General Hospital Spoilers: Nikolas Gives Up Cassadine Fortune To Be With Spencer, Ava Shocked?

General Hospital: Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma)General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that Nikolas Cassadine may not want to give up his fortune in order to get his son, Spencer Cassadine (Nicolas Bechtel) back. However, some GH fans believe that Nikolas has it within him to be selfless. On the other hand, other GH viewers aren’t so sure. When has Nikolas ever been a truly noble, self-sacrificing individual?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine Is Overjoyed

GH fans who have been paying attention know that for quite some time now, Nikolas has been incredibly depressed. That’s because viewers watched as Spencer spent three years believing Nikolas had died. Of course, Nikolas hadn’t. Nikolas was busy sneaking around trying to get back the Cassadine inheritance he had lost. In order to do that and keep Spencer safe (according to Nikolas), he had to keep Spencer in the dark. Needless to say, when Nikolas finally went to Paris to Spencer’s boarding school and revealed that he was, in fact alive, Spencer was enraged.

Viewers watched as Spencer screamed at Nikolas to “get the hell away” from him. From that moment, Spencer has refused to allow his father to have a place in his life. Many GH fans can identify with the outrage and hurt that Spencer must have felt. They understand Spencer’s sense of betrayal. What child wouldn’t feel betrayed by his or her parent if that parent behaved as Nikolas had?

That’s why, when Nikolas received a letter from Spencer out of the blue, and that letter detailed how Nikolas could reconcile with his son, he was beside himself with joy.

GH Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine Kept Reading

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Now, when Nikolas kept reading, GH fans know that his joy turned to ashes in his mouth. That’s because, in order to reconcile with Nikolas, Spencer demanded that Nikolas divorce Ava Cassadine (Maura West) due to his unmitigated rage concerning her. Spencer might be willing to forgive Nikolas, but he absolutely would not give up his grudge against Ava.

Now, if Ava chooses to exercise her rights under the post-nuptial agreement Nikolas made with her, she will gain 90% of the Cassadine fortune. Viewers now know that this would include Wyndemere and the whole of Spoon Island. Thus, if Nikolas truly wishes to make a family for himself and reconcile with Spencer, he must divorce Ava and lose the Cassadine fortune he spent three long years pursuing.

Some believe that Nikolas won’t be able to agree to Spencer’s demands. Nikolas lost the Cassadine fortune once, how could he allow himself to lose it again?

General Hospital Spoilers – Nikolas Casssadine Grieves

The truth is, it seems Nikolas is in a lose/lose situation at the moment. With one choice, Nikolas could gain his son back but lose his fortune. With another, Nikolas could lose Spencer forever but keep all his worldly goods. Then too, while many GH fans point out the obvious, that Ava and Nikolas hardly share a good relationship or marriage at this point, the two do seem to be unhappily comfortable with one another. Many believe that if Nikolas simply finds it within himself to forgive Ava, the two could actually become an amazing couple. These fans also believe that’s what Ava secretly wants.

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However, nothing good will happen for Nikolas as long as his focus is on things that are here and then pass away. How could one paraphrase it? For what does it profit Nikolas should he keep all that he has if he loses that which ought to be most precious?

General HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerNikolas CassadineSpencer Cassadine
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  • Guest

    I doubt Nik can put Spencer first. He couldn’t put Spencer first the whole time he was alive these past what 3 years?!

  • Matt Crider

    If Nikolas does this I would be quite happy. But truthfully I think Nikolas other plans, like revealing the marriage was never legal and thus the post nup is void.

  • Guest

    Nikolas can put Spencer first if he explain to him why he stayed away from for so long. He has to as Spencer to forgive him for that. Nikolas heart was in the right place but he failed to trust his son enough to let him in on what he was doing. Perhaps, with in time Spencer will forgive Nikolas and let him back into his life until then I disagree with Nikolas giving up the Cassadine fortune that he fought so hard to get back to have to give it to Ava for their prenunpital agreement. I’m sure once Spencer is told the truth about how Nikolas got the fortune back with Ava.s help he may soften toward both of them and agree to become a family together, but Nikolas and Ava has to come together and stand as one in front of Spencer. Spencer is hurt, he’s broken because he thought that Nikolas was dead, in which he was not. At one time in the show I was under the impression that Spencer knew Nikolas wasn’t dead at least that’s the way they played the script. So, I’m thinking that they got Nikolas and Ava acting like they have never been married before or have had children. Like both are how shall I say this Virgins. Maybe I have reading to make nobles about that sort thing, but that’s the impression I’m getting from this love -hate marriage. Then here’s Spencer, my little Spencer who long to hear from his father for three years and when he do he presences him a stepmother of whom he doesn’t like, despise whatever. Nikolas should have went to see Spencer by himself.

  • lbc

    I’d prefer that things happened the way you described – but the thought of both Nik and Spencer fighting for the Cassidine fortune, neither would be very happy without it. Nik needs to explain to Spencer what occurred between he and Ava (the whole truth and nothing but the truth), and perhaps Nik would be forgiven for the Ava part of the problem, but how the 3 year absence without contact is another story.

  • Guest

    If Nick told Spencer about the post nup I think he would be okay. Spencer wants the fortune as well!!!

  • Guest

    Than he should have done it by now. What is he waiting for? He looks and acts like an idiot. If he and Ava were not legally married all he had to do after he got the codicil was to tell Ava the truth. As far as giving up the fortune for Spencer I highly doubt it. It’s always been about the money for Nik and it still is.

  • Ivenid

    Nik should follow Liz’s advice and call Spencer. Tell him everything. I am sure Spencer would not want Ava to get his money.

  • Guest

    But even if Nikolas tells Ava the truth about his current marriage to Hayden, of course Nava’s marriage is void and hell yes, he’ll keep his family’s fortune, but Spencer still will NEVER be able to forgive him! Due to the fact that Nikolas cares more about money and power than about him!

  • Guest

    I believe that Nicholas can put Spencer to be in his number one priority, I think that Ava should give Nicholas what belongs to him she doesn’t need it she has a penthouse she has her art gallery everything is going well for her, give Nicolas a chance at being happy with whomever may truly be at his side, but for all the right reasons…… let Spencer and Nicholas bond,