General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie’s Plan Backfires As Lulu And Peter Get Close – Is A New Love Triangle Forming?

General Hospital spoilers tease that Lulu Falconeri (Emme Rylan) will seek her bestie Maxie Jones’ (Kirsten Storms) advice on dealing with her extreme loneliness. She misses her absentee husband, Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) since his brief reappearance – he left again quickly to get brainwashing and PTSD treatment for an indefinite period of time.

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Maxie will help by letting Lulu tag along with her and Peter August (Wes Ramsey) as a third wheel in their brand new romance. The problem is, the plan will backfire. According to a Soap Opera Digest summer spoilers, eventually the trio will become a triangle as Peter and Lulu start to get too close!

Peter and Lulu are together a lot of the time anyway, with the two working in close quarters at “The Invader”, and with Peter being her boss. However, Dante’s absence has made Lulu vulnerable and lonely.

General Hospital Spoilers – Will Peter August Stay True To Maxie Jones?

And even though Peter will probably stay true to Maxie since he’s waited so long for the two to become a couple, Lulu will probably develop a huge rebound crush on him.

This will make things complicated both at work and on their trio outings, which undoubtedly will lead to drama between Lulu and Maxie as well, because Maxie will notice Lulu’s falling for Peter even if naïve Peter doesn’t pick up on Lulu’s growing attachment to him.

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Another person working at “The Invader” office who might pick up on Lulu’s growing attachment to Peter and insert herself where she doesn’t belong is Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), It’s doubtful that Liesl is happy with her daughter in law Maxie’s choice of Peter as her first relationship since being widowed by her late son Nathan West (Ryan Paevey).

General Hospital Spoilers – Liesl Obrecht May Encourage The Relationship

And Liesl is so over “Heinrik’s” father the late Cesar Faison (Anders Hove) who fathered all her children, and won’t want the child of Cesar and Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) to end up marrying Maxie and being a stepfather to his nephew and her grandson James West (the Marciano twins)!

She might actually encourage a relationship between Peter and Lulu just to get him away from Maxie and James. That might wind up bringing Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) into the mix as well, because he might not want Peter as a potential stepfather to his daughter Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlet Fernandez).

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It sounds like it’s going to be a long, hot summer in Port Charles this year; stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

As always, more detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear on Celebrating The Soaps, where there will be more clues and hints over exactly what’s going on.

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  • RavenJackal

    I do not want to have a Maxie, Peter, and Lulu triangle. I want Peter and Maxie to stay together. They have just started out and have the potential to be a long term couple. Maxie and Peter also have much more in common than Peter and Lulu. Peter has already said that Maxie is the one and that she is the first woman that he has had real feelings of love for and she is the one person that he truly trusts now. They need to get Lulu a new love that is just her own since Dante is going to be completely out of the picture apparently. I also do not want to see Lulu and Maxie fighting over Peter or any man. They have a very good solid friendship that was almost destroyed but has been repaired. I did not want that to be messed up with a love triangle. I can see Liesl trying to break up Peter and Maxie. However Valentin cares about Peter and would want him to be happy so I do not think he would be upset if he was with Maxie or Lulu.

    • lbc

      If it is correct that Maxie is Peter’s first love interest (HUM-scratch head), as he has nothing with which to compare his feelings – how could he know Maxie is the one. Most first loves don’t end up in a longtime relationship in real life so for soap life, this is even more puzzling. Really don’t want to see Peter with Maxie or Lulu, bring in some new blood in order to trash out who either one of the three will be paired with. Definitely don’t want to see Maxie and Lulu in a triangle for Peter or any other man – their friendship has just healed, and a man is not worth losing a true friend. GH is so into pairings, but the pairings just don’t seem to be working in my opinion. Valentin caring about Peter is questionable to me as he doesn’t care enough about his wife’s feelings to conjure up a daughter for her just because that would lead to him getting back in her good graces. Valentin didn’t care one way or another if Nina found her true daughter. Valentin set forth to find the daughter so Nina would be grateful and take him back – which she did. It has been suggested he did it for love, but who wants someone to lie to them in the name of love, especially when it comes to a lost child the other individual has been longing for. I guess he cares so much for her that when the reveal is made he won’t be able to understand her being less than happy with him. Oh well, we all see things differently, but that what makes the world go round.

