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General Hospital Spoilers – Maxie Jones Blindly Skips Her Way Into Pregnancy
While it’s a fact of life that if one isn’t careful, getting down and getting jiggy can cause a woman to end up with a bun in the oven. Maxie clearly hasn’t been thinking about those issues. Spontaneous skin slapping is great and all, but some feel that Maxie alone has been on a mission to populate Port Charles in recent years.
While there’s nothing wrong with having lots of kids, many believe that neither Maxie or Peter are well suited for the immense parenting demands that having a litter of rug rats can bring. Part of that is because both Maxie and Peter seem more married to their respective careers than they are to the concept of family. Shouldn’t Maxie and Peter have been a bit more careful then?
That’s not the worst of it, however. The truth is, if Maxie truly is pregnant right now she may be headed for a situation of extreme heartache. She may be thinking to herself that she and Peter are soon to be married (whenever a date happens to be set) and so getting pregnant now might now be so bad. On the other hand, should Peter’s crimes find him out with Maxie pregnant with his child … things that ought to be joyful could turn to ashes real quick.
GH Spoilers – Peter August’s Trying to Save Himself
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The truth is, Peter’s life is a bit tragic. This whole thing with Peter being the son of a psycho criminal, trying to get out from under the thumb of his evil father, and yet not quite being able to free himself of that legacy. It’s sad. One could argue that all the evil things Peter has done over the last year and a half or so were done with the sole intention of moving himself away from that evil.
After all, many GH fans might agree that Peter seems desperate to forge a new life and have a normal family. It’s clear that Peter actually does care for (maybe even truly loves) Maxie. Remember that it was Peter who delivered Maxie’s son James West (Owen and Curtis Rufca)! Therefore, Peter can’t be a hundred percent evil.
General Hospital Spoilers – Peter August Can’t Break Free
Peter is simply caught in an old lie. The sins of Peter’s past are catching up with him so that no matter how hard he tries, he just can’t seem to break free. The thing here though is that everyone around Peter … all those who have come to love and care for him … it’s all of these people who will also pay a price.
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GH fans might agree that Maxie getting pregnant right now is pretty convenient when it comes to creating the potential for drama. It’s a bit too convenient, perhaps. Some viewers don’t want Peter to find redemption. Those who do, however, are left wondering if this will lead toward Peter’s salvation … or just another tragedy.
I can picture Peter as father because he has already been a father figure to James. Peter has a history of being good with children, He is the one that delivered James and has been a good part of his life ever since. He has even helped to take care of Georgie. He helped Rocco deal with the loss of Dante when he babysat for him. Peter made sure that Wyatt was safe at the cabin and helped him to get his tonsils removed. He comforted Charlotte when she was upset over the fact that Valentin and Nina did not get married. He tried to stop Valentin from taking Charlotte to make sure that they did not get into trouble. Peter, Anna, and Violet played together and now Violet like him. Peter just met Emma and she likes him as well. I believe that Peter will be a good father to his own child. I believe that Peter can get on the road to redemption for Maxie and his child in the end. I mean It has not been clear as to why Peter has done the things that he has been doing all this time. I hope that this situation will get cleared up somehow so that Peter and Maxie can look forward to birth of their child.