General Hospital Spoilers Monday, March 14: Carly vs Esme, Chase’s Exchange, Selina’s Scheme

General Hospital: Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright)General Hospital spoilers for Monday, March 14 reveal that Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) confronts Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl). Cameron Webber (William Lipton) explodes while visiting Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez). Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) has an awkward exchange while Selena Wu (Lydia Look) makes an offer.

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General Hospital Spoilers  – Carly Corinthos’ Confrontation

GH spoilers reveal that Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) told her mother about the video going around campus. Carly tried to help Josslyn realize that she will move past this situation. However, Carly will end up taking action. In Monday’s episode, Carly confronts Esme and asks whose life she is going to destroy next.

GH Spoilers – Victims React

Josslyn was receiving so many messages about the video that she turned off her phone. While Carly tries to help Josslyn, Cameron will make a move. Cameron knows full well that Esme will keep insisting on her innocence and blame Trina Robinson (Sydney Makayla). In fact, it is teased that Esme will kick her plan up a notch. Plus, Esme develops a “friendship” with an older resident of Genoa City.

In Monday’s episode, Cameron will have a rageful meeting with Spencer at Spring Ridge. Meanwhile, Josslyn says she can fight her own battles. The preview clip doesn’t show who Josslyn is talking to, but it’s most likely Carly.

General Hospital Spoilers  – Selena Wu’s Proposition

General Hospital spoilers for Monday reveal that Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) will receive an unexpected proposition. It just happens to be from Selina, who suggests the Savoy be used for mob poker games. Selina also wants Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) to run the events.

Even though Curtis declines the offer, Selina won’t give up. It is also teased that Selina is determined to get Brad involved in the family business. Brad will end up turning to Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud) for help.

GH Spoilers – For Monday

Also in Monday’s episode, fans can expect Chase to have an awkward encounter. Could this interaction involve Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton)? Will these two ever get on the same page or will there be more complications and unspoken confessions?

At some point, fans will want Brook Lynn and Chase to just admit they have feelings for one another. It will happen eventually, but when it does, could the duo face additional obstacles? It seems that is usually what happens with potential romances in soaps.

Which storyline are you looking forward to seeing the most on Monday, March 14? What are your predictions for the residents of Genoa City? Share your thoughts and remember to keep watching the ABC soap to see what happens next.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Guest

    Genoa City?? I think you mean Port Charles! You are writing about story lines and characters from General Hospital, not Young & the Restless.

  • Guest

    I would love to see Carly make her life miserable.
    It is past time for Ryan to go the way of Peter.

  • Guest

    Esme girl put in there for a reason to destroy everyone a secret plant for evil plans that someone bigger knows her is not great.
    I hope the mothers Carly and Liz do something.can’t prove to blame her

    the old days when Luke was there or Helena, or Jason,jaxs .

    And I read that the actors who played Jason and jaxs on gh abc
    Now list was stopped they should get a offer or sorry from gh abc want happen Ed to them. Abc gh should be stupid not to Jason best character I been watching since he was so young since gh started .and there is only one Jason Morgan,you tried with that switch but it was a mess. So
    I just like to say I wish him luck ,and hope he can get work,or if got a offer to come back is up to him.I was getting tired of this sorry bull .changes using the covid for your accuses .other channels I don’t think does this I don’t know. I liked gh abc for so many years the old days was real happy soap not about who you were .and all these speech just a happy show to feel better.
    Like all my children,general hostipal and one life to live.
    I was in school watch amc and gh before vcr .so please stop this what the person likes girl boy whatever they are and race color anything .it’s a soap opera ! Enjoyment
    the jaxs character I think you destroyed what can he do except take Carly away and romance again.
    and let Brooklyn and chase have there night of romance they derserve it and harmony story boring and willow stop being wish washer and Michael should make up his mind

  • Guest

    Chase with willow. Drew with Brit

  • stetny

    Time for Brook Lynn and Chase to get together and admit they have feelings for one another. It just might end up being a great coupling, something that's needed on GH now. Really don't need Selena and her "mob" right now; and she should leave Brad alone; or perhaps he should get help from Dante.
    Carly and Liz should get together and both of them plan to take Esme down. As for Esme being Ryan's daughter, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree…and yes, can see Heather being the mother.
    Will the fans EVER have something to cheer about on GH? Like Ryan, Esme, and Victor all going away forever? Jordan did not have to come back; hope Curtis goes with Portia; also hope Marcus (Trina's dad) steps in and helps take care of Esme. Cannot remember ever disliking characters so much (which means they're doing a terrific job of acting).

  • Guest

    Can anyone picture Brad in the mob??? Beyond dumb. The mob wouldn’t trust him running numbers, let alone taking an active role in one of the mob Families.

  • Guest

    Last time I checked GH was in Port Charles not Genoa city

  • Guest

    You're half right Louie. Drew and Britt would make a good couple. And I can't believe I'm saying this, Chase and BrookLynn have grown on me. So I'd like to see how they could play out. As for Willow, neither she or Michael have a personality or are interesting in any way, so just leave them to continue to bore us to death.

  • Guest

    We can only hope Ryan kills Esme