell says

    Mostly agree with Janny- you’re spot on! I, too am so sad to see Kelly Monaco go- not a good move General Hospital- and would be thrilled to see Julie Berman pick up the role again. I did like Emme, but Julie Berman was just next level!❤️ I think maybe a fall might be involved regarding Sam, and perhaps she would become a donor for Lulu? Just a guess- how ironic would that be? So sad to see Kelly go- I’m sure she will land on her feet- she’s an amazing actress- she’ll be missed.

  4. Linda says

    Sam should stay and go back to Jason. I so miss their relationship. They just belonged together like Lulu and Dante belong together. I am afraid they will killsam off because I can’t see her taking her kids away from their fathers.

  5. Aimee says

    JMB will always be the only Lulu as far as I’m concerned.

  6. Larry Aldridge says

    Well… I think if the original is not available, why not bring back Emne Rylan? I mean if Ms.Julie Berman is not available or does not want to return… why hire a whole new actress? It makes no sense.Emne portrayed the character when she went in a coma and why not bring Emne back when she wakes up?Killing off Sam will be a BIG MISTAKE! WHY?!? THEN WE DONT GET THe Sam/ Lulu/ Dante triangle… just a waste of good story.Not to mention it will drive Alexis back to the bottle. I can’t do another drunk storyline after Finn.DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT KILL OFF SAM!

  7. Ann says

    Wasn’t Julie Berman the original Lulu.

    1. MJ says

      There were a few children who played her in her younger years. But as an adult, or almost adult, I think Julie was the 1st.

  8. MJ says

    Why ask an asinine question like “who do you prefer”? Why not just say “let’s all trash Emme now”? I have nothing against Julie, but she isn’t the “end all, be all” of actresses like some of you go on about. You act like she’s some kind of goddess who can do no wrong. Sorry, but no one is that perfect or irreplaceable. She went on to (supposedly) “bigger” things, but how has that worked out? Other than a few guest spots and maybe a couple of Lifetime or Hallmark movies, she hasn’t become the bug star she thought she would. In my opinion, Emme played a more mature, down to earth Lulu. It was time for her to grow up and stop being the impulsive, unpredictable ‘always looking for a fight’ girl, who thought she was better than everyone else. JMB’s version was snotty and uppity, while Emme softened her up a little and made her more approachable. JMB’s Lulu wasn’t a mother, and, growing up doesn’t mean she lost her spunk or fire or whatever else you people call it. I remember Emme’s version being quite the fighter when she needed to be, and not backing down easily. Just because she was more responsible, doesn’t change who she was at her core. And even if JMB had stayed, the character – hopefully – still would have grown up and acted like an adult. Funny, when the Kristina character is impulsive, unpredictable, feisty, and not willing to back down from a fight, she’s trashed and called immature and irresponsible, but when it was Saint Julie playing the “I’m better than the rest of you” Lulu, it was “perfect”; then when Emme made the character responsible, likeable and more down to earth, she ruined the character and made her lose her fire. It makes no sense. I know, it’s just a soap..blah, blah, blah….but tell that to the ones who constantly trash actors just because they replaced someone they liked better. Did you think it’s Emme’s fault Julie left? And try telling the actors who are just trying to make a living, and give us the most interesting characters and performances they can, which isn’t always easy with what they’re given by the writers, that’s “it’s ONLY a soap”. If the Lulu who wakes up from the coma is anyone but JMB, OR even Emme, I feel sorry for them. Cause most of you already hate them and won’t give them a chance. Maybe Lulu wasn’t the only one who needed/needs to grow up.

    1. Candi says

      I agree 100%!

    2. AMJ says

      My gawd MJ! That was a whole lot of babbling that said virtually nothing! Did you at least get an advance on that boring book?

  9. Sharon says

    I thought Julie was fantastic at playing Lulu and would love it if she came back as her. With JJ back as lucky I think Julie for sure. They had great scenes together and her chemistry with Dominic was outstanding

  10. Louise says

    It’s funny bc just the other day on a GH site ,I was saying I miss flashbacks. Now that two “DAVIS GIRLS ” are new ,they can’t do flashbacks with them. Nicholas can’t either ( he was played by Tyler Christopher ). Even flashbacks with Dante and Lulu ..maybe she is coming back.
    I remember when they switched. Cassadine Island. Lulu was kidnapped. Next time you see her it’s Emilee in the frozen machine.

  11. Deb says

    I think Julie’s LuLu had more chemistry with Dante

  12. Liz mayan says

    I really don’t like Drew it’s not just his script he’s spineless in everything he plays, I like julie as lulu, bring back danta, sonny and Carly are so over Jason’s great, Rick can replace Drew as an actor!!

  13. Dee says

    I’m sorry to hear Kelly is leaving I like Sam but they made her wishy washy and then gave her nothing to do and Lulu should b played by Julie or Emme no one else will do also Jason should have a new interest if rumors are true and they try and put him with Ava big boo boo your bringing back all these older charters bring back one for Jason not Ava my opion

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