General Hospital Spoilers: Nina And Sonny Make Love After She Returns To Nixon Falls!

General Hospital: Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) General Hospital spoilers tease that Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) returned to Port Charles because Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) called Nina to let her know he would once again let Nina visit with Wiley Corinthos (Erik and Theo Olsen), as long as she followed his rules about subjects that Nina must comply with. The visits have been going well and Nina has put off her return to Nixon Falls indefinitely to continue bonding with her grandson.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Fate has other plans for Nina Reeves!

Nina has been tempted to return to Nixon Falls, because she has fallen for Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Bernard). As viewers know, the rest of Port Charles believes that Sonny died last Christmas. But Sonny didn’t die, although he has no memory of his life or even his own name. Sonny decided to call himself “Mike” and makes a life in Nixon Falls working for Lenny Caulfield (Rif Hutton) and his wife Phyllis Caulfield (Joyce Guy). Nina decided against telling Mike who he really is, but despite their growing feelings and a goodbye kiss, Nina resolved not to act on her attraction to “Mike”, since he is married even though he doesn’t know it.

GH Spoilers – Lenny Caulfield’s cancer diagnosis will bring Nina Reeves back to Nixon Falls!

Nina can’t stop thinking about “Mike” but she had resolved to let him go before things got too complicated. There is still a very good chance that Sonny will remember his past and return to his wife, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright). Also once Sonny realizes the extend of Nina’s lies, his feelings may turn to anger. But with Lenny’s devastating cancer diagnosis, NIina will once again find “Mike” impossible to stay away from. And after some especially emotion days, Nina and Mike will finally make love. Nina will not regret sleeping with Mike, but as Sonny begins to remember more and more. It wil only be a matter of time before something will trigger his full memory. But to Nina’s shock, Sonny will eventually forgive Nina, and he may just still want Nina, and not Carly.

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General Hospital Spoilers – What Do You Think?

Will Nina regret her decision to return to both “Mike” and Nixon Falls? Will Lenny’s failing health lead to an emotion goodbye, causing Nina to lower her guard and make love to Mike. Will Sonny finally remember who he is, and where will that leave Nina? Will Sonny realize his feelings for Nina are still there? Death is both an ending and a beginning in Port Charles, so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

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  • Guest

    Just ordered the dress in green can't wait for it arrive haha

  • Guest

    I am not happy about this storyline and just might quit watching again for another 20 years as I did when Steve Burton left before and they brought him back as someone else, stupid storylines!

  • Guest

    I think the writers were out of ideas and this one Stinks so bad. Nina is a nut case and what she is doing is wrong. I have no use for the character now and when the truth surfaces, I can’t wait for all hell to hit her square in the face from Carly, Sonny’s kids and the whole town!

  • Guest

    This is just not good! Nina & sonny…total garbage! Because of this trash my whole family has stopped watch General Hospital .

  • Guest

    Well, Cat, I have to agree with you!! I have been a fan if G.H. for decades, but the story lines, this past year, have bored me to tears. Today, I actually turned off my TV just 16 minutes into the episode. Bring back Lucy, Scott Baldwin, Max, Felicia, more stories for Laura, Kevin, & even Ryan. He's mean, but sure adds excitement to the show. And Tracey, PLEASE come back to Port Charles. She always stirred up some great stories. I realize that I'm 'living in the past', but in those times, you could barely wait for the next days show. Oh well just dreaming!!!

  • Guest

    I so dislike this story line .. don’t the writers listen to their fans if this happens I am DONE with GH; after 49 years I will be DONE DONE DONE…..You have two great individuals, Nina and Sonny they play their parts amazingly, but they don’t belong together. Writers do your jobs give GH fans what they want Sonny back where he belongs.

  • Guest

    I watch this soap opera since the seven grade it’s sick if Nina and sonny make love what is wrong with the writers also why can’t Michael finally be happy with willow sonny need to come back to the real sonny leave that sick Nina general hospital is becoming very bored I turn the tv off today.

  • Guest

    Seriously Sonny and Nina! Nothing is right about that!

  • Guest

    Oh, he'll no! DON'T have Sonny and Nina have sex. Writers, what are you thinking? Do you not listen to true GH longtime fans? Sounds like they're grasping at straws.

  • Guest

    I’m so sick of this storyline. Put Sonny back were he belongs. Nina can’t be that stupid. The writers are weak.

  • Guest

    I don't usually comment just give a thumbs up or down. But I can't keep quiet anymore.
    Have been watching GH for about 40yrs. How did the writing get so bad. Nina and Sonny sleeping together I almost lost my supper when I read that, it was bad just putting them as friends. Every time I see them together just doesn't fit Nina has no appeal, I'm sorry I know some people won't like this but the new Nina is lousy. I think the writers should be the ones that are replaced along with some of the actors ….with the pandemic and you guys ruining GH, retirement has not been fun. One more thing , see where it says "your voice matters" you might want to remove that because it doesn't.

  • Guest

    I don't like it at all. Nina is wrong

  • Guest

    This is so stupid, Nina should pay for what she is doing!!!!!!! I am so done with this story!!!!!!