    • RavenJackal

      I can believe that Maxie is Peter’s first love. He probably kept things superficial when he was dating because he did not want to get too close to any woman. Faison used people like weapons when he wanted to control them. Peter knew this about his father. He probably did not want to bring a woman into his life that he might love and have Faison use her against him. Peter is unsure about if he can love because of growing up with Faison. Anna and others have been encouraging him to believe in his ability to love. Peter and Maxie are far more suited for each other for many different reasons. People do stay long term with their first loves. It happens mainly for people who are high school sweethearts but for some people it takes time to find the right person to be with. Maxie and Lulu’s friendship does not need to be messed up. Lulu needs a new person to love or maybe they should bring Dillon Quartermaine back for Lulu. I think he liked her at one time. Valentin is damaged because he spent most of his life deformed by scoliosis. He only became the man he is because he got the money for surgeries after he sold the Chimera to Helena. In many ways he is desperate for love and will do anything to keep it which has caused him to do this really bad thing with Nina. Valentin told Peter that the three people that he cares what they think of him are Nina, Charlotte and Peter. Valentin was the one who cared for Peter and helped him with Faison even though he put him with Faison.

    • Guest

      I agree with you. I think that Peter kept women at arms length because of his father. I think having Maxie as the first woman he ever really loved is amazing and its intriguing. Its what makes this relationship so special. Its sweet and innocent. Both Maxie and Peter both have walked a fine line between good and bad. I think they are able to understand each other. Peter never really knew love and acceptance really until Maxie came along. At first I think his feelings for her were because he felt guilty and wanted to help her but she saw the best in him when no one else had. She defended him. She supported him. And he her. I don’t want Maxie and Lulu’s friendship to be torn apart again. Its getting too old. Let Maxie and Peter be their for Lulu but have Lulu do her own thing for awhile instead of her story being focused on being friends with maxie. I would rather Maxie ask Peter to find something for Lulu to do and she gets herself into some trouble with a story. Just like with Ryan and Maxie and Peter have to help her out.

    • Guest

      I love Peter and Maxie together no one wants a love triangle they need to recast Dante so lulu and him can get back together and Peter and Maxie are a long term couple the love they have is true and deep Peter will need Maxie when truth about his parents comes out

  • Guest

    DZ has been off contract with GH a year. It is ridiculous that the show won’t bring on a legitimate love interest for Lulu. This crush stuff sounds embarrassing.

    • Guest

      They really need to do something with Lulu that isn’t about hurting Maxie. They have been there done that too many times. I would like for her to branch off and get involved with other people and let her friend have a life. Maxie needs to let Lulu lead her life too. I think Lulu needs to focus on her kids especially Charlotte rather than being a constant 3rd wheel to Maxie and Peter. Its really boring and not interesting.

  • Guest

    I think lulu needs to back off, this fling between Maxie and Peter is something that has been waiting to happen, so maybe Dante can come back and take care of his wife’s loneliness, Maxie and Peter don’t need no drama between the hot romance, please keep Maxie & Peter together

  • Guest

    I do not want to see a love triangle with Lulu, Maxie, and Peter. Lulu and Maxie have been friends for a long time, and I would not want to see that end. It appears that Dante is not coming back, and GH does not want to recast him. Lulu would need to divorce Dante. They should bring in someone new for Lulu. Peter is a good looking guy and it is hard to believe that he has never been in love before. GH taken a long time to put Maxie and Peter together, please don’t break it up like this, I don’t like this story line at all.

    • Guest

      I really hope they dont’ take this route. It seems so predictable. I would rather Lulu gets herself caught up in a mess.

  • Guest

    Please don’t have a love triangle with Lulu, Maxie and Peter. It just doesn’t make sense. Please recast Dante or bring in someone new for Lulu. Why did GH spend such a long time bringing Maxie and Peter together to break them up, Maxie and Peter just need better story lines to keep things interesting. The writers at GH need to stop recycling stories, it gets really boring.

  • Guest

    I think Peter will stay true to Maxie. I really really hope the writers don’t go down this route. Its way too predictable. The Soap Opera Digest spoiler I saw did not say specifically there would be a triangle. It stated that Maxie engages Peter to help Lulu with her loneliness or something like that. I feel like that would be more for a story. Why would Peter and Lulu need to spend time together. If they decide to go down this route, I am going to take a haitus. I am tired of maxie and Lulu fighting. They need to do something together instead of fighting. Honestly I would like them to have storylines that don’t revolve each other. I love Peter and Maxie and want them to have a romance before any problems arise