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1. Valentin Cassadine Loves Nina Reeves
General Hospital’s Valentin truly loves Nina. Valentin may not always know how to show it but his love is immeasurable. Valentin has tried time and again to make Nina happy but he has often gone overboard when attempting to prove this. Valentin is nobody’s prince but at least he tries to please his woman. Will Valentin ever get the chance to please her again?
2. Valentin Cassadine Tried To Heal The Past
General Hospital spoilers show Valentin tried to heal Nina’s past hurts by producing a daughter for her. Valentin knew that Nina desired to have a child. Nina thought she had lost her baby after her mother tried to keep her years ago. However, it was revealed that Nina’s child had been put up for adoption. When Nina’s child could not be found, Valentin invented one. Valentin’s decision was wrong but he was trying to give Nina what she desired the most. Nina saw Valentin’s actions as a betrayal and broke things off. However, his efforts to heal her broken heart shows how much he loves her.
3. Nina Reeves Still Loves Valentin Cassadine
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General Hospital’s Nina still loves Valentin no matter how much she claims otherwise. Nina may not be able to be with Valentin but they belong together. Nina may be trying to move on with Jasper Jacks (Ingo Rademacher) but he will never give her that same passion and understanding as Valentin has. Jack will never have the love the Nina still holds for Valentin.
4. Nina Reeves Loves Charlotte Cassadine
General Hospital’s Nina loves Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) loves Nina and was happy living with them. Although Nina has completely spoiled Charlotte and made her a bully. Charlotte adores Nina as well and does much better when with Valentin and Nina. Charlotte needs someone who can spend time with her, ride horses with her, and give her the attention she needs. Charlotte’s mother doesn’t have the time for Charlotte that Nina does.
5. Nina Reeves Is Forgiving
General Hospital’s Nina is forgiving when it comes to those she loves. Valentin may have hurt her lying about Sasha Gilmore’s (Sofia Mattsson) connection to her. However, Nina has forgiven Valentin for other things and could probably forgive this too. Could Nina realize she still loves Valentin and forgives him? Is there any way for Valentin to make up for a fake daughter without finding Nina’s real child?
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Nina and Valentin have been through so much in their relationship and it’s time to bury the hatchet and reunite as lovers. Can Nina and Valentin come back from this? Will the couple reunite soon?
I do think that Valentin and Nina belong together. Valentin loves Nina and has not gotten over her. Nina has tried to move on with Jax but I think that she still loves Valentin. I believe that if Nelle is really Nina’s daughter that Valentin would accept her as Nina’s daughter. He would be concerned at first but if things went well then Valentin would accept Nelle for Nina. I know that Charlotte would be extremely happy if Nina and Valentin got back together. I think that Nina, Valentin, Charlotte, and Nelle might make for an interesting family unit.
Yes! I love Valentin and Nina together!! The best couple!!
No he has put her through enoughI use to like them together until he hired Sasha to pretend to be her daughter that was it for me. What he did was cruel he let Nina bond and fall in love with a woman that wasn’t her daughter for over year. He preyed on her insecurity over not being a mom and used that desperate desire to manipulate her. You don’t do that to a woman you claim to love it’s unforgivable what he did.
I do believe the couple will gladly find their way back to each other.
One of the best things about Valentin is his devotion to Charlotte and Nina. Pairing him with anyone else would be completely out of character.