General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Has Second Thoughts – Dumps Peter August When New GH Episodes Return?

Upcoming General Hospital spoilers say Maxie Jones (Kirstin Storms) will have second thoughts when new GH episodes return. However, is she questioning her relationship with Peter August (Wes Ramsey) or is it something else?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Maxie Jones Could Be Pregnant

Before General Hospital was forced to take a break, Maxie was showing symptoms of pregnancy. Of course, we had no confirmation since she hasn’t been to a doctor or anything. However, if Maxie is pregnant, Peter is the father and this could be an issue. Peter has a very checkered past and Maxie could question being with him and raising a child. Maxie also has two other children to think about and Peter is not a good influence on either of them. Maxie may have a tough decision to make very soon.

GH Spoilers – Anna DeVane Is Defending Peter August Yet Again

General Hospital’s Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) will be defending Peter yet again. What has Peter done this time to need anyone’s defense? Peter has committed so many crimes that he cannot keep up with them himself. Has he gotten caught up in one that no one knows about? Could more evidence surface in something Peter has already been accused of? It is time Peter pays for his crimes and Maxie may not want to be a casualty of his criminal past. Will Maxie finally cut ties with Peter?

General Hospital Spoilers – Could Maxie Jones Question Having Peter August’s Child?

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General Hospital’s Maxie could be questioning whether or not she wants a child with Peter. After all, if Maxie has a child with Peter and his past finally catching up with him, she would end up raising her child alone. Maxie may not be willing to raise another child without its father. Peter is partially responsible for Maxie’s late husband’s death and she may finally admit that to herself. Maxie has to do what is right for her children because no one else is going to be there protecting her kids from Peter’s past.

GH Spoilers – Will Maxie Jones Marry Peter August Or Finally Make A Break From Him?

If General Hospital’s Maxie is pregnant, will she go through with marrying Peter? Shouldn’t Maxie consider the implication of marriage to the son of an international criminal before marrying him? Peter was involved in most of Ceasar Faison’s (Anders Hove) crimes. Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) is bound to take Peter down. Robert is also investigating his ex-wife, Holly Sutton’s (Emma Samms) reported the death. Will Robert find evidence to tie Peter to Holly’s demise? Will Robert finally find evidence to convince Maxie to protect herself from Peter and his past?

General Hospital’s Robert is determined to take Peter down one way or the other. Robert, unlike Anna, is not swayed by Peter’s excuses. Robert knows that Liesel Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) has been framed by Peter. Robert just needs to find the proof he needs of at least one crime to put Peter away. Will Robert convince Maxie to give him time to do so?

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  • Guest

    I do hope Maxie dumps Peter before he really hurts her or ours she and her kids in danger. Peter is awful. Hook her up with Spinelli again! He is her soulmate and adores her!

  • Guest

    Wrong Peter is maxies future and her true soulmate they belong together and will make it through this mess

  • Guest

    I think that Maxie should dump Peter. He may have delivered Maxie’s son. But that doesn’t make him a good father. But she will marry him anyway becouse she loves him. And in her eyes he’s as perfect as Nathan was

  • Guest

    It’s a shame they made Peter so evil. I wish he could redeem himself. Maxie deserves happiness. I like them together. Anna sure is a dumb agent…. I’ll say that for her

  • lbc

    Writers haven’t set things up to indicate Peter is Maxie’s soulmate. In my opinion Peter as Valentine regarding Nina they both have their own twisted love but are they really the best romantic interests for either character? In fact Peter is worst than Valentine as he hasn’t to my knowledge put a hit out on anyone. Peter is a character the writers don’t know what to do with as they cannot decide which direction to take hm as they put him on a redemption road, and then he turns around and does something else that takes him in a dark direction. Don’t feel Peter can bring Maxie anything but unhappiness and it would be better for them split before possibly marrying due to a child that we aren’t qute sure Maxie is having.

  • lbc

    So happy to see someone who writes spoilers to acknowledge that viewers don’t know yet if Maxie is pregnant. I definitely hope she isn’t she has enough children with James and Georgie even if Peter’s past is overlooked and forgotten by writers.

  • RavenJackal

    No. I do not believe that Maxie and Peter are going to be over. I believe that if Maxie has doubts about anything it will be about it she can have a child while getting Deception off the ground. I am sure that Peter will tell Maxie that he will be with her to help her. I also think that if Anna defends Peter to Robert that it will be that she will believe that Peter will be a good father. Peter has already been a good father figure to James all of his life. Peter also has a long history of being good with children. He has been good with Violet, Wyatt, Charlotte, Rocco, Georgie, and Emma. It has already been made crystal clear that Peter did not do anything to Holly. It is also unclear as to why Peter framed Liesl. I am sure that in the end Liesl will be fine. It is time to fix the situation with Peter in a positive way. I believe that Maxie and Peter having this child should bring everyone together. It is time for Robert and Peter to make peace for Anna and Maxie’s sake. It would be even better if Robert and Peter were father and son. It would then make Peter and Maxie’s child the grandchild of Robert, Anna, Frisco, and Felicia.

  • RavenJackal

    I agree with you that Peter is really Maxie’s soul mate. I also believe that they will be alright in the end.

  • Guest

    Absolutely agree with you Peter and Maxie belong together and they will make it

  • Guest

    I agree with all that you said. I don’t want Peter to get by with all horrible things that he has done. No way for Maxi to be with Spinelli, He is a great friend and Dad but he has a wife and they are not in a romantic relationship! She was having a bad night when she went to bed with him, not in love!