General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie’s Friendship With Spinelli Ends Over Her Plans to Marry Peter?

General Hospital: Peter August’s (Wes Ramsey), Maxie Jones’s (Kirsten Storms), Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) General Hospital (GH) spoilers revealed in recent episodes that Peter August’s (Wes Ramsey) has completely pulled the wool over poor Maxie Jones’s (Kirsten Storms) eyes. He’s convinced her that there are many who are against him. There are many who would have her believe terrible things about him. However, according to Peter, none of those things are true. He’s been framed! The real culprit, he tells her, is Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati).

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Of course, Obrecht is Maxie’s mother-in-law from her marriage to Dr. Nathan West (Ryan Paevey). GH viewers know, however, that Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) isn’t fooled by Peter’s act one bit. For a while now Spinelli has been trying to gather evidence against him. Nothing is ever easy, however, and hard evidence is hard to come by. Spinelli’s been left with guesswork (though accurate), suppositions and inferences.

General Hospital Spoilers – Damian Spinelli Wants Maxi Jones To Wake Up To The Truth

Now, as GH fans may recall, Spinelli desperately wants to wake Maxie up to the deception he knows Peter is perpetrating upon his ex-fiancé. He goes so far as to try and pull Maxie aside to discuss what he knows with her. However, Peter August is standing right there and Maxie apparently “stands by her man.” She lets Spinelli know that anything he has to say to her, he can say in front of Peter.

That’s fine by Spinelli. He launches into a quick diatribe where he accuses Peter of engaging in “smoke and mirrors” but Maxie completely cuts him off. She feels that Spinelli’s accusations are motivated by the simple fact that he doesn’t like Peter. Breathing Peter’s lies out, she asserts that Obrecht manipulated Spinelli just as she supposedly exploited everyone else’s trust.

Maxie then shocks Spinelli by announcing that she loves Peter and intends on spending the rest of her life with him. Apparently, Spinelli had no idea her relationship with Peter had progressed to the point where she was considering marriage. The dismayed computer hacker then decides to quit the conversation before he says something he can’t take back.

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GH Spoilers – Damian Spinelli Still Cares For Maxi Jones

Fans of GH may agree that Spinelli’s awkward attempts to pry Maxie away from Peter are well-intentioned. He obviously still cares for her and wants to keep her safe from Peter’s suave manipulations. Viewers who understand that Peter has framed Liesl Obrecht for his own crimes, and has buried Maxie under a heap of lies, might just find themselves sympathizing heavily with Spinelli’s motivations.

If Spinelli can’t get Maxie to believe something she really doesn’t want to even consider or accept, he may choose to simply walk away. Alternatively, Spinelli may choose to do something drastic to prevent Maxie from accepting a marriage proposal from a man that he despises.

In either case, a long and deep friendship is on the line. At this point, whether Maxie’s friendship with Spinelli lives or dies may depend entirely on the next decisions she chooses to make.

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You can wait to watch what happens or stay glued to CTS for more General Hospital updates and spoiler to find out!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersPeter AugustRobert Scorpio
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  • Guest

    Get rid of Maxi if she doesn’t wake up soon, Very boring. Let spinelli savor every moment when he proves Peter is a scumbag. Viewers deserve a little payback for all the bad story lines!

  • RavenJackal

    I would more like for there to be something that will make this situation better for Peter and Maxie. I want them to make it. I want Maxie to be the one that it right about Peter in the end somehow. I think that it would be good for Maxie and Spinelli to stay friends though especially because of Georgie. I just want this whole mess to be fixed somehow.

  • Guest

    Peter is not A scumbag i can't believe you ever said that to him I can see he is A changed man and has A lot good in him