General Hospital Spoilers: Nina’s Child A Son, Not Daughter – Soap EP Hints Big Twist

General Hospital: Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) ABC General Hospital fans have been trying to figure out who Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) daughter is for years now. However, since Madelene Reeves (Donna Mills) didn’t want Nina to know about her child, could she have lied about the gender?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Frank Valentini Cassadine Suggest Son Or Daughter

General Hospital’s Executive Producer took to social media when he posted on Twitter that Nina gets a clue about her son or daughter. Valentini’s comment suggests that Nina’s child may not be a daughter after all. However, since Madelene’s comments, most people have assumed that Nelle Jerome (Chloe Lanier) or Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) would be revealed as Nina’s child.

Then the half-heart necklace was seen where Carly and Nelle fought. Once found, people will probably jump to the conclusion that the necklace belongs to Nelle and she is Nina’s daughter. However, Nelle could have acquired the necklace anywhere as a child. There is no guarantee that the necklace stayed with Nina’s child after it was adopted.

GH Spoilers – Madelene Reeves Could Have Lied

General Hospital’s Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) talked to Madelene before her death. Madelene told Valentin that Nina’s child had lived and it was a girl. Unfortunately, Nina was never supposed to know that her child survived. Why would Madelene tell Valentin the truth about Nina’s child knowing that he planned on reuniting them?

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After all, Madelene killed Nina’s ex-husband so he couldn’t have any claim to Nina’s money, why would she want her child to have access to it after getting rid of the child? Perhaps Madelene sent Valentin on a wild goose chase to find a daughter that doesn’t exist.

General Hospital Spoilers – What If Valentin Cassadine Lied?

General Hospital’s Valentin’s reaction to Nina’s announcement of a clue suggests that he knows more than he’s saying about her child. Valentin hand-picked Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattson) to pose as Nina’s daughter. Valentin didn’t show Nina any evidence from her mother that the child was female. The only thing Valentin had was Madelene’s word. However, Madelene could have told him the child was male. Madelene could have given Valentin the name of Nina’s child. Valentin may have evidence that the child is a criminal or even dead. Valentin could be the one who decided that Nina’s child is a girl to protect Nina from being hurt any further.

Will the truth about Nina’s child ever come out? Where did the necklace come from if Nelle didn’t lose it? Is there someone that fans haven’t seen yet that is Nina’s child? Will Nina and Jasper Jacks (Ingo Rademacher) find the truth or are this just another dead end?

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General HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerNelle BensonNina Reeves
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  • Rosemarie Hale

    Perhaps Nelle got the necklace from Shiloh. Willow could have left it amongst her things or it was with Willow’s Mother, Harmony’s things at Dawn of Day. When Shiloh married Nelle in prison he gave it to her in lieu of a ring. Willow may not know about the necklace… only Harmony does and she would not have an occasion to see it on Nelle. Thoughts?

  • LovemyGH

    Is it possible that (god forbid) Shiloh was Nina's son? I would rather see Brando be the missing child since he is alive and well. That would open up lots of different story's to explore, but being a soap anything could happen!

  • lbc

    I have been suggesting that Madeline lied even before Sasha showed up. There has been too much time invested in whether or not Nina/Willow is the daughter in my opinion for it too be either. In fact, I would be elated if the child is a boy.

  • Guest

    It would make for an interesting twist–there are 3 possible daughters–Willow, Sasha and Nelle…..yuck!! None of them make for a decent story. And, with the inception of Nina overstepping her bounds as puke Grandma and telling a toddler who can't understand anything but "You're not my real mommy!!" and getting very upset and scared……how inappropriate was that?! It just seem that she's a bad apple and even if it was Nelle–or a criminal son–quite possibly Peter–well it just proves that the apple; very bad apple does not fall far from the tree!! Serves her right!!!!!

  • Guest

    Did ANYONE notice recently just after Carly tried to put the 'fake' necklace into Avery's things at the castle and she dropped one, not knowing which–Nicholas caught her–but when Nina recently put the pieces of the 2 necklaces together, it was soooo obvious that the 2 did not fit?! Not unless she liked one side higher than the other!! It was not covered very well. Apparently, Carly succeeded in the job………AND she either tried not to notice, or they realized the mistake with properties. However, as a properties mistress, and knowing those things are a dime a dozen, unless they are bought in pairs, Nina, has THE WRONG HALF!! I'M SICK TO DEATH OF HER CARRYING ON ABOUT NELLE TOO!! There would have been no changing her no matter what!!