  • Guest

    I think this story with nina and Mike Sonny is so wrong.nina needs to come clean all we need is for her to be pregnant.hopenot

  • Guest

    I’m glad I stopped watching GH two weeks ago. As much as I adore, Maurice, Steve, Laura, Genie, and many more, the current storylines are nauseating! I just couldn’t watch any longer!! Lol. The writers are destroying what used to be the best daytime drama on the air!!

  • Guest

    I cannot believe that the whites of the show don’t listen to the fans you’re losing us by the dozen your lost other shows are there by by

  • lbc

    So true as far as "your voice matters". I think this is not a statement made the writers of GH but the writers of this type spoiler.

  • lbc

    Writers have been grasping at straws for the last few years.

  • Guest

    I hate wear. There going with the story between nina and Sonny no chemistry between the two actors hate it

  • Guest

    Get rid of Nina and Of course Sonny knows he is married he was wearing a wedding ring before he hawked it.These writers really want to lose viewers Bring Sonny home and get rid of Nina for good.

  • pdh

    I can't believe they will write a love scene for Nina and Mike. Yuk!

  • Donna

    This is sick. Send Sonny home where he belongs. This has dragged out so long it's making me not to watch General anymore. No more Nina and Sonny

  • pdh

    I haven't turned on GH in about 3 weeks. I was afraid I was going to break the FF button…lol!

  • pdh

    Nina talks to Mike/Sonny like he was a child not a man with amnesia. Not like you would talk to a man you want to have a relationship with.

  • pdh


  • Guest

    Just send Sonny home to his family don't have him sleeping with Nina he have a wife and family my goodness

  • Guest

    This story of Nina sleeping with Sonny is the worst ever written. Sonny is supposed to be a strong man but he is acting like a wimp. I have been watching General Hospital since day 1 and now will sadly give up GH after they show Nina and Sonny in bed. So, please do not air that show. You can have Sonny stop himself and his memory return before he enters the bedroom. It will be as disgusting as it sounds.

  • Guest

    This is the worst idea gh has had, sonny belongs with Carly and their kids. I hope Michael never lets Nina see Wiley again when he finds out she knew his dad was alive and kept it to herself, also I hope Ava and Nina become enemies again for keeping sonny away from Avery. I hope everyone turns their back on her.

  • Guest

    I am thoroughly disgusted by this storyline..And now there going to make love and Sonny might regain his memory and choose Nina over Carly.. That's it for me.

  • Guest

    It’s so gross, Im disgusted by this storyline..And now dopey Nina and Sonny are going to make love and Sonny might regain his memory and choose Nina over Carly.. That's it for me. It’s truly disgusting. Bring Sonny home to his wife Carly and kids . Nina is horrid and deceitful , she don’t deserve the time of day with Wiley. She gets to see her grandson whilst Sonny is cut out??? Seriously???

  • Guest

    The writers need to be fired

  • Guest

    Gross! Nina is a lying, deceitful, manipulating person. This is so unfair to Sonny’s wife Carly and his children . Bring Sonny hone ASAP to his real wife and kids ! It’s been long enough! Dopey Nina needs to go.
    Nina is a horrid person .

  • Guest

    Oh please NO NO NO…..When Sonny does regain his memories (please make it in my lifetime) Forgiving Nina and choosing her over Carly could be where this is headed….But how in holy heaven could Sonny forgive Nina for keeping him away from Wiley, Avery, Donna and the rest of his adult children…..??????? To me thats unforgivable

  • Guest

    I don’t either, she should leave and never return. Also she sure take JAX with her.

  • Guest

    I think this storyline sucks. Your writers suck. This isn’t love in the afternoon this is just wrong ! Get it together writers , or just quit all together ! You have ruined a great soap for what? Cause you can ? Please all you did was aggravate you loyal watchers now a lot of us who have been watch since Elizabeth Taylor was Helena are ready to walk. Thanks for nothing

  • Guest

    I agree with the both of you on all areas. The whole storyline on everything stinks except for Shawn coming back. Bring back the GH we all remember and forget all this stupid unbelievable crap!

  • Guest

    No no no and frigging no!

  • Guest

    What wrong with this writer Sonny need to get his memory back ASAP and back home again and stop this ridiculous and stupid idea of Jason and Carly before they said I do. A completely totally no for Jason and Carly and absolutely for Sonny and Carly get back together again. The wedding need to stop just hope Sonny get there in time

  • Guest

    Put those couples back together where they belong! Carly and Sonny belong together. Jason and Sam together. Stop screwing everything up. I'm sick of Sonny's memory loss. If this doesn't end soon and CARLY ends with Sonny's I'm going to stop watching. 38 years faithful about to find a new hobby to replace this show!!!!!

  • Guest


  • Guest

    I started watching the show with my mom when I was a child. Now a soap opera often if not always has unbelievable stories, but the Nina/Sonny think needs to end. How will this ever turn on good for Nina. She is keeping her grandson's grandfather away from him not to mention from his wife, kids, friends, etc. Time to finish up with this storyline Sonny has been away since last Dec. Getting a bit much to watch. After close to 50 yrs of watching this show I think it is time for me to take a break. Makes me sad, but too much is too much…. Carly and Jason is ridiculous too.

  • Guest

    I agree with you 100%, they suck as a couple. She doesn’t fit at all. New writers might be better