  • Guest

    If you're wondering how the real life overdose deaths could have occurred with fentanyl and carfentanil well, this came from the drug pushers. They deal in all sorts of junk, mostly heroin cut with the other two, making them so deadly that 6-8 shots of narcan or someone who has touched the patient who overdosed, they can suffer the same fate. I am a medic with pharmacology expertise.

  • Guest

    Can we get enough of Nina whining and crying plus changing the narrative about her 30 plus old "daughter" who may not even be her blood?! Enough already!! I'd rather have my gums scraped with a sharp tool. I was beginning to think that Alexis's drinking story might begetting a bit out of hand but that is the reality of an alcoholic who falls off the wagon over emotional concerns. The reason I know this is because my aunt married a man with alcoholism in the family. Her middle son was a raving alcoholic and when his mother passed a few years ago, though he was not that stable, but was kind of holding his own, he fell hard off the wagon and he went through his inheritance and monthly stipend for being an alcoholic, and his older brother was his caretaker—long distance. St. Louis police had the unfortunate job of calling his brother to tell my oldest cousin in that family and informing him that his brother had died. Not only that, he had been dead in an abandoned building for about a week.

    That's another issue with the cult I had……the leader claimed to have a prescription for Carphentynal WITH REFILLS!!!!!!!!! That's a large animal tranquilizer and NEVER PRESCRIBED FOR ANIMALS, LET ALONE HUMANS!!!!!! Therefore, there would be no reason for REFILLS!!!! Outside of hospital inpatient setting, a patient is NEVER prescribed FENTYNAL, LET ALONE WITH REFILLS. I thought this was extremely irresponsible of the show to NOT HAVE DONE RESEARCH.

  • Guest

    this is yet Another storyline gone on so long, who cares !

  • Diane

    I don’t care about who Nina child is her and Willard is getting along now I think that beautiful how she used to treat her I beginning to like Willard again I hope it her what if spinelli her son let give him a storyline

  • Diane

    I wish it was Peter I’m hoping it Spinelli that would’ve nice give him a storyline

  • Guest

    I want to know who’s writing this drivel. most What they say never even comes to pass. Also the spelling is so bad and also the way the words being used an English teacher would have a field day with this it’s so amateurish I think they need new writers.

  • Guest

    At this point I could careless who her child is. Nelle Willow boy or girl. Who cares. They have beat this to the ground

  • Martha J. Yurick

    A Son would be great.
    Go for it. Makes me happy.

  • Guest

    I Hope That Nutso NINA
    Has A Son, & Then Pack's
    Up Her PATHETIC Need
    To Find Her Child & Hit
    The Road. And It Would
    She Finds Him, He Wants
    Nothing To Do With Her,
    & He Asks Her To Leave
    & Don't Let The Door
    NINA Doesn"t DESERVE
    A Child Who Will Love
    Her, She Causes CHAOS
    & Is TOXIC. And The
    Best Part If She Has
    A Son, NINA Has NO
    Every Body In PC WIN'S
    Then Her AUNT LEISL
    Can Come In & Commit
    HOSPITAL Where Dhe's
    Always Belonged.

  • Guest

    NP, NINA Needs A
    SON Not A Daughter,
    Have Any Ties To Any
    COUSIN) Let Her Hit The
    Road To Go Look For Him.
    And When She Does,
    He SLAMS His Door In
    Her Face, When She
    Comes Back With Just
    A Name & Feels Down
    & Defeated She'll Find
    Family Ties To WILEY &
    A Restraing Order On
    Her Desk At Crimson To
    Stay Away From The
    & A PINK SLIP Stating
    She Was Absent To Long
    They Hired MAXIE To
    Take Her Place, & She
    Has Nothing To Keep
    Her In PC. That Would
    JUSTICE For All The
    Trouble & Chaos
    NINA Has Caused
    Since She Came Out
    Of Her COMA.